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Extract type from branded type

How can I extract the type of a branded type in TypeScript? It works on non literal brands: type Branded = string & { brand: string; }; type Extract_I<T> = T extends infer V & { brand:...
Janek Eilts's user avatar
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Getting failed results on Brand campaigns on our Twilio sub-accounts

I was having difficulty in getting A2P approval on our sub-accounts brand campaign. The error shows: (1) The campaign submission has been reviewed and rejected due to issues verifying the Call to ...
Reinelyn Herradura's user avatar
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Brand-Specific `AndroidManifest.xml` Not Being Merged in .NET MAUI Project

I'm working on a personal project where I need to use different AndroidManifest.xml files for different brands of the app. Each brand has its own manifest file located in a separate directory. However,...
KING's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure Auth Company Branding not showing all options

I need to make some changes in azure auth proccess. I'm following this steps to change de default CSS These are the ...
André Vicente's user avatar
3 votes
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NetBeans Rich Client Platform: How to hide search bar from the options dialog?

How can I hide or remove the search bar from the options dialog? I can hide the tabs such as General, Editor, Java, A, B, C, X, Y, etc. by editing the layer.xml file but I cannot do the same for the ...
Ece Çanga's user avatar
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How to test POS Terminal Appication in Appium

How to test POS Terminal Appication in Appium for validating Sale, Bank and Brand Transaction with Base 24. I have an Query --How to Validate & which type of Major step mainly taken to validate ...
Technical Granth's user avatar
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Hiding DocuSign Links in Brand Settings Not Working

I've set the Brand to hide the Help and About links but they are still showing for some reason. This is the only Brand I have configured so it is definitely using this one. As a test I set my own ...
hshah's user avatar
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Vue.js with Docker and brand-specific customization

I'm faced with the following situation: I have a Vue3 application that is currently being deployed via Dokku. It could also be deployed using plain Docker in the future, but the point is that it is ...
Samuele B.'s user avatar
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Where can I get the colors for the built-in themes for SharePoint Online?

Please note this pertains to Sharepoint Online Themes only, not older versions or on-premises. Specifically, my manager wants a dark theme and we want to use the "Dark Blue" theme as a base ...
Emerson Bruce's user avatar
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40 views and PyTorch - What's with the connection?

There is a ML/AI company I came across called and the logo looks exactly like the PyTorch logo. They don't mention PyTorch anywhere on the site but it looks like they should. I really ...
Johnny's user avatar
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2 answers

Add custom theme in application?

I am building an android application. Where I am adding custom theme Color(Blue, Red, Yellow ETC) which can be choose by users. I am able to apply custom theme for my view, text and icon. The ...
sofquestion 9's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to enable feature enable_multiple_brands in branding api of one login

I am getting this error while creating account brand in OneLogin I am attaching the screenshot below branding api error message
Abhijeet Rajak's user avatar
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Rebranding of a Flutter Project

I need to rename my current project fast( rename bundleID, change icon, etc) and need to write some little tool which i can use with command line to affect changes in my project files and folders. ...
Michael Karp's user avatar
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3 answers

DBT docs generate - How to give the specific branding to the documentation website

How to replace the DBT logo with some other image in the website header, generated by dbt docs generate command.
user961's user avatar
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How to add logo, banner or text on application level to show on login page when logging in to an application with Azure AD?

I've created an Azure account and added an application to it. On company level I changed the branding (added a background and banner to the login page). This is working great. But I would like to ...
Ceelearn anddo's user avatar
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Windows Server IIS Configuration For SendGrid SSL Click Tracking

I would like to be able to use the Link Branding with SSL in SendGrid for Click Tracking. I followed the instructions for link branding and have it all setup on my DNS Server. I would prefer to use ...
Johnny's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

WPF: Using resx file for white labelling (Not localization)

We have a requirement to white label our application, where certain strings (notably the application name) will be different depending on the brand. Many years ago, I'd had experience using resource ...
Graham Downs's user avatar
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Avada Wordpress theme - unable to access Branding settings

We have just commissioned a new website via a commercial designer, who has used Wordpress with Avada theme and Avada Branding. As the owner of the site with an admin login, I am unable to access some ...
Roger Lainson's user avatar
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Docusign - using two different email body/blurb contents

Hello I have setup our app using the dev/demo account and almost ready to get a paid account. I want to get a starter API account, which doesn't have Branding. Can I remove the Resource File from the ...
GTITC's user avatar
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Send FCM from one Firebase account to apps compiled w/ different package names

This may really be more of a branding question but I'm asking here because it has to do with how FCM handles notifications. We have an app that sends notifications to users based on the topic they ...
Love to Code's user avatar
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How do services like Okta and Auth0 implement their sign-on experience for Azure AD users?

With Azure AD users, sign-in usually requires you to be redirected to Microsoft URLs to enter your credentials. Okta and Auth0 allow these users to sign in from arbitrary URLs like https://orgname....
andrewbadera's user avatar
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How can I combine nominal data on SPSS?

I am doing my dissertation about brand recall. I created on spss a variable with the brands that the respondents recalled first (eg: 1 = "Facebook", 2="Instagram" and so on). I ...
João Graça's user avatar
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Remove Youtube branding after embedding video in web page?

I've a problem with removing Youtube logos after embedding it inside a Web Page. I mean this logo I've already tried with modestbranding=1 and showinfo=0 inside my HTML code with no success. I also ...
Stefano Siano's user avatar
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Azure Active Directory Company Branding Not Showing on Sign-in Page

We are unable to get working our Azure Active Directory Company Branding. Neither the logo comes up nor the background image. Checked on multiple devices with multiple time changing it on Azure....
Fortress ITS's user avatar
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How to Handle CSS for React Site locales driven by URL

I am working on a site (React via create-react-app, Sass for all components) whose CSS and data are driven by the URL. The URL is made up like so: Each of the 4 brands ...
Dave's user avatar
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6 answers

Typescript: Enforce a type to be "string literal" and not <string>

Problem Is there a way in Typescript to define a type that is only a string literal, excluding string itself? Note that I am not talking about a certain list of string literal; for which, a simple ...
Aidin's user avatar
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Branding / white labelling Azure Logic Apps

We'd like to use the Logic App UI/engine in the Azure Portal and give it to customers who have some development experience, so they are able to hook into our application to customise some calculations....
User101's user avatar
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Asp.Net Core - Azure AD SignOut page Branding

I'm developing an application with Asp.Net Core 3 and I'm using the Azure Active Directory for authentication/authorization with Microsoft.Identity.Web (now a Nuget Package) I was able to setup the ...
Michele mpp Marostica's user avatar
3 votes
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How to cleanly present different text to users based on user properties?

I'm building an app in Rails with SSR ERB views. In the app I'm building, each user is associated with a brand (i.e., a company). Based on the brand the user is associated with, the app must present ...
Daniel Thorne's user avatar
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Icon from main app used in the branded app

I have a project with the main app. Its icons are set in the "Images.xcassets" asset - "AppIcon" icons set. For the branded app I've created target (duplicated from main target actually). And for ...
Bogdan Laukhin's user avatar
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Multiple theme patterns handling in iOS [closed]

What is the best approach to create multiple theme iOS application? I want to create styling for the whole app. For example, each label can have customizable font, size, colors, etc. Are there any ...
Bojan Bosanac's user avatar
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How can I get the default Power BI Report Server branding zip file?

I need to change the default branding of our instance of Power BI Report Server (PBIRS). I've read a few articles on how to do this (e.g. Guy in a cube do a good video on YouTube). However, is it ...
Basura's user avatar
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Looking for suggestions on web hosting solution (Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, for following

I want to host a clean, branded site that allows users to submit data which I will post process on some regular cadence and send custom emails based on data processing results. I can write code and ...
trinz's user avatar
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Can I use the "skills" word to label my product extensions?

We are developing a SaaS product that can be extended by developing add-ons or plug-ins. We are calling those extensions "skills", exactly the same way Amazon's Alexa calls its extensions. Our product ...
MC.'s user avatar
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Scss array branding stylesheet

I wanted to use a Scss solution to easily modify styles on a website with multiple branded sub sites. My aim was to get arrays for elements (classes, ids, tags) which share styling properties and just ...
user avatar
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Branding Windows 10

We are trying to customize windows log on process for our product. We've established Auto-Logon for a user and replacement of the shell. However, we can't seem to be able to remove the authentication ...
user1902346's user avatar
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company branding doesn't work for password page in Azure Portal

I've created company branding from the Azure portal for my application. This is working as expected for the first page i.e, the username page. When I click on next for the password page, the custom ...
sreelekha's user avatar
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"icudtl.dat not found in bundle" when launching custom branded Chromium build on Mac?

I am trying to build Chromium from source. I was able to build it for Windows, now I am trying to build it for Mac. I am customizing the branding so I can have my own icon and browser name. I made ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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Applying client specific labeling and logos while building Angular 6 app

We have a product it have multiple clients, with their specific labeling and logos. So what i need to do is to build my app with client specific configurations. How can I achieve this in optimal way? ...
Robin Hood's user avatar
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Azure Active Directory Company Branding - Can't Edit

I've configured Company Branding (Images, Text, etc.) using Azure Active Directory > Company branding > Configure, and works fine. However, I can't find any way to actually go back and edit the ...
Grant's user avatar
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How do people have mobile apps that display maps with no logo

I have had a look at a bunch of different map APIs and all the ones I have found require you to display their logo. I have had a look on the iOS app store and there are loads of apps that display a ...
Alex's user avatar
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Brand wise building with Webpack

I have a requirement to do webpack build based on the brand (use brand specific css to build). I want to pass the brand as an agrument while building. for example I have 2 brands brandA and brandB, I ...
Madhura KM's user avatar
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How to remove special characters and codes (using jquery) from sharepoint rendered html?

I am Working on a branding of share-point application. In some cases, rendered html contains codes like '​'. In my slider, these are generated 8 times and in modal and content pages, their count ...
Muhammad Ishfaq's user avatar
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Custom title AND logo in PowerBI Report Server

I have a Power BI Report Server 2017 to which I have applied a branding package, as per this guidance. However I cannot find a way to have both a title and a logo at the top of the page. Including &...
aucuparia's user avatar
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Can I Use The Facebook Name And Logo On A Login Button?

I'm using the facebook-unity-sdk and have integrated facebook login for easy user authentication. This seems to be encouraged. However, I am at the point where I am designing my login button, ...
Phedg1's user avatar
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Proper chromium browser branding?

I'm working on Chromium fork. How can i replace Chromium resources and app package? Resources I've found that one day android_branding_res_dirs gn argument was introduced: @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ # ...
4ntoine's user avatar
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Steam Open ID login image

I was looking at and i noticed for the OpenID they say If you are using OpenID on your site, we request that you use one of the following buttons as your link to the ...
Aleksei ivanov's user avatar
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Branding a MS SQL BI Server

I am working on a MS SQL BI project. Now I have to brand this Server, according to the tutorial from "Guy in a Cube": ...
chrismoe92's user avatar
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Custom landing page for SaaS application

I am building a SaaS based web application, to which users can connect using their own domain and apply their company branding to it. How can I customize the landing page of my application based on ...
Sanu's user avatar
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How to remove LARAVEL from branding and use own branding in Laravel 5

In Laravel 5, how could I remove "Laravel" from the forget password email template, and to use my own branding? Please kindly advise to achieve this.
Devith's user avatar
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