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Unable to Change Permission for File on External Disc on Mac

Problem I have a corrupt file on a network NAS: /bad/bad_file.file Which I want to remove but I cannot. The file name is extremely long, so this may be part of the problem. Finder The file has the ...
Andi Giga's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

MongoDB on macOS: How do I resolve chown: data/db: No such file or directory

I installed MongoDB via Homebrew and created the /data/db directory. When I run sudo chown -R id -un /data/db. I get this error: chown: data/db: No such file or directory I've tried all solutions I ...
Solomon Egwuonwu's user avatar
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brew update Error: The /usr/local directory is not writable. sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local not working

I am getting this error: jaimes-mbp:SMR jaimemontoya$ brew update Error: The /usr/local directory is not writable. Even if this directory was writable when you installed Homebrew, other software may ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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How to update homebrew in preparation for installing node/npm on macOS Mojave

I attempted to install node.js/npm onto a macbook running Mojave 10.14.5 so that I can do local development of a web app. From internet research my understanding is the first step is updating ...
Daniel Patriarca's user avatar
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Chown failure on Mac when attempting to install mobile device drivers for Appium via homebrew

After Appium did not recognize uid, I tried installing it with this command: brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD That gave me the following error: Error: /usr/local/Homebrew is not writable. You ...
SilverF0x's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

chown: /usr/local: Operation not permitted - issue with brew update /usr/local is not writable - MacOS 10.13.1 high sierra

I am unable to do brew update because I can’t chown /usr/local: $ brew update Error: /usr/local is not writable. You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local back to your user ...
Axil's user avatar
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How do I fix this: Error: /usr/local/Cellar is not writable? Why does chown returns "illegal username"?

I was trying to install Nodejs using Homebrew (I'm using macOS Sierra 10.12.6) so I wrote in the terminal: brew install node and it returned: Error: /usr/local/Cellar is not writable. You should ...
Pier's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Accidentally did chown -R my.user:staff /usr in OS X

I was a happy guy until when, accidentally, I did this command in my Mac Os X (Yosemite 10.10.5) a few moments a go: $ sudo chown -R my.user:staff usr/ Then, terribly, when I try to use sudo a ...
Lucas Cleto's user avatar
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2 answers

Managing file permissions with npm OSX

I am trying to install this MEAN application generator on my mac - OSX El Capitan v10.11.4. However, I get the following output: Checking permissions... Cloning branch master into destination ...
George Edwards's user avatar
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OSX Homebrew /usr/local permisions for node

I have installed homebrew without any problems. The problem was to install node.. I got permission errors about /usr/local directory and symlinks. So I did sudo chown -R myuser /usr/local then I ...
superstar's user avatar
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Homebrew user, group, permissions for admin - how to script chown, chgrp, chmod?

Homebrew brew doctor is printing many permissions errors, on a system that has multiple users. Some of the users are fully trusted, and need to be able to run typical brew commands such as brew ...
joelparkerhenderson's user avatar
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PHP and MySQL permission problems after changing /usr/local permissions (osx)

I couldn't install a library with brew, so I followed this SO answer : How to fix homebrew permissions? I changed permissions on /usr/local with this command : sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /usr/...
drskullster's user avatar
7 votes
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Should Vagrant require sudo for each command?

My question in short: I run into permissions error every time I execute any Vagrant command without 'sudo' - from vagrant up to vagrant provision. Is this expected behaviour? /Applications/Vagrant/...
Petr Cibulka's user avatar
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unable to create an archive of any form on Mac OS X, GUI or terminal, all fail

Unable to create slightly large a disk Image with Disk Utility Hello, I have two home directories of friends whose computers died but I was able to save the data from their ~/username successfully. ...
Scott's user avatar
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Eaccess file permisson denied still showing after using sudo chown

Hi all am trying to use yeoman angular generator but after hitting 'yo angular' it always shows Error: EACCES, permission denied '/Users/UI-Developer/.config/configstore/insight-yo.yml' even i ...
Vivek Vikranth's user avatar
1 vote
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How to distribute an OSX program with the suid bit set through a DMG?

I have a small diagnostic OSX program - a small menu-tray app - that I need to get to a customer. The program makes use of dtrace. As such, it has an auxiliary executable in it's MacOS directory with ...
Ted Middleton's user avatar
74 votes
2 answers

chown illegal group name (mac os x) [closed]

I'm trying to run the following command in Terminal: chown -R couchdb:couchdb /usr/local/var/log/couchdb However, I keep getting this message: chown: couchdb: illegal group name I am using mac ...
egon's user avatar
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Subversion on Mac -- unable to commit files

I recently set up an svn server on Mac OS X. I am able to checkout files, but not commit, with the error: Error Can't open file '/usr/local/repo/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied I ...
Andrew Smith's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Changing Ownership of a directory in OS X

I've installed homebrew, and am trying to change the write permissisons for the /usr/local/include directory. When I run 'brew doctor', I get this error message: Error: The /usr/local directory ...
Graeme's user avatar
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how to edit and publish my files at same time in mac os?

I have a serious problem. Every time I edit my source code, I have to do a chown username:groupname for my htdocs folder. Now if I have to publish my files and have them executed on the webserver, I ...
Strong Like Bull's user avatar
3 votes
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Mac OSX Apache Write Privileges [closed]

So here is my problem. Its started when I discovered that I couldn't install plugins or themes in WordPress from the admin panel, it just kept asking for my connection info ( ). I ...
Taha's user avatar
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118 votes
8 answers

Correct owner/group/permissions for Apache 2 site files/folders under Mac OS X?

It's hard to find Mac-specific answers to this question on the web, so I'm hoping someone out there can put this one to rest for me? My permissions are screwed up on my sites and I'm not sure how to ...
Nelfo's user avatar
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