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Relocation truncated to fir error with pgi and gcc compilers

I am getting an error with gcc(7.2.0) and also pgi(18.4) compilers. There is a scientific application (in fortran) that I am compiling that has some dependencies. These dependencies are compiled with -...
Vineet's user avatar
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Force linker / C compiler to include defined but unused inline functions?

My project consists of one .c file and a math library in one .h file, with all functions declared inline. Not every function in the math library is used in the main program. These functions are not ...
japreiss's user avatar
  • 11.3k
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ld: library not found for -lX11

1 CC = g++ 2 FLAGS = -g -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES -I./glm -Wall 3 LDFLAGS = -lX11 -lpthread So I have these in my Makefile but I get the error ld: library not found for -lX11 clang: error: linker ...
penguindrum's user avatar
-1 votes
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gcc won't let me 'just compile' c source after addition of source files

I'm writing a program that looks roughly like this: Some main code in src/ Some code in Demo1/ I compile Demo1's stuff into .o , then .so, and use that .so in the creation of the main ...
Daniel_Bogorad's user avatar
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Can't make executable portable

I made a little c++ program with this library: I compile with: g++ -o arp arp.cpp -ltins It runs fine (Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit), however if i send the executable to a friend, he ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Is there any way to override the -fvisibility=hidden at link time?

We are using an third party static library, let say A.a for android development. We link it as shared library and it works fine in the one App, but when use to build another, some symbols in ...
ZijingWu's user avatar
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Compiler flags in Eclipse

My build requires that I issue the following commands: $ g++ sniff.cpp -o sniff -lcrafter However, in my Eclipse build, all the complier gets is: g++ -o "sniffer_crafter" ./src/sniffer_crafter.o ...
amoeba's user avatar
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Reordering gnu autotools linker flags

I'm using gnu autotools with my project in C++ (the autotools config is automatically generated by eclipse cdt, but this does not matter i think). I'm using LLVM libs and right now I'm facing a ...
Wojciech Danilo's user avatar