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65 views communication between server and client - not receveing messages from client

I have an application server and client with, and I'm trying to have a communication between them. Unfortunetely it's not working as expected. In general the process is like. 1 - Initiate ...
Bruno Pimenta's user avatar
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Using setInterval with socket.write

This is the code that works but it writes the data just once: var net = require('net'); var PORT = 3000; var client = new net.Socket(); client.connect(PORT, function(){ client.write('{printing}'); })...
user5235751's user avatar
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Is there is any solution for connecting client and server in socket program in node js

I am trying to connect socket client and server but not able. This is my server expServer.js var path = require('path'); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var http = require('http'...
Raju Mainali's user avatar
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Buffer size limitation in the client side node.js socket

I have a simple client in nodejs as fallows: let client = new net.Socket(); client.connect(port, ip_addr, function () { console.log('CONNECTED TO: ' + ip_add + ':' + port); client.write(msg);...
Nice Developer's user avatar
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RealTime communication Nodejs

assuming you have a server and a client, the server is able to perform operations, the client is always waiting for the server to perform operations. The client knows the address of the server, the ...
Anas's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected token >

I am trying to start a local server I get this big blob of errors, can someone please tell me what is happening and how to fix this? This is the error I get when I try node bot.js C:\Users\Admin\...
Ryan Smith's user avatar
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Using nodejs and sockets I'm trying to load the stream together in a loop. Can someone please tell where I'm going wrong?

Below is the code,where I'm trying to add image through ajax in socket. But when I run the code this way, all of the data gets appended to the last image even though it is in loop. socket.on('start', ...
Bharat Bittu's user avatar
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981 views Failed GET requests in the console

I am trying to add to my code, and the following failed GET request is repeatedly printed to the console whenever I run the website on my localhost. GET http://localhost:4000/
g_stu 's user avatar
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How to keep the server client connection on

I have used an existing node.js code to receive data from a GPS device. The code is functional but has one flaw. Ideally we want to keep the server-client connection alive. But it appears the ...
Peter Lian's user avatar
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Send hexadecimal data with TCP Sockets in Node.JS

I'm new in Node.JS programming and want to send this data to a server using TCP Sockets 0x1 (my message class) 0x009 (my message type) 2.1. (my version) 0x00 (null) i want to send it in one request ...
RomMer's user avatar
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nodejs net client socket reconnect

var socket = new net.Socket(); socket.connect(PORT, HOST, function() { console.log("SOCKET CONNECTED TO: " + HOST + ":" + PORT); socket.write("Hello World!"); }); socket.on("error", function() ...
user3599803's user avatar
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Send the Hostname of a TCP client to the Server in Node JS

I have a Master server machine (windows 10), which I'm using to control several Raspberry PIs using TCP in node js. I'm wondering what would be the best way to send the hostname of each pi (pi-001....
yurikleb's user avatar
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Garbage socket client nodejs?

I'm a new in nodejs, i have project about TCP server client , I init 2000 client and send to server 1KB/1s on terminal, after i click X button on terminal (disconnect client unusual). On my server, ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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4 votes
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Node.js: Client Disconnects from Server even with allowHalfOpen set to True

I am trying to make a simple Node.js script which creates a server if the assigned port is not used, or connects to the server if the port is being used. I am using a recursive approach to this (using ...
jean28's user avatar
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1k views remains disconnected, even after I try to reconnect it? Why?

socket = 'what'; //I do this when person clicks connect: if (socket == 'what') { socket = io.connect(); } else if (socket == null) { socket = io.connect(); socket = socket.socket.reconnect(); } //...
Hellothere's user avatar
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Swap websocket connections between multiple clients

I'm trying to monitor two computers, and show their information to a website. In the server I use javascript websocket and the two computers sends information to server IP. I want to monitor in the ...
flaviussn's user avatar
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Nodejs as a client to a Request/Response server via socket

I am trying to build a webserver with sailsjs. In order to perform its request, my server needs to connect to a socket to pass commands and wait for reponses. For each command, I wait for a specific ...
rvlander's user avatar
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NodeJs - sockets io - client system auto reconnect

I want to create a client of socket's io server, where in x and x seconds try make a connection to socket's io server, to verify is server is already up. What i have in client: src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Ricardo Martins's user avatar
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2k views Client Request Origin URL

On the client, in the browser, I have this code: this.socket.on('initial', function(data) { console.log(data); }); On the server I have: socket.sockets.on('connection', function(client){ ...
Vasily's user avatar
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