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MIFARE Classic 1K How to locate the Value Block

Could someone help me identify the value blocks of a MIFARE Classic 1K card? I understand that the first 4 bytes contain the value in hexadecimal format, but I cannot identify which ones they are. I ...
Dante Ramirez's user avatar
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Issue Cloning Repository After SSH Key Change

I recently changed my GitHub SSH key and updated it in my GitHub account. Most of my private repositories are working fine, but I’m having trouble cloning a specific repository that I’ve contributed ...
Alzubair Mhmoud's user avatar
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Why does using structuredClone on an Object in mxGraph result in "Uncaught TypeError: terminal.insertEdge is not a function"

I'm trying to clone an Vertex object in mxgraph, to edit the coordinates without changing the original Vertex, but I get the Error "Uncaught TypeError: terminal.insertEdge is not a function"...
HallPl's user avatar
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Clone <div> and change id of img upload

So out of curiosity and teaching myself how to code I've decided to make a Twitter mimic. I've been doing decently well until now -- I'm trying to make it so you can hit the "clone tweet" ...
Lauren's user avatar
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Cloning project in Azure DevOps

I am trying to clone a project from one organization to another in Azure DevOps. We’ve been able to successfully clone within one org, but when we use same steps to clone between two organizations, it ...
aliya pichina's user avatar
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due to non-UTF-8 characters in the output during command execution, leading to decoding errors

1.I am building tmiv18.0 using the prebuild script provided by that project 2.when I run python I:\qyq\Encoder18\Workspace\tmiv\...
weigui qin's user avatar
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How to solve error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining fatal: early EOF

am trying to clone dhis2 source from a folked repository. am facing the error below Cloning into 'dhis2-android-capture-app'... remote: Enumerating objects: 169495, done. remote: Counting objects: 100%...
Jekap Jesman's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Why does changing a property of a reference variable in an object changes that object's memory address?

We have the Person class, with 3 variables, "firstName", "lastName" (both String) and "Address" address. Address class has 2 properties, "cityName" and "...
Art's user avatar
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1 answer

Firebase Commands on VS Code- Errors

I'm a beginner as a developer and I'm having trouble running a React app on Firebase. I have already installed Node.js and npm, and I'm using VS Code as my code editor. Here are the steps I've taken ...
Razlina's user avatar
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Problem in running the environment.yml file

I cloned a repository from github and the environment.yml is not working properly. the dependencies that is present in the file are dependencies: _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main _openmp_mutex=5.1=1_gnu blas=1....
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to wrap an &str to a &T(String) without cloning?

In Rust, I frequently wrap Strings with custom structs for the purpose of disambiguating trait behavior. For example, I might have a data access trait called IGetByField<T,F> implemented like so:...
thomasmost's user avatar
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React and JS Web Component - onChange Event Gets Lost when Cloning HTML from Template to Component Output

I have a React app and I want to use a reusable JS web component that is supposed to output a <dialog> with content cloned from HTML inserted into the <custom-tag> of same JS component. ...
iChido's user avatar
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Node Cloning in JavaFX

I have a JavaFX Node object, and I wish to clone it via code. It's my understanding that Java variables are reference-types, and simply doing something like clonedNode = oldNode would result in ...
Runsva's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

In Java : How to duplicate "entirely" a Map with Collections as value? [duplicate]

The code below is illustrating my problem : public class TreeMapCopyProblem { private static TreeMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> treeMap1; private static TreeMap<Integer, ...
Etienne Savary's user avatar
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IntValue isn't increasing, when cloning (Roblox Studio)

I have a strawberry field, where I want everyone to have their own strawberries spawn in. I'm trying to make it, so only 10 strawberries can be on the field at once. I've set it up so everytime a ...
GrandpaKartul's user avatar
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ERROR: polling failed in /home/jenkins/test on sk-node(83) error=2, No such file or directory

I configured a Jenkins pipeline to clone my repository. When I manually click on the build now button it works fine but when I try to make a new commit in my GitHub repository and that webhook payload ...
novice_coder99's user avatar
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Dart standardizing logic of child class clone methods using existing Map methods

I am trying to standardize the logic of a class.clone method so that every child of my abstract class clones the exact same way. I've tried using factory constructors and all sorts of roundabouts but ...
Jimmy Donovan's user avatar
3 votes
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Cloning a repository from github using conda

Today I wanted to clone a repo from github but since I've never used anaconda, can anyone help me write a code in Anaconda Prompt to do this for me... The github repository link is here:https://github....
parsa dini's user avatar
-1 votes
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Need a workaround for Destroy(gameObject) with clones in Unity

I'm working on a game where an object gets cloned several times until it is clicked. The issue is that the game becomes laggy and has many FPS drops because of the amount of clones. I want to be able ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Behavioural cloning (Imitation learning) for SB3-contrib RecurrentPPO

I'm working on a LSTM RecurrentPPO that's need a behavioural cloning implementation. The Imitation library provided with Stable Baselines 3 (see here : ...
GerardL's user avatar
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Cloning a div tag while also changing id attributes of it elements using JavaScript (Multiple elements )

I am looking to clone a div while also changing id's of the elements inside the mentioned div The code i am using clone the div is <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <body> ...
Shafi Asharaf's user avatar
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4 answers

Update a nested object in JavaScript

This is the original data const data = { "field1": { "name": 'Anuv', "marks": { "eng": 43, "hindi": 23 ...
komal's user avatar
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Cloning git keeps loading

It's my first time trying to clone a git from GitLab into VSCode on my windows pc. The cloning process keeps loading for over 15 minutes on end every single time (I've tried multiple times). Any ...
Keylan's user avatar
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Unencrypted HTTP is not supported for Gitlab

When I try to clone a project from GitLab to Android studio, I get an error saying clone failed and GitLab url is HTTP. Error message is: Unencrypted HTTP is not supported for Gitlab. The same ...
Shwetha P's user avatar
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Unable to clone repository

I just wanted to clone a project from github but everytime I try, the loading bar goes forever. I already had a few problems with git and intellij (altough I didn't change any settings) but everytime ...
Berdan's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to clone an array which is nested inside another array in an object [duplicate]

I have an obj that looks like this. let obj= { title:"my form", endTIme:"2/20/22", mainList:[ { type:"multiple", checked:false, multiple:[ ...
Mayowa Samuel's user avatar
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I cannot clone a GitHub repo in Jenkins [duplicate]

As you can see in the image when trying to put my repo in the Source Code Management I got an error Failed to connect to repository : Error performing git command: git ls-remote -h. I have the git ...
Miguel Mont's user avatar
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How do I correctly clone this Map?

In my React app, at one point I'm trying to copy a Map from an object, but it's not working for me. The initial user object has the structure: user: { videoTracks: Map, ... other fields... } If I do a ...
Sharon's user avatar
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Copying objects in js (need guidance on pass by reference from docs)

I looked in the js docs and while studying the doc it mentioned in object.assign() If the source value is a reference to an object, it only copies the reference value. In my below snippet, one alters ...
Bilal Malik's user avatar
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Duplicating image using jQuery clone and manipulating file type input field tag

I am using laravel This is working for duplicating image while creating posts and saving them $(".imageblockbtn").click(function () { var langid = jQuery(this).attr("id"); $( `#...
ezio's user avatar
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2 answers

My active/disable Functionality no longer works after cloning

I'm using the clone method to duplicate a form. I'm adding and removing the active class on the buttons but, once I clone the form, the duplicate buttons no longer function because they share the same ...
Chamano's user avatar
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How to duplicate an object? [duplicate]

I'm on Delphi 11. I need to create a new instance of a TIdMessage and TIDSmtp, simply by copying all properties from another TIdMessage and TIDSmtp. What's the best way to do it besides manually ...
delphirules's user avatar
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Problem cloning a project from Github to Eclipse

When I clone a project from Github to Eclipse I get two cloned projects in eclipse with different organization although they seem to have the same content, I do not understand what is happening. ...
JustANoobCoder's user avatar
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Copy Constructor for class with a member that can be subclassed

I am working with the following class that has a member to construct a list which can be subclassed with a template. class dynamic_list { template <typename = void> struct node { std::...
Spiros Tsalikis's user avatar
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Android Studio Clone Physical Device?

I can't figure out how you can clone a physical device to a virtual one. My team needs to have copies of the physical properties as multiple people are working on separate fragments. Creating the ...
Bewlar's user avatar
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Why we use cloneable interface in java while making clones of the object?

I'm new to java and was studying object cloning. My question is that since Object class is the top most class in java and all other classes inherits this class and clone() method is defined in the ...
Prateek Gautam's user avatar
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problem in connecting SSH key to GitHub and cloning a repository

I have a problem in cloning a repository by using SSH key. I create a SSH key exactly same as the procedure that is offered by GitHub on the following address
Faranak omidi's user avatar
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Problems with cloning a git repository to new computer

This might be trivial, but it has caused me a ton of headaches over the last few days. Recently i have tried to clone my git repos onto my new computer, but up until now, with no succes. After typing &...
YanKlinkenick's user avatar
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How do I go from GameObject ID to an actual GameObject when Instantiating?

So I'm working on a save system for my app, and I'm trying to store objects in a GameObject array like so: public GameObject[ ] entriesInScene; When I store GameObject in the array it stores the ...
Leo Doyle's user avatar
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Terminal stuck while cloning a github repo using ssh

I've tried to clone a repo using the ssh it loads in terminal and then abruptly sticks on a certain percentage and either remains there or throws an error - client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe ...
spiderverse's user avatar
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Trying to link my github repo to cpanel throws an error

I'm currently trying to link my private repo in github to cpanel. Steps I took: Generated new SSH keys in cpanel SSH Access > authorized public key Went to my github private repo > settings >...
Jorge Guerreiro's user avatar
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Connection refused during cloning

I have github installed in my laptop and I am connected to another repository however,anytime I try to clone any of the repository i receive a message “Connection refused”
Being Sarav's user avatar
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Rust cloning HashMap<String, Object> without moving into closure

I am trying to make my own programming language in rust, and most features are done, so I thought I could add to the UnknownIdentifier error the ability to find the closest match to whatever the user ...
kaiserthe13th's user avatar
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Replicating Dev database to QA database using SNOWFLAKE

I have a Dev database and I want to create a new schema called QA database which should be a replica (in all aspects including stages) of Dev database. Could someone please let me know how this can ...
SMR's user avatar
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SSRS: Update subscriptions to point to a copy of a report in a different folder

I'm cloning all our SSRS reports to another top-level folder (beneath the existing top-level folder). The cloned reports will be the same reports (pointing to a different shared data source, and a few ...
FM4's user avatar
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3 answers

TypeScript: Modifying copy of list of dictionary without mutation

I have gone through several of the answers and I gather that this might be a logical error but I am not able to figure a way to achieve this. I have to list of dictionaries in typescript/javascript. ...
Desmond's user avatar
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How can you clone a node and all its children with a single click in Drupal?

Drupal 10 Newbie here. I know Drupal has "modules" which are similar in concept to plugins in Wordpress and Joomla I suppose. I also know there are multiple modules which allow you to clone ...
Zhronne's user avatar
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make multi dimensional array cloning optional

The method below works fine: private static int[][] multiArrayClone(int[][] multiArray) { if (multiArray != null) return[]::clone).toArray(int[][]::new); ...
Andrzej Więcławski's user avatar
3 votes
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Error " pathspec '–-recursive' did not match any file(s) known to git" when running submodule update

I am trying to update submodules in a repo. I have successfully cloned the repo and used git checkout to successfully switch to the correct branch I need to be on. When I run git submodule update --...
SarahB's user avatar
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React prevState changing when I change its clone, cloned with newArray = [...prevState.oldArray]

I am thoroughly confused and apologize ahead of time if this is a stupid question, I did my research and couldn't find the answer. I installed react following the official tutorial here. Then I ...
Julio Spinelli's user avatar

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