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Yocto makes DHCP request when configured with static IP

I recently took over a project, where a linux image is built with yocto. I updated the layer references to the newest version in dunfell (they were stuck in november 2020) and implemented the ...
Jeanot Zubler's user avatar
-1 votes
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connman network instability

I posted to [email protected], but it bounced back that email list could not be delivered. What is going on with connman mailing list? Is it still active? I am running connman version 1.37, it ...
user157912's user avatar
-1 votes
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I programmatically need to notice when connman has processed its config file (and has set an IP or not)

How can I wait in my user space program until connman has finished the network configuration on Linux booting? (Unfortunately, this is not Wants=connman.service.) After systemd service connman is up, ...
falkb's user avatar
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DHCP server does not include NTP server addresses in the DHCP ACK message

I am capturing DHCP packets with tcpdump. The client sends a DHCP request asking for the DHCP configuration which contains a request for NTP servers but in the DHCP ACK message sent by the router ...
jap jap's user avatar
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1 answer

why connman ipv4 settings are having dhcp by default

I am using yocto rocko for my board I was setting static ip using rc.local at startup .But after some time ip gets changed. So i found that following file is culprit /var/lib/connman/ethernet_*_cable/...
Sam A's user avatar
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1 answer

connmand add and removing routes

I have a connman daemon running on arm busybox linux with connman managing its networking. Also I have ipsec tunnel to a private network. My problem is connman keeping deleting and add routings of ...
Gavin Yap's user avatar
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eth0 interface doesn't connect if the cable is plugged after the boot

I have a C# .net application running in my own embedded custom linux distro generated by buildroot tool, my hardware is a FriendlyArm4412. I use eth0 interfaces to connect my application to the ...
Guilherme Ramalho's user avatar
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Setting WiFi on Linux platforms using wpa_supplicant vs connmanctl?

I have observed some linux distribution have /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf which can be configured to setup WiFi. On the other hand some distributions have connmanctl utility/tool. Where ...
Tonu's user avatar
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1 answer

Trouble connecting with Connman using dbus, but only the first time

I've been trying to use various Python libraries for working with Connman and the dbus, particularly this sample code: The problem I ...
Andrew Langley's user avatar
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connmanctl command(RegisterAgent) is not working via dbus

I can connect to open wifi via "connmanctl" using dbus via Qt,. I would like to connect secured wife using connmanctl via dbus. there is an API to regiser an agent( interactive mode, to enter ...
Ashif's user avatar
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How to set ethernet interface MAC address with connman

I have an embedded system that requires me to pull a MAC address out of flash and pass it to the Ethernet interface at the time it is brought up. Traditionally I have modified the call to ifconfig in ...
Joe's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to set static IP address using connman for wifi network

I'm trying to set a static IP(manual, no dhcp) address for wifi network using connmanctl. I'm running angstrom linux. I get the following: connmanctl connmanctl> config wifi_"HASH"_managed_psk --...
Giovanni Bauermeister's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Backing up connman settings on linux

I am tasked to do backup and restore for networking settings on linux which uses ConnMan. Is it possible for me to do so by copying settings inside /var/lib/connman and place them in the same folder ...
Nur's user avatar
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connman: Auto-Connecting to multiple Ethernet interfaces at a time

Quite easy use-case: I have two Ethernet interfaces which should both be connected using DHCP. It does not matter which one the default route is, since it is just a dedicated proof-of-concept setup. ...
Sebastian Vogel's user avatar
16 votes
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What does RTNL mean?

I am looking at the Connection Manager (ConnMan) source code, which is a tool for Linux(-like) systems to manage networks. One of the (undocumented) source files has the vague naming rtnl.c. Does ...
erikbstack's user avatar
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