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Connect Budibase to SQL Server?

I have been trying to connect Budibase to SQL Server but all in vain. I have enabled the SQL Server Browser and SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS), however, I have failed to enable the SQL Server Agent (...
Steven's user avatar
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Budibase chart not populating data from JSON based data provider

I'm currently trying to populate an analytics chat from a data source in budibase. The datasource produces output that looks like so: {"enabled":8,"disabled":1,"total":9} ...
Callum Duncan's user avatar
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pars JSON in Budibase

may data structure is weird and I don't have access to change it server side. I have a table with different columns. This table has a column with the name of the store and some of my data are stored ...
ffaarry's user avatar
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How can Firebase Auth users sign in to Budibase?

We are developing an internal app using Budibase, that interacts with a REST API that expects a Firebase Authentication token in the authorization header. Budibase allows us to set this header for ...
Hannes Hultergård's user avatar
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Connect Local SQL Database to Budibase

I have a SQL Server database on my machine that I use with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (using Windows auth). I want to connect this database to BudiBase. It asks for Host, Port, User, and ...
Abhiram Patil's user avatar
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BudiBase request returns different results in JSON and Raw

I have been developing against a REST API for a private vendor, and haven't had issues with it prior. I'm attempting to streamline a workflow prototype in BudiBase, and in BudiBase the API is behaving ...
Jon Mitten's user avatar
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Options Picker Placeholder is null Budibase

The following logic. A person searches for a product number. The product number has different attributes, for example location. You are able to change the location of the product number with an ...
Markus Schultz's user avatar
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I had my Docker Desktop installed but an error occurred when I run "docker-compose up"

I'm running Docker Desktop on Linux, when I tried to run "docker-compose up" in my terminal to self host Budibase according to this Docker Compose Documentation, an error occurred, which ...
shashioo's user avatar
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How to fatch relations from SupabaseBD on budibase app?

I create a DB(Supabase) and then I made tables on Supabase PostgreSQL DB and build their relations. Now we connect DB to budibase app. Now we get data from DB but when we fetch data from DB. It ...
Ahmad kamboh's user avatar