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angular project built with SystemJs loader and commonjs module can not use angular 12 library created with angular cli

I created a library with angular 12. the library is using templateUrl. I published the library to npm. I created another application with angular cli that uses this library and have no problem. now I ...
uriel twito's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Calling typescript function from HTML using a module system

I would like to call a TypeScript (ultimetely JavaScript) function from HTML. The Problem is that I would also like to use a module System (systemjs, commonjs etc.) and also webpack. Here is an ...
Thomas Sparber's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

why require need .js extension while importing js file

I am trying to implement CommonJS patten using below link I am getting error file not found error why ? here is my code ...
naveen's user avatar
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1 answer

SystemJS: Fetch error when not specifying .js when importing

I'm using TypeScript with module: "commonjs" and I can't seem to import exported classes. Let's say I've got an exported class Train, like so: export class Train {} Now I want to create an instance ...
Tom's user avatar
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Can I import from TS 2.x typings written in TS 1.x?

I started learning Typescript couple days ago, it's been quite confusing so far, especially with modules. I'm importing typings using npm install -s @types/knockout, but most of the typings ...
uzul's user avatar
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Can I export modules from FS?

In my models folder I have a lot of files like .. // Account.js module.exports = mongoose.model('Account', AccountSchema) ... // Rules.js module.exports = mongoose.model('Rules', RulesSchema) And in ...
ridermansb's user avatar
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Is there a way to rearrange JavaScript modules generated by the TypeScript compiler?

I have a TypeScript project, and the project structure is organized not unlike a typical Maven Java project. Below is more or less what the project structure looks like. . ├── gulpfile.js ├── index....
Jane Wayne's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

How to use UMD in browser without any additional dependencies

Suppose I have an UMD module like this (saved in 'js/mymodule.js'): (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : ...
Dorival's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Way to map a relative path to an absolute one in a SystemJS loader environment

I am using SystemJS loader (with commonJS modules, but that shouldn't be important), mostly to directly access components under node_modules. Now at runtime, is it possible to lookup the absolute ...
Dynalon's user avatar
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How to combine component relative paths and systemjs?

Component relative paths are a helpful tool. The reference example using displayed in angular's webpage is for commonjs. I'm using the angular2-express-starter package and i can't use ...
Hernan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Angular2 + webpack Uncaught ReferenceError: System is not defined

I've got the same issue like here: Why webpack bundled as 'System.register' I've build bundle.js with webpack and I am getting error: Uncaught ReferenceError: System is not defined my bundle.js ...'s user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Best module loader for angular 2? [closed]

I have went through couple of module loaders for JavaScript & Angular JS 1 AMD, requireJS, Browserify, JSPM, Webpack, SystemJS, CommonJS. Which one is the best module loader to use with angular 2 ?...
Sajith Mantharath's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Consume CommonJS Module Angular 2

I'm trying to write a simple Angular 2 application which consumes a CommonJS Node module (Node Yelp). Angular 2 by default uses SystemJS which has the ability to load different module formats. I ...
Barry Tormey's user avatar
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How to configure a bunch KarmaJS + JasmineJS + SystemJS?

The project tree - / src/ first-test.ts dest_es6/ first-test.js spec/ first-testSpec.js (import firstTest from 'first-test') ts compiled to es6, I write tests ...
oei 's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

SystemJS (angular2.0): Loading separate files vs minimize one big JS?

I am a little confused with regards to SystemJS, it seems it automatically loads files separately and doesn't compile and minimize these into one big js file. I thought the original idea was making ...
Martin's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I specify library dependencies using SystemJS?

Using SystemJS, how do I specify that one library depends on another? For example, the Bootstrap JavaScript library depends on jQuery. Based on the SytemJS docs, I assumed I would specify this ...
Nathan Friend's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Configure SystemJS to load my Angular 2 component

I am upgrading from ng1 to ng2. I added Angular 2 and successfully imported its modules: <script src=""></script> <script src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Yaniv Efraim's user avatar
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using systemjs on node.js (& Angular 2)

Say I have a foo.ts and app.ts as follows: foo.ts: export interface Foo { id: number; label: string; }; app.ts: import {Foo} from './foo' var myfoo: Foo = { "id": 1, "label": "One" }...
Ken's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

TypeScript and systemjs circle dependency

I have a problem with circle dependencies of modules: even.ts import { Odd } from './odd'; export class Even { log(){ return console.log(Odd); } } odd.ts import { Even }...
aspirisen's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to compile an Angular2 TypeScript application to a single file?

I realize that I can compile my application with tsc my_app.ts --target system and it will generate a SystemJS-wrapped file for each imported module, which is awesome, but it generates anonymous (...
Gray Fox's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

Typescript module systems on momentJS behaving strangely

I'm trying to use momentJs from typescript: depending on what module system I'm using to compile typescript, I find a different behaviour on how I can use momentJs. When compiling typescript with ...
nemenos's user avatar
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Problems resolving ts.d from systemjs

I'm using jspm and have installed a package. I have checked that the package.json defines 'main' and 'typings' since i have installed typescript 1.6 i expected to be able to import the typings at ...
dss's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Replace 'require' on Typescript bundle

I have a main TypeScript file with an import to another file like so: import './'; I use tsproject to compile my ts files into a single bundle and then use System JS in my html page like so: ...
Nicky's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to make it possible to use Typescript with SystemJS and Angular?

I'm trying to make SystemJS work with Typescript, but they seem to conflict with each other. How can I take advantage of the autoloading from System.js without it conflicting with keywords on ...
pocesar's user avatar
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