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2 answers

how to export a default function and default object

I would like to export as a default object and a default function such that I can use as: const config = require('./config') const url = config.url AND const config = require('./config') const url =...
Kevin Danikowski's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Leaflet spin with typescript

I'm trying to use leaflet spin with an ionic 3 - Angular project. I added the plugin and spin.js as mentioned in the readme but I was getting the error map.spin is not a function. Going through their ...
RBz's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Warning: 'chart.js'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts

ng2-charts.js depends on 'chart.js'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. For more info see:
akhilreddy's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Angular 10 - CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts

I've updated from angular 7.1.4 to 10. Now i receive strange warnings like this one: WARNING in C:\Sviluppo\Welcome\welcome-cloud-app\src\app\calendario-fasce\mese\mese.component.ts depends on src/...
Alessandro Perfetti's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Trying to understand what this JS function does and what its parameters are, can someone explain?

I'm reading through some code from a library I recently downloaded to do matrix math for WebGL. However, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what this function does. This comes from the ...
Louis Aldous's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I rewrite/repack code written for AMD to CommonJs without bundling it?

I have a project written for browser using AMD modules, now I need to run the same code in nodejs, so I need to rewrite each file into using CommonJs modules instead. I tried webpack, but it gives me ...
Trident D'Gao's user avatar
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nodejs developer using amd syntax?

I have already read the differences between commonjs, es6, amd modularities of many articles. This is not a question asking about the relations and differences between those above, meaning no ...
jwkoo's user avatar
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In Node v8 (v8.9.3 or above), commonjs require module create new context

We are working on templating library with helpers (Dust.js), the helper library has below design pattern inside the codebase. (function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && ...
Ashwin Hegde's user avatar
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2 answers

What does synchronous vs asynchronous loading mean?

Reading from this site, I understand that using commonjs means that when the browser finishes downloading your files, it will have to load them up 1 by 1 as they depend on each other. But with AMD, it ...
stackjlei's user avatar
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The state of Javascript module loading definition and module loaders

Has there being a winner now between all the module loading definition? CommonJS, AMD, UMD, ES6. And what about module loaders out there, which one is the one we should use? Angular-cli on ng4 use ...
Hao's user avatar
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6 votes
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What environment is expected by `if(typeof exports === 'object')` in UMD definition

Webpack generates the following UMD definition: (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { // this is CommonJS/Node if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module ===...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Best way of including commonjs modules in a project using requirejs

I using requirejs to manage the javascript files in my project. However, there are some external libraries I want to use that do not adhere to the AMD format. A library I want to include is barba.js. ...
mr_js's user avatar
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How do I know whether I'm using CommonJS, AMD, or neither?

I'm currently trying to include <script src=""></script> But when I load it I get: VM1613:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: d3 is not defined at <anonymous&...
Zee Fer's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What is CommonJS, AMD, WebPack, Browserify etc.?

I am working with javascript from past 4 years still not aware about below terminologies related to module. Could someone please explain these to me in easy language ? AMD CommonJS ES6 WebPack ...
Ankush Jain's user avatar
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Transpile Common JS modules to AMD with return statement

I have a commonjs module I need to transpile to the AMD / requirejs format to integrate it in a larger codebase. I am using gulp + babel to build, and so far I have tried using the babel plugin The ...
Carlo's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I use CommonJS + TypeScript and React without bundles?

I tried to use CommonJS + TypeScript and React, but I got stuck in the following problem in loading of the initial code: Index.html <script type="text/javascript"> function ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Wrap CommonJS 3rd party library as AMD module

I am trying to use a Node library with RequireJS, but I cannot make it AMD compatible. I use this library: It exports a function. Question is, how to wrap it as an ...
gdyrrahitis's user avatar
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Is Webpack approach more optimized than RequireJs (or another AMD)? [closed]

I've got one theoretical question: I'm developing using by Angular2 and Webpack and it works fine for me. But the native Angular2 uses RequireJs (or another asynchronous module definition) to load ...
user2617591's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

debundle single browser js code into original files

I have a js file with following structure: define("example/example", ["exports", "example/something", "example/other", "ex/sthg"], function(e, t, n, a, r) { e["default"] = {something: 'example'} ...
sneejkuu's user avatar
1 vote
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Why to use module bundlers over ES6 module?

Simple and maybe silly question. Isn't it that we have modules already in ES6? but we use module bundlers again. Is it all because of supporting issues ? They give us more options or something? ...
Hosein Barzegaran's user avatar
2 votes
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '[any AMD]' of undefined

Example scrollmagic module, but it happens with others too. I suspect it is for Babel but not sure. How can we reproduce this bug? Git clone ...
York Xtrem's user avatar
3 votes
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How does AMD behave differently than CommonJS

From what I can tell, the differences between CommonJS and AMD are simply that CommonJS requires a static bundle to be made so that all dependencies can be resolved before runtime whereas AMD allows ...
Dominic Farolino's user avatar
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2 answers

How to fetch modules from npm as standalone AMD/CommonJS modules

So, I'm not using Node or WebPack serverside, but would still like to use modules from npm every now and then. My clientside uses requirejs, so I would need the modules in either AMD (preferred) or ...
Seppo420's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Require.ensure() non-blocking

If we have different bundles created by webpack and we require.ensure something to dynamically transfer+eval it at a later point in time, it happens via jsonPadding and some webpack js magic. If we ...
jAndy's user avatar
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How to make webpack require work like script tag

So I have some JS libs I want to use at global scope (window). They are built with webpack I assume, where their dist code has something like module.exports=xxx If I put them as <script></...
LoveProgramming's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how can i compile the ts code to 'require(['somemodule'])

i'm confused if the ts export code always compile to a define call,like define['somemodules',function(module1){ //code }] i wanna get the javascript code like require['somemodules',function(...
Narro's user avatar
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File is not evaluated when `import`

There is a b.js const test = 'test'; console.log(test); module.exports = {test}; when importing a file const a = require('./b'); I notice that test is not printed out unless I change the name of ...
Hao's user avatar
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Do AMD apps load faster than CommonJS apps in the browser? [closed]

I have read quite a lot on those two subjects, but they still confuse me. From what I understand, AMD is generally a better choice for front-end applications, since it handles asynchronicity better. ...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What to use requirejs and when to use browserify?

I read quite a few articles about requirejs and browserify. In 2 lines if one asks me to define it I will say. AMD -> Client Side -> Implementaion : RequireJS -> asynchronous -> uese ...
csjoshi04's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Sharing TypeScript classes between client and server

I have a Node.js project written in TypeScript. In my project, I have a folder named "public" which contains the client side code & HTML and also a file named classes.ts which is supposed to be ...
Alon's user avatar
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2 answers

TypeScript: how to tell WebStorm to use CommonJS rather than AMD

I'm using WebStorm to build a Node.js app in TypeScript. When I write a "require" statement, the TypeScript compiler uses AMD. I know it by the js output with the asynchronous pattern. How can I tell ...
Alon's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

SystemJS (angular2.0): Loading separate files vs minimize one big JS?

I am a little confused with regards to SystemJS, it seems it automatically loads files separately and doesn't compile and minimize these into one big js file. I thought the original idea was making ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes
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Webpack: How can I create a loader for "webpack" which takes an array of dependencies?

For example, I use AMD definition in my project, and use "webpack" for project building. It's possible to create some loader which will take a dependencies in array format? define( [ '...
Volodymyr Shevchuk's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I specify library dependencies using SystemJS?

Using SystemJS, how do I specify that one library depends on another? For example, the Bootstrap JavaScript library depends on jQuery. Based on the SytemJS docs, I assumed I would specify this ...
Nathan Friend's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

How to stop babel from transpiling 'this' to 'undefined' (and inserting "use strict")

EDIT: This is not about fat arrows. It's also not about passing this to an IIFE. It's a transpiler-related question. So I've created a simple pub-sub for a little app I'm working on. I wrote it in ...
JR Halchak's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Define module with dependencies for AMD (requirejs) and Common.js (Node.js) and global scope

I'm trying to create a function that accessible with AMD, Common.js, and in the Global Scope. My one caveat is that it has dependancies. Require.js and global scope seem to be working fine but I can't ...
jwerre's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

ES6 module's "import" officially compatible with CommonJS and AMD?

From this article : It is written that The new standard is designed to interoperate with existing CommonJS and AMD modules. And more ...
Jecimi's user avatar
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Allowing a Javascript module (class) to be used with CommonJS, AMD or neither

I have created a simple Javascript module. I'd like this to be available to CommonJS implementations, AMD implementations and global () Here is my class: function Geolocation( callback ){ this....
Fraser's user avatar
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5 votes
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How do you author a module that is compatible with CommonJS, AMD and Browser in ES6 with Babel?

In normal ES5 if I want to author a package that could be use on either server side (via CJS, AMD, RequireJS) or browser, I would do something like this: (function(name, definition)){ if (typeof ...
Umayr's user avatar
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Webpack with ES6: module import policy

I noticed that in many sample projects with webpack & ES6 (also in my current) to import an external module require is sued instead of ES6's import. Is there any benefit from using require/module....
VB_'s user avatar
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Require dynamic module coming from server with webpack

We have an AMD application and in bootstrap script we do this define(['config', '...other dependencies'], function(config) { // do stuff with config }); where 'config' "module" is mapped to /...
Roman Kolpak's user avatar
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3 votes
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In Javascript AMD, why is it useful to define a module without a name?

A named module makes sense for me: define('myModule', ['dep1', 'dep2'], function (dep1, dep2) { //Define the module value by returning a value. return function () {}; }); When I want to use ...
Hanfei Sun's user avatar
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How to use ES6, AMD and CJS modules together with JSPM and system js?

I am trying JSPM, and consequently system JS, because I feel there is a lot of value in using ES6 features such as modules in my applications. However, I want to be able to manage my modules using CJS ...
rjbultitude's user avatar
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Integrating React to a build flow with module transpilation with Babel

I am currently having trouble with module transpilation with babel. when I am transpiling code to AMD modules with babel, I can make it work in browser by including requirejs library. But when I try ...
fklt's user avatar
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Converting CommonJS to AMD

I have a simple CommonJS module published on NPM and Bower that basically just looks like this: function Foo(){} module.exports = new Foo(); now the easiest way to convert to AMD format would ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
3 votes
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modular angularjs application commonJS vs AMD module syntax

I apologise in advance if the question has been already answered but I haven't been able to find anything relevant. I'm refactoring a fairly large AngularJS application, I'm creating components in ...
gabric's user avatar
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RequireJS with CommonJS modules

Using RequireJS with CommonJS modules, what happens when I do this: define(function(require, exports, module) { //Put traditional CommonJS module content here var simpleCommonJSModule = ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
1 vote
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TypeScript won't resolve module when import is used

// Modules/MyModule.ts -------------------------------- import fs = require("fs"); module Hello { export function World(): string { return "Hello World"; } } // Main/App.ts ----------...
Aurus's user avatar
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javascript dependency localization pattern

I am developing a JavaScript calculator plugin that does all the mathematical operations using bignumber as I see I can manage the dependency in two ways: Include with the code base the bignumber ...
borja gómez's user avatar
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Translate modular pattern example to CommonJS or AMD

I'm coming from a classical oop background and trying to grasp the new js modular systems. Anyway I'll still need classical things like private and public methods and variables, inheritance, ...
Nelson Teixeira's user avatar