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JAVA SWING - Creating Animation using Swing Timer

I am trying to setup a program that enables the user to display a transition when clicking the next and previous button. When pressing next, the swing timer should trigger and start the animation. ...
ghart145's user avatar
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CardLayout : How to get an event to start only when a particular card is displayed?

I am using CardLayout to display a series of questions. For each question, there is a timer displayed on a label. I pass the questions and the time limit for each question from the main class. //...
sanaku's user avatar
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Countdown Timer for each new card in CardLayout

I am using CardLayout to display a series of questions. For each question, there is a timer displayed on a label. I pass the questions and the time limit for each question from the main class. //...
sanaku's user avatar
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How can I solve delay in showing count down timer(JLabel) in Swing JPanel

I've implemented a count down timer(in function) which updates a label in swing panel every second this is the code: public void DefineTimer() { Action updateClockAction = new ...
JavaSa's user avatar
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