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retrieveAndGenerate Syntax Error: Unknown parameter generationConfiguration or retrievalConfiguration (Claude-v3, Amazon Bedrock)

I am trying to retrieve and generate response from knowledge base use claude-v3 model. To do so I followed the boto3 documentation and Blog Post on Amazon and wrote this method: def ...
Shanazar's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'Instance' python

i am trying to start the EC2 Instance with PrivateIP where i provide as argument "PrivateIP" and below code will describe the ec2 and get InstanceId. Once InstanceId received, it starts the ...
shailysharma's user avatar
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Using python Download the latest file from s3 bucket inside folder not from inside folder --folder

I want to download the latest file from s3-bucket inside folder only. Actually inside folder there are multiple folders along with files. But i need to download only file of latest date and upload it ...
user 98's user avatar
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catch errors if s3 file is not downloaded

I download a file from S3 like this: s3 = boto3.client('s3') s3.download_file('testunzipping','','/tmp/') For now it always works. However, I wanted to add ...
x89's user avatar
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boto3 print rules from bucket encryption

Im writing a python script to retrieve information of AWS and im trying to get only the SSEAlgorith but i get TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str Is there any way to do this? I ...
Jean Lugo's user avatar
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Get Count of Spot Instances

we can use get_cost_and_usage to know the cost spent of spot instance for a particular period of time. data = self.ce_client.get_cost_and_usage( TimePeriod={'Start': start, ...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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Boto3 wait_until_exists for available image (object has not attribute)

I'm creating an AMI and I want to wait until the AMI is 'available'. I'm using the following code: import json import boto3 import os import logging ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') images = ec2....
dahwild's user avatar
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how to create an encrypted s3 bucket while creating new s3 bucket with boto3

how to create encrypted s3 bucket while creating new s3 bucket with boto3 I know how to encrypt an existing bucket. But, is there any way to encrypt while creating it via boto3?
vikas's user avatar
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Programmatically establish boto3 sessions with AWS SSO

I'm trying to establish a boto3 session with boto3.session.Session(profile_name='foo') but getting an UnauthorizedSSOTokenError error: botocore.exceptions.UnauthorizedSSOTokenError: The SSO session ...
alex's user avatar
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boto.exception.EC2ResponseError: EC2ResponseError: 403 Forbidden (rights issue or something else)

I am trying to fetch Elastic IPs for in my AWS system, i am not sure whether i am using incorrect code or its the permission issue. Fetching regions is working fine. However, when i try to fetch ip ...
user890234's user avatar
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ANSIBLE: boto - "TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'"

Using ansible=2.10.0 and boto=2.49.0, When trying to execute ec2_vol playbook for manage disk to AWS instance with Proxy environment. Getting this error -",line 796, in proxy_ssl, ...
rahul mehra's user avatar
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Using Python Variable in HTML / .format() for aws SES boto3

I am trying to add a variable inside html body but its not working. import boto3 SENDER = "[email protected]" RECIPIENT = "[email protected]" AWS_REGION = "yyy" SUBJECT = "...
Luff li's user avatar
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Boto3 InvalidParameterException while executing the lambda function

I'm getting a Boto3 InvalidParameterException while running the lambda function. I'm trying to find out a way to handle this exception. I came across the below solution: from boto.exception import ...
Bharath Bharath's user avatar
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How to read Txt file from S3 Bucket using Python And Boto3

How to read Txt file from S3 Bucket using Python And Boto3 I am using the below script which is working very well I am able to see instance name which is in the S3 bucket import boto3 import codecs ...
thedataengineer's user avatar
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How to iterate through nested Dictionary in python boto3

Hi want to find only stopped instance and their ids below is the below-nested JSON { "Reservations": [ { "Groups": [], "Instances": [ { "...
thedataengineer's user avatar
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How to Display EC2 Instance name using Boto 3

I am using the below code for displaying instance_id,instance_type but I am unable to display the Instance name which I want print (, instance.instance_type, region) this is working but ...
thedataengineer's user avatar
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Is there a way in python to RDP into a windows ec2 instance?

Like we have python library BOTO3 which we can use to ssh into a linux based ec2 instance, but it looks like the same script does not work for a windows based ec2 instance. I used the python script ...
Kashyap Sharma's user avatar
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Boto run_instances() - unexpected keyword argument 'tag_specifications'

I am trying to start an aws instance in via a python3 script. It works fine, but am now trying to add some tags to the instance with no luck. I am trying the following, but get a "unexpected ...
Phil's user avatar
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AWS Lambda put_object function not sending file to destination s3 bucket

I'm invoking a Lambda function to send a .csv file from an email to a destination s3 bucket which I specify in said function. The invocation is triggered by Event type: ObjectCreatedByPut when the ...
jimiclapton's user avatar
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'NoneType' object has no attribute 'boto_region_name'

I've been wrapped around this problem for a while and can't seem to understand where this issue is coming from. I'm deploying a model on Sagemaker and I get the error on this line of code: sm_model....
J. Patwary's user avatar
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Execute SSM documents using boto3 aws multi account support

I was implementing centralized multi-account patching with AWS Systems Manager Automation. When operating in the console and using the "Automations" section of the SSM, you can indeed point to ...
cloudbud's user avatar
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Boto3: Get autoscaling group name based on multiple tags

I have a requirement to get the name of the autoscaling group based on its tags. I have tried following code: kwargsAsgTags = { 'Filters': [ { 'Name': 'key', '...
Chamara Keragala's user avatar
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snapshot id with filter boto3 within a For Loop

I am trying to pass each snapshot id into for loop and print but to no avail, each time I can get to pass it only describes on the first snapshot and describes prints the tag for all. for snapshot ...
DeclanG's user avatar
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How to iterate over s3 bucket to collect all keys from a given date of a subfolder-boto3

I am trying to iterate over the files in my s3 bucket and send all the files(or keys) that run time were in 2019, 2018, or 2017 to a csv file. The structure of my s3 path goes like this: file/...
Coder123's user avatar
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How to get all the events between start and end times using cloudtrail's lookup_events in boto3 without specifying MaxResults?

I'm trying to fetch AWS cloudtrail events for a particular user using boto3. CloudTrail client I'm using cloudtrail client and lookup_events() function. I can specify the StartTime and EndTime ...
Underoos's user avatar
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Duplicity is giving a TypeError when uploading to Google Cloud Storage

I have a backup script that has been working fine. I recently updated my OS (to Ubuntu 19.10) and tried to install all of the dependencies but I'm getting an error. My script is something like: ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Not null gcs bucket returned "can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str"

I am very new to google clould storage. I am using tutorial to create a bucket to google cloud storage using boto. Please find code below: import ...
theone1one's user avatar
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Import error: No module named 'boto', but i have it installed

I'm setting up a new functionality in mi gcloud buckets that allows me to upload or download files using a python library called "boto", but appears this error I am using linux, visual studio code, ...
Cristian Rincon's user avatar
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How to download last update files from s3 using boto

How to download last uploaded files from s3 This code will get the last updated files in my s3. i just need to download them all at once. code : import os import boto3 aws_access_key_id='***' ...
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Error importing aws credentials while using sudo python3 but not with python3

I'm a beginner to aws cli, boto and am working on an IoT project. Recently encountered this error that if I use sudo python3 and try to connect to s3, my connection is authenticated. But if I just use ...
utsav22g's user avatar
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ModuleNotFound error while executing a package created by PyInstaller On Windows

I am packaging my ML solution which includes keras and tensorflow using PyInstaller. The exe builts just fine but when I execute the exe it gives an ModuleNotFoundError for boto. The solution works ...
Mohit Saxena's user avatar
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Use Boto to Read File in Pandas (where File Name is partially known)

I need to read a csv file from S3(using boto) in order to create pandas data-frame. Problem is file name is partial known to me. I can read a file (where partial name of file is known to me) from my ...
Aditya Bhargava's user avatar
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How to query a (Postgres) RDS DB through an AWS Jupyter Notebook?

I'm trying to query an RDS (Postgres) database through Python, more specifically a Jupyter Notebook. Overall, what I've been trying for now is: import boto3 client = boto3.client('rds-data') ...
psygo's user avatar
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Why am I getting a SQSError: 404 when trying to connect using Boto to an ElasticMQ service that is behind Ambassador?

I have an elasticmq docker container which is deployed as a service using Kubernetes. Furthermore, this service is exposed to external users by way of Ambassador. Here is the yaml file for the ...
fanoffan's user avatar
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How to find class definition knowing an object in Python in PyCharm?

boto libraries have a lot of classes with similar names and different functionalities and vice versa (different names but same functionalities). I would like to track, which one is used in some ...
Dims's user avatar
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Could not load Boto3's S3 bindings

I'm deploying to Heroku a Django==2.1.2 and Python==3.6.5 app and i would to manage media and static files with Amazon S3. Here's my INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'storages', ) ...
Alberto Sanmartin Martinez's user avatar
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Uploading files to Amazon s3 bucket using ARN iam in Python

I have been given a bucket name with ARN Number as below: arn:aws:iam::<>:user/user-name I was also given an access key. I know that this can be done using boto. Connect to s3 bucket using ...
Roshni Johnson's user avatar
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App crashes on launch when compiled with py2app and boto3 is included

I created a complex app that uses boto3. It works fine when run from the command line. But when I try to compile it with py2app the application file is created, but it crashes on launch. I ...
David Degner's user avatar
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Is it possible to create EC2 instance from describe_instances() output?

Using python and BOTO3 service there is an option to use describe_instances() to get all the information about the running instances in specific region. If I use that and save the output in JSON, ...
rivar_'s user avatar
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Cannot use boto2 to assign qualification to Mechanical Turkers

I am trying to assign a qualification I created to Turkers who completed an experiment of mine, using boto2. I have three batches of the same experiment (each has a different HIT ID). I easily ...
NicPes's user avatar
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Error When Parsing MWS Boto Response

With boto one is able to very easily parse data retrieved using boto.mws.connection and list_orders and isolate a specific piece of data such as an order number: from boto.mws.connection import ...
Alex B's user avatar
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How to check give directory or folder exist in given s3 bucket and if exist how to delete the folder from s3?

I want to check whether folder or directory exist in give s3 bucket, if exist i want delete folder from s3 bucket using python code. example for : s3:/bucket124/test Here "bucket124" is bucket and "...
Sai's user avatar
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Unable to query on Partition key in DyanmoDB by boto3

I have one table TestTable and partition Key TestColumn. Inputs Dates: from_date= "2017-04-20T16:31:54.451071+00:00" to_date = "2018-04-20T16:31:54.451071+00:00" when I use equal query the date ...
Vivek Sable's user avatar
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boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 400 Bad Request

I am getting this error to access S3 bucket. My region is mumbai. boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 400 Bad Request InvalidRequestThe authorization mechanism you have provided ...
Rahul Verma's user avatar
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boto 2.41 - set_contents_from_filename() fails when I use it to print upload progress

I tried to upload a file into AWS using the following snippet of code. filePath = os.path.join(output_dir, fileToUpload) k = bucket.new_key(os.path.join(bucket_dir,fileToUpload)) k....
Praveen Kumar Nandagopal's user avatar
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'HTTPSConnection' object has no attribute 'provider'

So I am trying to create a new key as a string file in a particular s3 bucket, but am getting this peculiar error. I need to be able to use the k.set_contents_from_string approach, as later on I ...
Arnold's user avatar
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Python3 + Boto3. Virtual device MFA. Can't generate QRcode.png

I have a script with boto3, that creates new virtual MFA divice and enables it. The problem is that I can not create a QR code file. In the boto3 doc page they indicate that response syntax is: { ...
Andrey's user avatar
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Using boto to delete all buckets

I've been tasked with creating a script to delete all the current S3 buckets and create some new ones. This is something that they want to do on an ongoing basis. So far I have all the preliminaries: ...
lengthy_preamble's user avatar
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How to start all the ec2 instances using python by configuring boto3 libraries in windows?

I have installed python 3.6.4 version on my windows 8.1 64-bit machine. what all steps required to install and configure boto3 and boto libraries. I was trying to fetch all the AWS EC2 instances of ...
zlogic's user avatar
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Transfer files from one folder to another in amazon s3 using python boto

I am trying to transfer files from one folder to another in the same s3 bucket but I am getting error. I have written code below to transfer files to one folder to another. import boto from boto.s3....
rnvs1116's user avatar