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How to run two executables and communicate with them separately in C++? [closed]

I am coding a chess engine in C++. This engine uses the universal chess interface (UCI). This means I can communicate with it via the console. I type some command in the console and it responds in the ...
schiss3000's user avatar
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Chess UCI get position as FEN

Trying to code a chess engine for the first time. I have connected my engine to the cutechess GUI cutechess. Currently my engine is receiving the current position from cutechess as something like: ...
Cam's user avatar
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0 answers

Chess analysis over UCI protocol

I'm working on a chess UI and am trying to implement a game analysis feature by calling UCI engines. For showing analysis of a specific position two things are needed: get the cp value for the move ...
parszab's user avatar
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2 answers

Response from my chess engine using Universal Chess Interface (UCI) isn't received by the chess GUI apps

I've coded some toy chess engines in the past using different languages, all of them providing their own simple text-based UI. Now I want to write an engine that can be used with chess GUIs like ...
z80crew's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Command Line Issue for uci-analyser chess program [closed]

I'm currently trying to use uci-analyser found at this link: I'm trying to run it on Ubuntu 21.0 impish. Used the source file. Confirmed C++ ...
hangejj's user avatar
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1 answer

How to connect my C++ Chess GUI to stockfish UCI?

I want to make this clear: I want to connect MY chess GUI to chess UCI. GUI -> Engine. Universal chess UCI will stdout a 'bestmove' that can then be carried out by the chess GUI. But the only ...
blah blah's user avatar
1 vote
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Interfacing with executable using boost in c++

I am trying to interface a program I'm writing with an existing chess engine (stockfish) in C++. To do this I'm using Boost but am having problems with processes. engine.exe is the executable I'm ...
jmcd's user avatar
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Is there a way to see blunders, mistakes, missed checkmates in Stockfish

I'm using Stockfish and when I analyze a game, stockfish only shows best moves and value of position. Is it possible to display blunders, mistakes and possible checkmates ? For example, I have this ...
Armen Stepanyan's user avatar
2 votes
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utilize UCI_LimitStrength option in stockfish

I am working on a chess game and use UCI to communicate with stockfish 12. Right now I want to limit the engine's strength to a specific ELO rating. I know there are UCI_LimitStrength and UCI_Elo ...
Jim Yang's user avatar
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1 answer

use chess.uci to change stockfish skill level

Our chess game project uses chess.uci and the stockfish engine. We used engine = chess.uci.popen_engine("/some_address/stockfish") to start an engine. However, I want to know if there is a ...
Jim Yang's user avatar
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1 answer

How to wait a task to end before to close the processus?

Recently i'm working on a chess and for the AI i'm using Stockfish with the UCI Protocol. Thanks to this 2 following links ( UCI Protocol : and this ...
Nico's user avatar
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1 answer

Need help understanding the uci.h file used in Stockfish [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand how Stockfish handles the UCI protocol so I can adapt my engine to use UCI as well. However I am still a beginner with C++ and the uci.h file uses some coding practices that ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to analyze position score in Stockfish

I have a FEN position and I want to analyze which position is stronger. For example, I have this position rnbq1bnr/pp2k2N/8/2p1p2Q/4N3/8/PPPP1PPP/R1B1KB1R b KQ - 0 1 How to evaluate a position and ...
Armen Stepanyan's user avatar
1 vote
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Running stockfish in infinite analysis in the background in python-chess

I wrote a chess program with very nice GUI (PyQt5). When I enter a move it analyzes it and updates the SVG representation of the board - thanks to wonderful python-chess module. Everything works fine ...
cemox's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Basic questions on UCI engine: ucinewgame and multiple clients

I'm reading the specifications of UCI protocol but unfortunately I can't find a decent explanation of some of its commands or use-cases. 1) I don't understand what ucinewgame is meant for. By the ...
Andrei Nikolaenko's user avatar
1 vote
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Not able to communicate with "Stockfish-9-armv7" binary file

I am developing a Chess Game in Unity3D. I want to develop it for the Android platform. For AI I am using the Stockfish Chess Engine. I downloaded the Stockfish binary for Android named "Stockfish-9-...
Summi's user avatar
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What is the correct approach to integrate an external ChessEngine with my Unity project?

I am developing a Chess Game in Unity. I am not writing the AI by myself but using the chess engine named MadChess. I downloaded the source code of the engine(which is written in C#) as well as the ...
Summi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to generate a FEN-string and send it to Stockfish?

I am building a chess GUI, which is supposed to talk to Stockfish. I have heard that I have to generate a FEN-string, to tell Stockfish about the move that has been made. So the question is, how do I ...
user avatar
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How to deduce the side affected by mate evaluatiion

I have a GUI communicating with a uci chess engine (Stockfish 8). The problem is that when the engine finds a mate, it only sends output containing ". . . score mate 1 nodes 4677 . . .". I can deduce ...
codebro's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying UCI commands between a chess engine and Winboard/xboard

Is it possible to display the UCI commands being sent between a chess engine and Winboard/xboard?
user2023370's user avatar
-1 votes
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3D chess application in android

I wrote a 3D chess application in android using OpenGLES. It doesn't have any intelligence except for basic chess piece movement rules. For now , it is a 2 player game human vs human. Now i want to ...
prashanth's user avatar
0 votes
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RabbitPlugin for DGT eboard not displaying complete FEN notation

Has anyone worked with RabbitPlugin DLL for the DGT e-board before? I am able to detect moving chess pieces from the board and it's giving me an FEN String but it's not giving the complete FEN ...
dimas's user avatar
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Connecting a Chess Engine to an Existing GUI made with Javascript

I have written my own GUI for playing and teaching chess. The GUI was written using HTML for the appearance, and JavaScript for the behavior of the pieces. Currently the program does not follow any of ...
SteampunkWizard's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

Using the Universal Chess Interface

I'm planning on making a program that interfaces with a UCI chess engine. I've been doing some research on it, but I want to get a little more information before I get more in depth with it. I was ...
Nathan's user avatar
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