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Integration-Test: Could not create new instance of class org.jboss.arquillian.test.impl.EventTestRunnerAdaptor

I want to create a integration test against a database and clean it up afterwards in an wildfly/arquillian environment. But when I try to execute the Test I get a Could not create new instance of ...
OhJohnny's user avatar
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Helidon MP EntityManager always return NULL

I am facing a NullPointerException when trying to use EntityManager in my Helidon MicroProfile project. The exception occurs because the EntityManager is null when I attempt to create a query. The ...
Sid-Ali's user avatar
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How to inject searchPath parameter with Liquibase CDI

I'm trying to inject the searchPath parameter when using Liquibase CDI, but none of my approaches below seem to be working. Due to circumstances out of my control this is the only way I can modify my ...
zython's user avatar
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The scope of the EntityManager being re-exported by a factory matter or not?

I want to use CDI's @Inject for EntityManager instances instead of using the @PersistenceContext annotation. Notes that I am using JTA Container Transaction Managed. I plan to use @ApplicationScoped ...
LHA's user avatar
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Unsatisfied dependencies for type AbstractDao with qualifiers @CustomQualifier in CDI

I'm working on a Spring project using CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and I'm encountering an issue with dependency injection. The error message I'm getting is: org.jboss.weld.exceptions....
sparker's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.el.ELAwareBeanManager

I am currently migrating a project from Java 11 to Java 17, Spring 5 to Spring 6, and from RichFaces to PrimeFaces 14 (Jakarta). After making the necessary changes, I am encountering the following ...
sparkey's user avatar
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Why is the return value of injectionTarget.getInjectionPoints() ignored by Weld?

(I've also asked this question on weld-dev.) In a portable extension observing ProcessInjectionTarget, I have set a custom InjectionTarget using documented mechanisms. My custom InjectionTarget ...
Laird Nelson's user avatar
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Bean injection into Hibernate BeforeExecutionGenerator

I'm using Hibernate's BeforeExecutionGenerator together with IdGeneratorType annotation to generate custom ids for my entities. How could I inject some beans (or config properties) into my ...
Andrei Yusupau's user avatar
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Quarkus Test. Reset bean state

I have a stateful bean and some different test cases under @QuarkusTest for it. But each test case requires clean bean state for correct execution (tests should not depend on each other). Currently ...
Andrei Yusupau's user avatar
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Weld not detecting @Inject with Jetty 12, Java 21 and Apache Wicket

I am trying to setup a small application with Jetty, Apache Wicket and Java 21 but it seems like my Weld DI is not picking up on the injection decorators (@Inject and @RequestScoped): My setup is a ...
Itsyaboi's user avatar
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Error when using CDI Decorator to decorate the managed Validator

I have a stateless Java EE 7 WebService and want to use the validation framework to validate the incoming data. This all works fine. I then want to transform any ConstraintViolationException to ...
Alan Hay's user avatar
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How to Provide Runtime Parameters to a Custom Annotation's Interceptor in a Jakarta EE Project?

I'm working on a Jakarta EE project where I have a custom annotation and an associated interceptor. The annotation is used to execute some logic, and it works as expected as a standalone. However, I ...
maxc123's user avatar
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How to make CDI work in JerseyTest with Jakarta EE?

This setup works fine when running in Glassfish, but I get errors when running tests. My setup is this: @ApplicationScoped public class UserRepository { @Inject private ...
Håkan Gleissman's user avatar
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ELProcessor and CDI beans in WebLogic

In Java I see this class, ELProcessor and a typical usage: ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor(); elp.defineBean("employee", new Employee("Charlie Brown")); String name = elp.eval(&...
Sorin-Alexandru Cristescu's user avatar
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CDI decorators support in Spring Boot

I am trying to use CDI decorators in Spring Boot application. Here is the CDI Decorators for Spring beans article, that describes the purpose and the way how it could be done. The article is pretty ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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Errors running builder 'CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection)

Am using Eclipse with JBoss Tools to develop JSF 2.3 & JPA 2.2 based web application for Apache TomEE 8.0.16 server with Hibernate as JPA implementation. My project has many drop down menus and ...
శ్రీ's user avatar
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Quarkus CDI failing to find ApplicationScoped bean during quarkus-maven-plugin

I've created a simple Quarkus application that interacts with a backend database, using the repository pattern and a scheduled bean to count the records in the database on a regular basis. During ...
Robert K's user avatar
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Quarkus check for bean injection point during maven package phase causing Unsatisfied dependency for type

I develop an extension that provide Injectable bean with a SyntheticBeanBuildItem. This bean is used via constructor injection in another projet that use this extension. /** * Bean to inject */ @...
Scandinave's user avatar
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Quarkus Bean initialization order

I have a situation where one of my classes needs to perform some initialization tasks when the application starts up. This class depends on another component that also needs to be initialized at ...
BananKongen's user avatar
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With MapStruct, every componentModel field option is read as Default

It's not important if I put cdi, jakarta or even spring. The compiler only read "default". I nead jakarta. @Mapper(componentModel = "jakarta-cdi") public interface DepartmentMapper ...
idronick's user avatar
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'CDI(Contexts and Dependency Injection' error in Eclipse New Versions 2024

My current projects run on Java 8 and I have made the configurations for this. While building projects; I get the error "errors running builder 'CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) Builder' ...
syscod3's user avatar
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CDI is null with upgraded dev stack

I am switching from a single to a multi-tenant database. I wanted to make use of the '@TenantId' annotation in hibernate 6. In order to use hibernate 6 I needed to upgrade from java ee to jakarta ee. ...
Samanite's user avatar
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Generic enum bean producer

I'm trying to write a generic enum producer;every injection point declare a different enum-type and value is resolved againts a set of values declared elsewhere (not so important). I'm stuck writing ...
Luca Basso Ricci's user avatar
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Quarkus Arc blocks Multi-Module Build in case of unset Properties in Module Build

I have a Quarkus Multi-Module Project (with Gradle), with following projects: Core Module1 Service1 Module1 contains an @ApplicationScope class that defines following Variable: @Inject @DataSource(&...
funkrusher's user avatar
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Unable to inject EJB in @FacesConverter in EAR

I've got two demo projects with slightly different project structure. One produces a WAR archive and the other one produces an EAR archive. In the WAR-project the injection of an @EJB in the ...
Thomas P's user avatar
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CDI Custom Scope not working with WELD-001303 error

I have Jetty project (Jetty embedded based version 11) with JPA, CDI, JMS & JAX-RS project. Everything works good, however I want to add a new scope @Inherited @NormalScope @Retention(...
Shay Zambrovski's user avatar
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Jakarta CDI - Spring integration issue

I'm facing an issue in a Jakarta Faces app with a JSF bean trying to access a Spring bean (rewriting everything from Spring to CDI or vice-versa is out of scope of this question). The CDI-Spring ...
Rin's user avatar
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RESTEasy + Weld (CDI) in WAR file deployed to Jetty 11 doesnt seem to work

I'm trying to deploy a WAR file to Jetty 11 that includes REST service written using RESTEasy which uses CDI (Context & Dependency Injection) via Weld, but it doesn't seem to work. The project is ...
Oberon's user avatar
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Avoiding deploy-time exception when the bean is not found for injection

I have this issue: I'm deploying an application (.ear) to WebLogic/CDI and I have this in one of my classes: @Inject @MyAnnotation private IMyStuff stuff; Of course, if there is no bean with this @...
Sorin-Alexandru Cristescu's user avatar
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How to process and archive S3 files with timestamp appended in IICS

my source is S3 and fiiicsles are appended with timestamp and the file format is csv. I want to read the data from the file and archive it. For example : my s3 path s3-abc-asia1/datalake/landing/...
nithin's user avatar
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Dynamic bean registration Quarkus

Is there any way to initialize bean dynamically through runtime in Quarkus like it's in Spring @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = ...
Disteonne's user avatar
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quarkus smallrye reactive messaging - unittest

I'm trying to implement a small unittest, here I have 3 methods: @ApplicationScoped public class MyReactiveMessaging { @Outgoing("from-producer-to-processor") public ClassA produce()...
freedev's user avatar
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Java BatchProperty possible as List<String>?

Is it possible in JSR-352 / Java Batch to have batch properties as List? How would they get initialized from the batch job XML? public class MyItemProcessor extends ItemProcessor { @Inject @...
queeg's user avatar
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Quarkus CDI: lookup and startup event

Starting from the code in the official documentation, I have created the following structure: interface Service { String name(); } @LookupIfProperty(name = "", ...
Fabrizio Fortino's user avatar
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A strange behavior is observed when using CDI beans with session scope in conjunction with the session-cache feature of OpenLiberty

OpenLiberty session-cache feature: A strange behavior is observed when using CDI beans with session scope in conjunction with the session-cache feature (with hazelcast provider) of OpenLiberty. The ...
Rafik's user avatar
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Using PrettyFaces to Manage JSF Conversation ID Without It Being Included in the URL on Postback

I'm working on a JSF (JavaServer Faces) application and I've decided to use PrettyFaces as the URL rewriting library. I want to manage the conversation ID (cid) without it being included in the URL on ...
ymnrad's user avatar
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Injecting Spring Bean into CDI - Creates new instance

We have a very old and large project based upon Spring. We later added JSF and that's working now. We are now testing using CDI (and eventually omnifaces) to avoid the memory problems with viewscoped ...
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Is EntityManager injected with @PersistenceContext to a @RequestScoped CDI bean thread-safe?

In a Java EE web application project, there is a DAO annotated as a CDI bean: @RequestScoped public class CustomerDAO { @PersistentContext private EntityManager em; //some persistence operation ...
Rui's user avatar
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How to inject HttpServletRequest in JAX-RS resource in order to get client IP

Java 21 and RMI. Tomcat 10.1. I want to get the client IP that is consuming my JAX-RS resource. Here is my code: Path("/") public class RequestHandlerWebSession extends ...
MARISTobi's user avatar
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Jakarta CDI force bean construction/register legacy event listeners

I have a new Jakarta EE (Qurakus) application and some old code which has methods to register event listeners. I have made a wrapper for the event registry. Now I need some way to efficiently register ...
Fexl's user avatar
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Injecting ApplicationScoped bean into Web Filter results in null object

I have the following ApplicationScoped bean import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Named; @Named @ApplicationScoped public class UserService implements Serializable {...
Sam Donato's user avatar
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Quarkus: is there a way to register bean without any @Produces and other annotations?

Is there a way to register bean into bean container without any annotation like @Producer, @ApplicationScoped and so on? I know there is a way to do it in Spring, but I can't find any way how to do it ...
Disteonne's user avatar
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dynamic cdi with @Any

In our Java EE application, we process different file types. But instead of injecting all types as @Any @Inject private Instance<FileHandler> handler We do it with a big switch. All handler to ...
Thomas E's user avatar
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Problem to inject СDI Bean in @WebServlet in JSF 4.0 [duplicate]

Excuse me, I'm recently learning programming and Java, mostly from YouTube videos. The problem is that all these videos are based on outdated frameworks, while I am trying to do the same thing using ...
Wilson Ikner's user avatar
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Update TomEE 9.1.0 to 9.1.1/9.1.2 for JakartaEE 9.1 application results in UnsatisfiedResolutionException for specific inject

We are updating our applications from JavaEE 7 (JDK 1.8, TomEE-7.1.X) to JakartaEE 9.1 (JDK 11, TomEE-9.1.X). As we ran into problems with cxf-3.5 being used in TomEE 9.1.0 we tried to update to a ...
Raphael_S's user avatar
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WELD-001524: Unable to load proxy class for bean org.apache.cxf.cdi.ContextProducerBean

I am migrating Java web service from Java 8 to Jdk- 21. I was able to migrate everything but I have a problem with "cxf-integration-cdi.jar". I have weld-shaded.jar in my "WEB-INF\lib&...
Vinodini Thambudurairaj's user avatar
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Inject singleton to ApplicationScoped

Can anyone explain why i can't inject Singleton bean to ApplicationScoped bean in Weld/CDI ? Got exception like - WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type SomeSingletonBean with qualifiers @...
Benjamin's user avatar
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CDI in ClientHeadersFactory failed after upgrade to Jakarta-EE 10 in OpenLiberty

i'm using Open Liberty on OpenJDK 21.0.1+12-29 for my application. After upgrading the server.xml to use Jakarta EE Web Profile 10.0 instead of 9.1, injections in ClientHeadersFactory doesn'...
Gordon Damerau's user avatar
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JavaEE - Strategy Pattern - Error while injecting Lambda [duplicate]

I am learning java EE by buildig a supply manager app. I'm trying to implement the strategy pattern, by having a SalesCalculatorService interface: public interface SalesCalculatorService extends ...
CodeFarmer94's user avatar
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How to determine which Bean Archive a Bean is from?

Question How would I determine, either during or after bean discovery, from which bean archive a bean originated, without relying on implementation specifics (if possible)? Elaboration Within the ...
Byebye's user avatar
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