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GWT: CellBrowser isn't displayed in a composite

Please I need your help. I've created a CellBrowser with UiBinder that I populate from a database. The problem is that I can't display it using the InitWidget method. But if I attach it directely to ...
Kiwi's user avatar
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Add leaf as well as non-leaf nodes at the same level in a GWT CellBrowser or Cell Tree

I want to add non-leaf as well as leaf nodes at a same level in a GWT CellBrowser/ Cell Tree. Can i do it? if yes, how? Because while returning DefaultNodeInfo I am not getting an option to return ...
Onkar's user avatar
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GWT: Setting specific styles for Cell in Cell Browser

I need to set up specific styles of Cell Browser cells in GWT from a CSS file. Any pointers on how to do it
JDT's user avatar
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GWT CellBrowser with CompositeCell

I am trying to build a CellBrowser as given below. Week 1 -> Mathematics Week 2 [] Algebra Week 3 [] Trigonometry Science [] Physics [] Chemistry The ...
Jag's user avatar
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set custom style to GWT CellBrowser with UiBinder

I am trying to set a custom style to a GWT CellBrowser widget using UiBinder but I am not able to change any dependent styles (i.e. I can set a different background color for the whole widget but I ...
Oscar's user avatar
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How to set a selection in the GWT CellBrowser

somehow I have the feeling that I miss the forest for the trees. I have a CellBrowser filled with categorys and I have a search dialog to find the categorys by name. If I now select a category in the ...
Ole's user avatar
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Creating CellBrowser using UiBinder

I am trying to create simple cell browser in GWT but it displays blank.Here i have code that displays blank so please check import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import
Dipesh Gandhi's user avatar
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CellWidget not getting displayed

I am trying to make a basic cellbrowser widget work in my App. For now just the Structure so that I can replace it later with something meaningfull. I looked up the samples and implemented one however ...
Nitish Upreti's user avatar
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Simple example of MultiSelectionModel

I'm trying to make CellBrowser capable of multi-selection. I just start learning this new concept of cells in GWT 2.2 and I'm look at example that Google has in its GWT Showcase but their code is not ...
Maksim's user avatar
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How do I set first column width on GWT CellBrowser

There is a bug preventing the setting of the first column width of the CellBrowser widget. There is also a workaround, explained here
Johnny's user avatar
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GWT (Google Web Toolkit) CellBrowser Focus/Scrolling Problem [closed]

It appears that when the mouse is hovering over an item, in a cellbrowser column that should be able to scroll vertically, moving the mouse wheel has no effect. Only when the mouse is hovering over ...
Anonymous's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

GWT: How to programmatically reload CellBrowser?

I'm using GWT 2.1's CellBrowser with a custom TreeViewModel. The TreeViewModel in turn uses an AsyncDataProvider to fetch data dynamically. This all works beautifully- when the user clicks on a node ...
George Armhold's user avatar
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5 answers

GWT CellBrowser- how to always show all values?

GWT's CellBrowser is a great way of presenting dynamic data. However when the browser contains more rows than some (seemingly) arbitrary maximum, it offers a "Show More" label that the user can ...
George Armhold's user avatar