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Node Js:- RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I am building a Node Js application using Passport & Passport-SAML Packages for incorporating SAML Login. I have a front-end React app that need to be served after the user successfully ...
Varun Kumar's user avatar
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why setImmediate function executes after setTimeout

setImmediate(() => { console.log("set immediate function calling") }) setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTime out function") }, 1000) for (let i = 0; i <= ...
Manish Rai's user avatar
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LibUV NodeJS handle synchronous or asynchronous tasks?

I'm Nodejs beginner. I have been reading some documents and posts on Google and as far as I know, LibUV is used to handle asynchronous tasks. However, when I came across a post recently, the author ...
Simba's user avatar
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JavaScript - result undefined - forcing one method to complete before another?

I have the following NodeJS code running in an AWS Lambda: const https = require('https'); exports.handler = async event => { try { const currentWeekNumber = getWeekNumber(new Date(Date....
java12399900's user avatar
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How to get call stack in VSC debugger? console.trace() is undefined

If I'm paused in the VSC debugger I can't get the call stack with console.trace().
Dashiell Rose Bark-Huss's user avatar
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Where will this callback function be registered in Node.js and how does it behave?

const add = (n1, n2, callback) => { setTimeout(() => { const sum = n1 + n2 callback(sum) },2000)} add(1, 4, (sum) => { console.log(sum) // Should print: 5 }) I ...
Zenast's user avatar
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Managing sync and async functions in an algorithm call stack

TLDR: must I use async and await through a complicated call stack if most functions are not actually async? Are there alternative programming patterns? Context This question is probably more about ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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Node.js stack-size silently crashing

I have a JavaScript commandline program that needs more stack space. The option for this is node --stack-size but it's not working for me. Test case: 'use strict' function f(...a) { console.log(a[...
rwallace's user avatar
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What are things to avoid in order to get the full async error callstack on Node.js?

Is it an anti-pattern to use async/await inside of a new Promise() constructor? I had read this question and answers, but not sure why am I still getting part of the error only and I am sure there are ...
tom10271's user avatar
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will the setImmediate or the IO callback run first?

in this diagram is says that the event Loop will run the I/O callbacks (the axios request), then the check phase (setImmediate), but when i tested this, it was the opposite, i need explanation of the ...
ProMaker Dev's user avatar
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will the micro-task queue or the macro-task queue run first?

i was reading an article about Promises and the event queue, and from what I understood, the event loop has a "micro-task queue" and a "macro-task queue". and from that article is ...
ProMaker Dev's user avatar
11 votes
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Async Stack Traces in Node.js 14.15.0

Based on the documentation I would assume that Node.js 14 does now support stack traces in async code but unfortunately using node --async-stack-traces test.js still generates only a partial stack ...
doberkofler's user avatar
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RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded while using graphicsmagick (npm gm) in SailsJS

I'm facing a weird issue when I try to convert a TIFF file to JPG in the server using graphicsmagick (npm gm). When I try to use any method of gm package, I am getting the RangeError: Maximum call ...
Shaji P's user avatar
9 votes
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How to estimate javascript call stack maximum size?

I have 2 node js programs. console.log('TEST A:'); function computeMaxCallStackSizeA() { try { return 1 + computeMaxCallStackSizeA(); } catch (e) { return 1; } } for (...
do minh Thang's user avatar
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Limiting Recursion Depth in NodeJS

Is there a way to limit the depth of recursion in NodeJS other than the --stack-size option? I know that NodeJS will let you control the size of you call stack via the --stack-size option. i.e. a ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
3 votes
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NodeJS and CallStack Size Protection [duplicate]

Does NodeJS offer the ability to view or set any limits (at run time or via CLI flags?) for the size of the call stack? If I create a program that looks like this an run it const recurse = (num=0) =&...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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Reduce call stacks size in Javascript

When I know that particular call is last in a function and I have to return nothing from the function, Can I reduce call stack size? Here is the example constructor(){ this.processNext = this.a; ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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What does the callstack look like with promises and async/await?

I recently watched this video: and am trying to find a similar explanation for with Promises. Specifically in node. I'm probably wrong but I'm under the ...
trivial_tasks's user avatar
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Maximum calls does not exceed on certain code inside function in NodeJS

My question is rather simple. I just don't understand this behavior that is happening in my NodeJS environment. The code below does not exceed maximum function call stack: const loop = (i, maxI) =&...
tanvirtin's user avatar
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Are stack frames stored in the call stack in Node.js?

Are stack frames (added for each function call; hold local variables) actually stored with the call stack or elsewhere? This would make sense because of the LiFo nature of stacks.
Hakim's user avatar
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Does Go have an "infinite call stack" equivalent?

I'm a newbie to Go, coming from Node.JS. In Node, if I run this: function run(tick = 0) { if (tick < 1000000) { return run(tick + 1); } return 0; } console.log(run()); The program ...
Fela Maslen's user avatar
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node.js call stack exceeded with

I am doing a project where I have to continuesly poll the status of a number of devices on the network (local network) and then emit the status of this to the clients on a connection. I can ...
ugilten's user avatar
2 votes
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Recursive new Promise: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm getting a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded function getUser(userId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, function(err, user) { ...
mralanlee's user avatar
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Get deobfuscated typescript callstack from obfuscated javascript code

Problem: I have log files from a server, which contain the callstacks from the thrown error, that triggered the creation of this log file. The server application is written in typescript with nodejs ...
Lukas.Kurz's user avatar
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Try to understand more about Javascript -Node.js Async call stack

If I have the following code: var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); /* GET home page. */ router.get('/:name', function(req, res, next) { let name =; ...
Elbassel's user avatar
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latin-square.js Maximum call stack size exceeded

I am trying to use latin-square library for node.js in a loop to find some pattern, run the script and after 2 minutes have this error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded var latinSquare ...
Autoradio Rbb's user avatar
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Inspect live objects/stack in node.js

In node.js, is there something similar to inspect.stack() and inspect.currentFrame() from Python? Like, capturing code context/frames/inspecting live object.
aaa's user avatar
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RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded for Node.js

I created model script in JS, so I can pass in an object and add in some logic and values. I use get/set to produce the values, however when i run my code it throws an RangeError: Maximum call stack ...
AJ_'s user avatar
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Does a new node.js process created by fork (new process) or spawn (child process) get it's own separate call stack?

When creating a new node.js process programmatically by forking a process or spawning a new child process; does the new process or child process get it's own separate call stack?
Amlan's user avatar
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3 answers

Async / Callstack confusion

Alrighty, I'm pretty sure I know what the issue is, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to resolve it. The way the below code works is the front-end sends two words back to the server, ...
colintherobot's user avatar
5 votes
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node streams - get maximum call stack exceeded

I cant seem to figure out why I'm getting this error with my stream pipeline. I think I have exhausted all paths, so is there something Im missing: Here is what I have: var myCsvStream = fs....
britztopher's user avatar
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I am getting "Maximum call stack size exceeded" in MongooseJS

I am trying to update an object in mongoose: Category.findByIdAndUpdate(product.category, { $addToSet: { products: product } }, function(err) { if (!err) { req....
Burak's user avatar
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Maximum call stack size exceeded even with only 1 iteration

My while loop is giving me an error of call stack size exceeded, so I tried to limit it in some ways that did not work and now, I have the following piece: var hasnext = true; while(hasnext) { ...
ranieri's user avatar
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NodeJS POST keeps pending

I am posting a json string with jQuery to my NodeJS backend, and having issues with handeling post data in my backend. It looks like the backend is blocking somewhere, but I can't find where. ...
user3374131's user avatar
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Profiling JavaScript Code on nodejs - Possible Approaches

My aim is to develop a java script profiler for nodejs . The requirements are as under : Should be able to fetch call stack . Get Time stamp information. Get number of iterations. My chief concern ...
user3274049's user avatar
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Avoiding exceeding call stack size in Node.JS with Mongoose

I'm relatively new to Node, so please do point any and all errors you see out. I'm trying to write a relatively simple application; take JSON string of ~1k objects, split them up into groups and ...
Birjolaxew's user avatar
107 votes
12 answers

Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

When I run my code, Node.js throws a "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" exception caused by too many recursive calls. I tried to increase Node.js stack size by sudo node --stack-size=16000 ...
user1518183's user avatar
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What is the default stack size in Node.js?

I know how to set the stack size thanks to: How can I increase the maximum call stack size in Node.js But, what is the default size? (ie how do I get to the PHP equivalent of phpinfo())
blak3r's user avatar
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Callstack exceeded without even any recursion.. what's going on?

Anyone've any idea why this might be incurring a call stack? I'm not even recursing. The error: C:\Documents and Settings\j\Desktop\bmrepl\STEAL\dedup.js:7 this.push.apply(this, rest); ...
user2958725's user avatar
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Processing a 40MB+ object in JS

I have a bit of an unusual situation involving some 179586 bookmarks in chrome. Most of these are duplicates, and I need to remove those. Obviously, this process would need to be automated with a ...
user2958725's user avatar
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Can a lot of data exceed stack size in Node.js?

I am not very familiar with the inner workings of Node.js, but as far as I know, you get 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' errors when you make too many function calls. I'm making a spider that ...
disc0dancer's user avatar
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How can I increase the maximum call stack size in Node.js

This is different to other questions regarding an error message in Node that reads RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded in that I know exactly why I'm getting this error message. It's ...
thomas-peter's user avatar
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