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2 answers

Error connecting to WiFi using connman on a IMX8mp board

I have an IMX8MP board running a Yocto Poky build image. It's running a small HTTP server in order for a user to input an SSID_NAME and a PASSPHRASE. Once the server receives those, I want to connect ...
zetacu's user avatar
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I tried to register agent to connect with private network but not working [DBUS-CONNMAN-DART]

static Future<void> RegisterAgent(DBusObjectPath path) async { var introspectable = OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable(dbus, 'net.connman', DBusObjectPath('/')); try { await ...
Mathav's user avatar
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0 answers

Connect wifi service with dbus-native

I am working on a project in the Node.js environment that via dbus-native interfaces with Connman. What I need to do is create some code that allows it to connect to a secure wifi network. I went to ...
Andrea Mafficini's user avatar
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Connman wireless access point - notification on failed connection

We are currently setting up a Wireless access-point in our device using connman, with out own connman agent (implemented in C++) providing passphrase and SSID. This works quite well. What I'm ...
Bjorn Rudolfsson's user avatar
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Duplicate wifi services

I am using Connman on a Yocto embedded linux distribution. When I run connmanctl services I see a list of my wifi services. However, I see 2 services for each one... connmanctl> services my-access-...
Logan's user avatar
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Agent interface methods won't be called when connecting to the protected network in DBus

I am developing an application to connect to secure WiFi networks using the Connman DBus API. I have read that I need to register an object that implements the net.connman.Agent interface so that DBus ...
Alvov1's user avatar
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How to perform a connectivity check without HTTP

At the moment our IOT device use the connman for our network connection. Connman periodically makes a connectivity check over HTTP. Now, we are not allowed to use HTTP anymore. Do you have any advice ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Yocto makes DHCP request when configured with static IP

I recently took over a project, where a linux image is built with yocto. I updated the layer references to the newest version in dunfell (they were stuck in november 2020) and implemented the ...
Jeanot Zubler's user avatar
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Connect to the WPA2 WiFi network using C++ DBus Connman

Is it possible to connect to the protected network by its's SSID and password using C++ DBus library? I could not find any similar code examples over the internet. I want to do something very similar ...
Alvov1's user avatar
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How to pass a DBus variant to Qt's QDBusInterface::call

I am trying to send the following message to Connman over Qt 5.12's DBus API: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=net.connman / net.connman.Manager.SetProperty string:"OfflineMode" ...
Logan's user avatar
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Catching and responding to the Connman 'RequestInput' method call with QtDBus

I'm building a simple Qt-based application for monitoring and connecting to WiFi networks. I'm interfacing with Connman via its D-Bus APIs, and am able to scan for available networks, turn on/off ...
jars121's user avatar
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Simplest way to host a static webpage in AWS with a single case-sensitive response header

I'm trying to create a simple webpage for a ConnMan connectivity check from some embedded devices. This library is very finicky about certain things. The body must be: <html>\n<head>\n</...
Mike Robinet's user avatar
-1 votes
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connman network instability

I posted to [email protected], but it bounced back that email list could not be delivered. What is going on with connman mailing list? Is it still active? I am running connman version 1.37, it ...
user157912's user avatar
3 votes
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Connman does not seem to start a DHCP server

I am creating a USB gadget with Yocto, which loads the gadget kernel modules and is recognized by my host as a network interface (usb0). On the gadget, I have connman installed and running. I am using ...
JonasVautherin's user avatar
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finding network connection type using the library connman (connection manager) and function connman_service_get_type

I want to write a c code to display the network connection type in ubuntu.I found a library called connman (connection manager) and also i got a function connman_service_get_type for getting the ...
Athira GS's user avatar
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2 answers

Dubs Connman wifi connect Qt

I'am working on an imx6, and i'am trying to connect to a wifi network through Dbus with a Qt application. The application connect correctly to connman via Dbus and i recieve correctly the wifi ...
hrabi ahmed's user avatar
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What is the right way to register RequestInput function to ConnMan?

I'm implementing C application which should be capable of connecting to external Wi-Fi protected access points using ConnMan via GDbus. So far I dig up that the Agent must be registered with ...
Vladyslav Pysarenko's user avatar
4 votes
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Accessing iwd dbus interface from python

I am trying to use python3 dbus package to control wireless on an embedded Linux target (mips MT7628, if it matters). System is most likely set up correctly because I have iwd + dhclient up-and-...
ZioByte's user avatar
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Switching WiFi connection fails with dbus timeout

When we try to switch wifi network through the sd_bus_call_method(...) interface the call fails with a dbus timeout message. First disconnecting from the current wifi and connecting does work however ...
William Durocher's user avatar
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Connect to connman service using the first field rather than the second

Given the following table $ connmanctl services *AO MyNetwork wifi_dc85de828967_68756773616d_managed_psk OtherNET wifi_dc85de828967_38303944616e69656c73_managed_psk ...
Enlico's user avatar
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I programmatically need to notice when connman has processed its config file (and has set an IP or not)

How can I wait in my user space program until connman has finished the network configuration on Linux booting? (Unfortunately, this is not Wants=connman.service.) After systemd service connman is up, ...
falkb's user avatar
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Using 'connmanctl config' to set static IP without wired connection

I am currently using 'connmanctl config' to set static and DHCP settings with a wired connection. I'm curious if anyone has been successful with applying settings with the wire unplugged? I would ...
user7274586's user avatar
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g_signal_connect on proxy handler results in callback GVariant * data uninitialized

I'm pretty much following the example on in order to set up Connman signal callbacks on dbus, however in my ...
Tyler Cox's user avatar
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DHCP server does not include NTP server addresses in the DHCP ACK message

I am capturing DHCP packets with tcpdump. The client sends a DHCP request asking for the DHCP configuration which contains a request for NTP servers but in the DHCP ACK message sent by the router ...
jap jap's user avatar
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why connman ipv4 settings are having dhcp by default

I am using yocto rocko for my board I was setting static ip using rc.local at startup .But after some time ip gets changed. So i found that following file is culprit /var/lib/connman/ethernet_*_cable/...
Sam A's user avatar
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connmand add and removing routes

I have a connman daemon running on arm busybox linux with connman managing its networking. Also I have ipsec tunnel to a private network. My problem is connman keeping deleting and add routings of ...
Gavin Yap's user avatar
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eth0 interface doesn't connect if the cable is plugged after the boot

I have a C# .net application running in my own embedded custom linux distro generated by buildroot tool, my hardware is a FriendlyArm4412. I use eth0 interfaces to connect my application to the ...
Guilherme Ramalho's user avatar
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Setting WiFi on Linux platforms using wpa_supplicant vs connmanctl?

I have observed some linux distribution have /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf which can be configured to setup WiFi. On the other hand some distributions have connmanctl utility/tool. Where ...
Tonu's user avatar
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How to parse "a(oa{sv})" dbus type?

I am parsing the response to "net.connman.Manager.GetServices" function, which looks like this: <method name="GetServices"> <arg name="services" type="a(oa{sv})" direction="out"/> <...
BЈовић's user avatar
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Trouble connecting with Connman using dbus, but only the first time

I've been trying to use various Python libraries for working with Connman and the dbus, particularly this sample code: The problem I ...
Andrew Langley's user avatar
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connmanctl command(RegisterAgent) is not working via dbus

I can connect to open wifi via "connmanctl" using dbus via Qt,. I would like to connect secured wife using connmanctl via dbus. there is an API to regiser an agent( interactive mode, to enter ...
Ashif's user avatar
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libconnman-qt connect to wifi

Hi currently I am working on project that require to connect to wifi and I am using libconnman-qt. Everything goes well (enable/disable wifi, list of wifi), until I found a problem to connect to the ...
Apin's user avatar
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How to set DHCP using connman for ethernet network

I usually used connman to set static IP to my beaglebone hardware using below command: connmanctl config ethernet_985dad375f63_cable --ipv4 manual How do I set ...
Avadhana Technologies's user avatar
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Connman agent RequestInput loop

I am implementing a connman DBUS client using glib. I've implemented net.connman.Agent DBUS server. But when I try to connect to some net.connman.Service the method RequestInput of my Agent is called ...
xXx_CodeMonkey_xXx's user avatar
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Issue with connmactl in beaglebone green wireless

I have connected my beaglebone green wireless to internet with connmactl but i have to do this to achieve it. ubuntu@arm:~$ connmanctl Error getting VPN connections: The name net.connman.vpn was not ...
Daniel Ramirez Brescia's user avatar
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Connman dbus, connect to protected wifi networks

I wanted to connect to a wifi protected network using connman dbus service. I could able to connect to open networks using dbus-send commands, but for protected network, I cant connect directly, and I ...
Tarun Govind Keshav's user avatar
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Clojure establishing multiple database connections

We have a Clojure web application that is used by multiple projects (>20) that have multiple users logging in simultaneously. All projects have their own MySQL database. We have tried to figure out a ...
Dr Ljotsson's user avatar
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connman Connect to Service: DBus UnknownMethod

I wrote a simple Python script to register an Agent and to connect to a connman Service: #!/usr/bin/python import gobject import dbus import dbus.service import dbus.mainloop.glib class Agent(dbus....
Mark's user avatar
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Connman without any user interaction

I'm trying to use Connman to manage the WiFi connection of my embedded system because it handles automagically any type of protection. In interactive mode it's very simple: connmanctl agent on scan ...
Mark's user avatar
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Connman switch back to prefered network when back online

I would like to use ConnMan in an embedded system. It seems that it provides most of the features I'm looking for including 3G and VPN management. But after some research it seems that there is maybe ...
Florent's user avatar
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Channel configuration in connman

I am trying to establish a Wi-Fi access point. I tried using hostapd and connman. In hostapd I am able to configure channel number in hostapd.conf, whereas in the case of connman there is no parameter ...
Nerdy's user avatar
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How to set ethernet interface MAC address with connman

I have an embedded system that requires me to pull a MAC address out of flash and pass it to the Ethernet interface at the time it is brought up. Traditionally I have modified the call to ifconfig in ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to include recipe for another image in Yocto

I would like to include the following recipe in a non quemu image through a bbappend file. How do I override the SRC_URI_append_quemuall?
Michal Koziel's user avatar
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How to set static IP address using connman for wifi network

I'm trying to set a static IP(manual, no dhcp) address for wifi network using connmanctl. I'm running angstrom linux. I get the following: connmanctl connmanctl> config wifi_"HASH"_managed_psk --...
Giovanni Bauermeister's user avatar
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Enable Bluetooth Adapter for BeagleBone Black

I recently bought a USB 2.0 Bluetooth Adapter. It claims to have support from Linux kernels of versions 3.4 and higher. I have a BeagleBone Black with Debian GNU/Linux 7 image and kernel 3.8. I am ...
Thomas Hsieh's user avatar
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connman network manager in enlightenment

I am able to install Enlightenment on Ubuntu 14.04 as well as Connman network manager but unable to start EConnman in Enligntenment. It returns with following error: Traceback (most recent call last):...
arshpreet's user avatar
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Node dbus-native - Passing Passphrase while connecting to WiFi service using connMan

Hi I have been having this problem for the last couple of days, while trying to connect to a protected WiFi network using dbus. So the code I have developed so far is: Register Agent var dbus = ...
Philip's user avatar
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ConnMan running from within the source code repository

I have just cloned the ConnMan repo from and followed the instructions from the HACKING text file. Basically I've issued the following commands: ...
adrian.nicolau's user avatar
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Backing up connman settings on linux

I am tasked to do backup and restore for networking settings on linux which uses ConnMan. Is it possible for me to do so by copying settings inside /var/lib/connman and place them in the same folder ...
Nur's user avatar
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3 answers

Wait for connman to finish configuring the network in a sytemd system

Is there any way to configure a systemd service (e.g. serviceX) to wait for the connmand service to finish configuring network interfaces prior to serviceX running ? From what I understand of systemd, ...
Alex Marshall's user avatar