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How to do CREATE for tables with foreign key in ASP.NET C#

{ "FacilityID":"18c9aebb-0874-4fc2-900e-48f6b192797f", "FacilityRoomNumber":102, "FacilityPurpose":"DSFDSF", "LabTypeID":"...
huh's user avatar
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1 answer

Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type int and string

public void Delete() { try { string m = Request.QueryString["m"]; Chef tbl = db.chefs.SingleorDefault(x => x.ChefId == m); } catch() { } } Doing CRUD ...
Shubham Yadav's user avatar
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ASP.NET 6 input validation: unique column on create - but validation problem on update

I have a table with key Id, and have a unique column (Name). When creating a new row, the Name must be unique. I created a custom validator. public class UniqueNameValidationAttribute : ...
Sandor.Oros's user avatar
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2 answers

Best way to do large CRUD operations

I'm working on an application where I need to get large amount of data from a database, do some data manipulation and then insert the data in another database. However, I am struggling to find the ...
Glacierdk's user avatar
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How to make an insert form and a table displaying data from database in a single view in MVC5 using Entity Framework

List and create in same view in mvc5 with EF I need to display the data in grid after submitted users details: simply I have Form: name , city @Create Table @Index
naresh nagaraj1996's user avatar
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How do I prevent a duplicate entry for a Create/Edit Functionality in ASP.NET Core w/ EF?

I am trying to prevent a user from creating a form with a FirstName, LastName, and DOB that match an entry in the database and editing a form to match an existing entry. If you could also lead me to ...
Morgan's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Entity Framework : boolean value is true

How can I set the default value of a boolean to false in Entity Framework in .NET Core. Thank you public class CategoryVM { public CategoryVM() { isOpen = false; Products = ...
Jaser's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

ASP.NET MVC crud operation with Entity Framework and AngulaJs and Web API

I have to build a website in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJs, Entity Framework and Web API. Please help to do this crud operation in this, please guide me. To perform crud operations..
Afaq Ahmad's user avatar
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MVC Validation - Issue checking DB records for matching values before posting

Hi everyone I cant seem to figure out how to check a record before creating a new post in MVC When a user creates a "SuperMember" I want it to check IF that "Character" has already ...
MrBlaze's user avatar
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1 answer

Id vs Object as parameters in Delete HTTP Post. Which is better?

I am trying to implement a simple CRUD using Core as a beginner. My issue is with an HTTP post called DeletePlayer(). Please consider my code below: Model: public class Player { public int ...
HeyLameRobin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create login and user for Entity Framework with limited permissions

I dont want to give sa or windows auth account to Entity Framework. What i want is a limited login and user for CRUD operations and whatever Entity Framework needs else. Thanks for any help.
user3166024's user avatar
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How to get data get from multiple tables and update using EF

I have successfully inserted data into two tables which are working fine. Now I am just stuck as to how I can get the details from both tables and update them. After inserting, I want to query both ...
IT Forward's user avatar
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Issue with Entity Framework, the table or view does not have a primary key

I have a small crud app in ASP.NET MVC using Entity Framework, everything works fine, only that I was asked to use a view to add to the crud. In any case this view does not have a primary key and when ...
Cristhian Coria 's user avatar
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How do you create a MVC view for navigation properties (one to many, many to many)

I have two ASP.NET MVC EF entities sharing an association: When I am editing or creating the User, I'd like to be able to attach one or more UserRoles. So, my User Create view looks like this: @model ...
Lou's user avatar
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Error C1061 "... does not contain a definition for 'TextBox_TextChanged' ......." update SQL Server database with Entity Framework

I have a database table Doctor which contains columns code_doctor (varchar), name (varchar), gender (varchar), salary (int). I want to implement CRUD in this database, using Entity Framework. But, ...
Lin's user avatar
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Database/Models structure

I am new in web development and trying to learn on my small project but got stuck with the database/model structure. Web application is for buying/selling new/second hand products(Cars, Real estate, ...
Marino Kilic's user avatar
2 votes
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C# ERROR CS7036 Entity Framework and stored procedures

I am trying to do a crud with Entity Framework and stored procedures in SQL Server, I have difficulties with the save method and the modify method. I get the following error when I try to assign my ...
Felipe Torres's user avatar
62 votes
26 answers

An error occurred while accessing the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting services when do first migrations

I don't understand what wrong. I tried to make a simple crud in .net core mvc with a very simple model which has few fields. These are my models: public class Employee { [Key] public ...
 cickness's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Use Different CRUD Submit Button in Same View in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core

I manage the read, update and delete process from a database through Entity Framework Core via three different buttons in a Razor page structure on ASP.NET Core. I'm sending a class to a .cshtml page ...
drakislow's user avatar
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System.InvalidOperationException while trying paging

When I try Index view is giving me this error Can anybody tell me what to do about it "The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[MvcCRUDSearching....
Jay's user avatar
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How to communicate model attributes and/or data annotation to a vue.js

I'm using DotNet, Entity framework and Vue.js. The missing puzzle piece is this: I'd like my Vue.js to be able to read/know the attributes I've applied to/in my models. Let's suppose I have models ...
Frédéric Jean-Germain's user avatar
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Example of CRUD operations on classes with many-to-many relationship | Entity Framework Core

Suppose I have the following class with Many-To-Many relationship to itself: public class A { public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public ICollection<A> ...
GioGio's user avatar
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The advice on the simplification of the functions

I have an entity Contracts like this: public partial class Contracts { public Contracts() { ListKindWorks = new HashSet<ListKindWorks>(); ListSubjects = new HashSet<...
user avatar
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134 views Entity Data model - Crud issues

Im new to Entity Data Model. I need some advice as I'm getting confused trailing round the web looking for answers. So I have an existing MS SQL DB with 2.5m+ records. The standard SQL data ...
ZacW's user avatar
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How to send LIST while i'm doing "Modified" in mvc

Firstly one i have a Edit method in controller and 3 values are coming to my "questionList" parameter from view. I want to use this method for "Modified" operation with this list which has 3 values ...
Furkan Güllü's user avatar
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Best way to handle complex entities (relational) with Generic CRUD functions

I have tried using this generic functions to insert-update Entities but I always thought that maybe I am doing this totally wrong so therefore I would like to have your opinions/suggestions. These ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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What's the differences between EntityState.Added and Add()?

I'm recently using this to add entity EF to my DB: ctx.Entry(payment).State = payments.ID == 0 ? EntityState.Added : EntityState.Modified; Instead of the common: ctx.Payments.Add(payments); The ...
markzzz's user avatar
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EF Entry doesn't take care about deleted items?

I'm doing some CRUD operations from my model (ASP.NET MVC) to my Database, using Entity Framework. Here how I Add/Update my entities, within the Action of my Controller, mapping the ViewModel to Model:...
markzzz's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a dependent dropdown in MVC c#

I have created a single dropdown using ViewBag function . I want to pass id of selected option(in dropdown) in such that the dropdown populates which corresponds to that id . dropdown 1 being States ...
Anurag's user avatar
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Updating a single value in a database

I'm trying to update a value in an existing row of a database but I can't seem to get the changes to stick. the code in my controller currently looks like this: [HttpPost] public ...
rubidge96's user avatar
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2 votes
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Many To Many Relationships in EF Core

I have two entities with many to many relationships in my .NET Core project: Book: public class Book { [Key] public int BookId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ...
Mikhail Kostiuchenko's user avatar
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How to load an object from the database (Entity Framework)

For this simple User class public partial class Users { public long Id { get; set; } public string User { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } I have ...
fedeteka's user avatar
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Entity Framework auto-determination whether to update or create entity

I'm new to EF. After searching hours on the internet I want to ask my question in here. Is there really no built-in mechanism in EF to determine, whether to update or create an entity? Suppose I ...
Doe's user avatar
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ASP.Net MVC - Many to Many CRUD

I'm new in ASP.NET MVC and I'm having a few problems with Many to Many CRUD. I need to create a N:N between two tables and create an entry before the two types are created. I have the following code: ...
Ricardo Nishizaki's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC when remove shopping cart from database?

I made a shopping cart through this example. The question is, when the user adds the products to the cart and stores it in the database, but does not log in or register and leave the site, then when ...
Farhad Mortezapour's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

SYMFONY -- Generate CRUD: entity doesn't exist but already created

I'm having trouble to generate a CRUD for my entity. [[RuntimeException] Entity "Post" does not exist in the "PlatypusBundle" bundle. You may have mistyped the bundle name or maybe the entity doesn'...
Laura Fontaine's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Implementing MVC design pattern with Repositories and Mapping, C#

I have a problem with implementing the CRUD operations by using repositories, view models, and mapping in my ASP.Net MVC project. The "details"(read the information about one object) and "index"(read ...
Geya's user avatar
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Basic F# / Entity Framework / Generic Functions

I'm a complete beginner when it comes to development, so apologies in advance for my poor grasp of the terminology here... I'm trying to create a number of very simple unrelated tables in a SQL ...
Tom Ell's user avatar
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Deleting records from nested tables MVC 5

I am having trouble with deleting from 3 nested tables that I have. When I try and delete a record from the first table, it gives me an error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The DELETE ...
Eyad's user avatar
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Why is my (id == null) returning null on my update method in Entity Framework MVC?

Ok, so I've posted a few things that I'm doing with this project. I'm still learning. Anyway, my controller when it is calling the view for my update method. I'm getting null for the id parameter. I ...
HanSolo0001's user avatar
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Entity Framework 6 Updating a record manually

I am using EF 6 with WPF. Since I have to work with lots of DataSets, I have to use AsNoTracking() with the queries. Thus, updating any of the entries is now a responsibility of the ViewModel. I am ...
Sabyasachi Mukherjee's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I store the current time to my database when create button clicked?

I am making a CRUD operations in MVC. I am also using Entity Framework.I am showing the user only 12 value of table(there is also currenttime(createDateTime) value which user cant see till they create)...
Mert Kaya's user avatar
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Update mutiple records in database MVC 5 EF

Good evening, Now I'll describe my situation: Here is my Model: [Table("Items")] public class Item { [Key] public string Id { get; set; } public DateTime Generated { get; set; } ...
Archil Labadze's user avatar
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How to use RemoveRange with 1-query-approach Entity Framework 6

I look for a way of executing RemoveRange() with 1-query-approach. With Remove() method it works like this: public void Delete() { Record record = new Record() { id = 1, value = 5 ...
Vitalii Isaenko's user avatar
22 votes
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Why use Attach for update Entity Framework 6?

While searching for the best practivies of performing CRUD operation via EF I noticed that it is highly recommended to use Attach() or Find() methods before updating an entity. It works well and ...
Vitalii Isaenko's user avatar
1 vote
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Can We Auto-generate Controllers and Views Using Dapper

I am working with dapper with c# and mssql . Is there any way that we can autogenerate Controllers and views with dapper as we do with EF. I thought DapperExtensions will work as they specified A ...
techbhalla videosgeek's user avatar
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Entity not being saved, DbUpdateException was unhandled

First of all, please note I´ve been checking other questions like this: Unable to update the EntitySet - because it has a DefiningQuery and no <UpdateFunction> element exist but none of them ...
stack man's user avatar
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Entity: ForeignKey object is always null

I have a problem (some kind of "two-faced" because in first example code works, in second - not). When I use Create function for Category, field "RootCategory" autofill by Category-object with ...
V.R.'s user avatar
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MVC Master-Detail CRUD [duplicate]

I'm starting with MVC and i have some basic questions that maybe you can orient me a little bit: I'm Using MVC5 with Razor and EntityFramework 6. No AngularJS skills here. I have a classic Master-...
Ariel's user avatar
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How to add new row to table, using existing row data in EF6?

Using EF6. I'm calling a method on my context instance: var usr = context.Get<User>("Doe"); As I've seen in debug mode, my usr variable stores a link to User class instance. And this instance ...
klutch1991's user avatar