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-1 votes
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How to solve weird corners of rounded borders in CSS?

Consider the following output: In the output, you can notice weird corners in the username input (extra white-colored edges.) But they do not appear in the password input. What might be causing this? ...
Atharva Karandikar's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Chrome extension "Pesticide" doesn't work on local site that I am developing

I am currently learning web development from a Udemy bootcamp 2021 and have a problem accessing one of the tools they are using to show borders on a website for styling. Its called "pesticide&...
Arkadiusz Kulpa's user avatar
0 votes
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White space around bordered elements in navigation?

I'm asking on here because I'm thoroughly fed up of trying to resolve this myself and getting absolutely nowhere. The only solution I've found so far is to remove the border itself but it's probably ...
FI IT Guy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Google Chrome limits borders of a page with blue dotted lines

Now I'm working on my pet project of a blog using Django. When I run the server in Google Chrome, it shows these blue dotted lines on a page, thus displacing all elements. At the same time, when I ...
Dimosphen1's user avatar
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Google Chrome overlays additional border on top of other border in table

The code in my JSFiddle produces an orange border in a table spanning four columns, but the result is incorrect in Google Chrome, while it’s correct in Firefox: .tg { border-collapse: collapse;...
Mr.M's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I remove the select option black border in Chrome?

As shown in the picture below, black border is shown when the select option is hover from the chrome. how can I remove the border? The code below didn't work. select{ &:hover, &:focus ...
H.jenny's user avatar
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Why does `border-collapse:collapse` cause adjacent cells to have a top border when one isn't drawn

I have the following HTML: <table style="table-layout: fixed;width: 768px;border-collapse: collapse !important;"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2"></th> </...
Victor Chelaru's user avatar
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Child div left border overlaps parent div bottom border in Chrome with display scaling at 125%

I currently have the following markup an CSS: .test1 { border: solid 2px #003C88; height: 100px; } .test2 { height: 100%; border-left: solid 8px #FBCE07; } <div class="test1"&...
Castrohenge's user avatar
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Solid Border-left with weird behavior on IE

I created a left border in a table header with CSS using the properties bellow that is working just how I desired on Chrome, but have a bad result/rendenring on IE, leaving the border area and having ...
Fernando Rodrigues's user avatar
0 votes
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css: Removing "shadows" from covered borders

I'm trying to show a part of a semicircle with CSS and HTML but there is always a little "shadow" that persists around the covered border. This is my codepen that show what I'm saying. The red on the ...
willypuzzle's user avatar
2 votes
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CSS border in Chrome: strange grey line

I have a problem with a border in Chrome. The green border has some grey lines. Firefox: not visible -> ok! Chrome: not visible but visible in the dev tools, mobile phone. Chrome on my phone: visible ...
Leander Rednael's user avatar
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Safari cutting off dashed borders' first and last dashes

I have an element with a dashed bottom border: border-bottom: #303030 2px dashed !important; In Chrome, it nicely gets rendered like this, with the dashes all having the same length: However, ...
fjc's user avatar
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Chrome: inconsistent border-width on objects with opacity

When opacity is applied to an object with a border, it seems like Chrome is inconsistently rendering the border-with. This problem is especially obvious with borders of 1px and occurs when the border ...
lhermann's user avatar
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1 answer

Blank space below the border on Chrome

Let's take this extremaly simple HTML/CSS code: <html> <head> <style> body{ margin:0 } /* top div which ...
Pacjonek's user avatar
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2 answers

Flex cut off border when screen scroll

Hi I have following HTML code (here is "working" example) <div class="layout"> <main class="main"> <nav class="menu"> <div><div class="menu__item">...
Kamil Kiełczewski's user avatar
0 votes
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Unwanted grey borders below divs (Chrome Android)

I've been trying to fix this bug for days, yet I didn't find a single solution. On certain levels of zoom (even on my phone with default zoom) I can see grey borders below some divs. I've been trying ...
Marek Farkaš's user avatar
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Chrome is wrong displaying border radius if is one of side disabled

I have problem with displaying border-radius in Google Chrome. Radius is wrongly appearing when is border rule defined globaly for all sides and one/more of side/s is/are disabled. It simply doesnt ...
Bullman's user avatar
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How does SVG affect border rendering in Chrome 60 / Windows 7?

Exact chrome version: 60.0.3112.113 64bit. It happens on my Windows 7 desktop, but I can't reproduce it on my Windows 10 laptop. This code works fine: <button style="border-radius: 17px; border: ...
Nommyde's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Border height changes pixel size when zoomed in

The height of the border around an element on my page is changing heights when you zoom in on the page. The border is defined as 1px. I am seeing the resizing issue on Chrome and IE but not Firefox. ...
dbrown's user avatar
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CSS3 border-image Repeat Not working in Chrome 56

I have an element set with a border image that is not uniform and needs to repeat on edges. Works perfectly in all browsers except Chrome 56.0.2924.76 but fine in newer and older versions of chrome. ...
Lee Wise's user avatar
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1 answer

border overlapping with empty thead and border-collapse in safari and chrome

In chrome and safari browsers, the border of a td overlaps the previous element when there's an empty thead and border-collapse: collapse; <div>Hello</div> <table style="border-...
user7478940's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

css textbox border on google chrome

I would like to keep only bottom border of a textbox. Here is my css- input[type="text"],input[type="password"] { border:0px; border-bottom:1px solid black; } ...
s.k.paul's user avatar
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Recent border-image-source SVG won't work in Chrome

In one of my websites, I used border-image-source to set a custom border. This was working fine for 6 months or so, but recently it doesn't work in Chrome anymore (you don't see the border anymore). ...
ZoFem's user avatar
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How to make top/bottom borders appear ontop of left/right borders crossbrowser css

I want to style a table spreadsheet like, with vertical grey borders, and horizontal black borders (for sums). I get what I want in chrome with this: HTML <table&...
Hannes's user avatar
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Radio Button with rounded shadow on left in Chrome

How do I make the radio button shadow to be rounded in Chrome like how it is displayed in IE? Any help will be appreciated! IE: (like this) CHROME: (not like this) HTML: <div class="radio">&...
niki b's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Chrome - GridView cell border is not properly displayed

I need to set borders around one specific cell in the GridView. It is done using following code: gvTrips.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[colIndex].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dashed; gvTrips.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[...
AndrejK's user avatar
0 votes
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Table borders show up randomly with border: 0

Only happens in Google Chrome browser and only on Microsoft Surface. The code is as simple as: <table id='settings-menu' class='menu'> <tr> <td&...
scorpio1441's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why does Chrome let background colors overlap borders?

When I run the fiddle in Chrome 49.0.2623.75 on Mac OS X 10.11.3 and adjust the page so that the three colored spans overlap, I'm surprised to see that the green background overlaps the first red span'...
Matthew Cornell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why doesn't css border-bottom show in these inline divs when applying a fractional height?(Only Chrome)

So I have this jsfiddle: HTML: <div class='container'> <div class="row"></div><div class="row"></div><div class="row">...
ionescho's user avatar
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2 votes
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CSS Triangle Grainy and Jagged in Chrome

I have added a fiddle with the following code. I am trying to make an orange triangle with borders, but the border is showing jagged in Chrome. Does anyone have any insight? I have added the fiddle ...
Tanner_Gram's user avatar
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1 answer

Chrome - CSS border not working correctly

I have an inline-block element with text and I want to have it dashed underline. Since I can't set this with text-decoration property, I add border-bottom to the element. But it acts quite strange in ...
George Bagretsov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Remove Selection border in chrome

Hi all I have a screen shot below attached, I have taken that in chrome browser actually the blue shaded portion is a input type text . I have to remove completely the border for that, I have removed ...
droidev's user avatar
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8 votes
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Linear Gradient Background disappears when printing a CSS object with a linear gradient and a border

If you try to print the following page using chrome, you will get a black background. The background can be printed if you delete the border. Please make the test. Is it a Bug in Chrome ? <style&...
Abdellatif Badidi's user avatar
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Get rid of a weird box on images in Chrome

I have a weird box showing up around my images in Chrome. There is an example here: - if you open it in chrome, and look at the first image under the header ...
Ulrik's user avatar
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3 answers

Android Chrome table border issue

I've a problem with border render on Android Chrome browser. You can see yellow hairline borders between cells. But borders in CSS are sets to zero. This render issue is only on Android Chrome ...
earthandroid's user avatar
3 votes
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Chrome 1px border changes depending on window height

I've encountered a really strange bug that exists in Chrome only. I've got a list of links with the equivalent of a 1px border-bottom (I'm using Compass Vertical Rhythm to output borders). In the ...
GuerillaRadio's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

css border-bottom property does not work in Chrome when using full screen

I noticed that css border-bottom property does not work in Chrome. So far I've checked on IE 10 and Mozilla. Works fine on these browsers. It works on Chrome when I'm not using full screen though. #...
Kauno_Meras's user avatar
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Removing the ugly border rendering on box-shadow in mobile Chrome

The problem is following - on mobile Chrome (Google Nexus 5) my box-shadows have an ugly visible border, instead of a seamless transition into background underneath. Is there any way to correct that? ...
KubaPrzetakiewicz's user avatar
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Anchor tag Active Effect in Chrome?

I am working on an application which implements a list filled with anchor tags into a list of clickable tabs by wrapping it and the content for each tab in a container. Here is the list, for reference....
Synesthesia's user avatar
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1px border not showing until zoomed in on mobile chrome

Above image indicates the problem - the three boxes have a 1px border around them which doesn't entirely show when on 100% zoom on mobile chrome. The version of Chrome being used is 34.0.1847.114. ...
Robert W's user avatar
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Weird border on Chrome browser

I have the following table in HTML <table class="print-table"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="border-top border-bottom border-left" colspan="2">1</td> <td ...
Lucius's user avatar
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100% width div inside in another div, border it's not taken in account, but just in chrome

chrome shows a strange behaviour with a 100% div (in another div). Both use the box-size mode. The 100% widht div, doesn't take in account the border of the parent, in chrome, but it does in firefox. ...
Simone De Marzo's user avatar
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Table exhibit different behavior between ie and chrome, Its height difference 8px

Table exhibit different behavior between Ii and chrome, Its height difference 8px: .table { border-top: 1px solid #B1B5BA; border-left: 1px solid #B1B5BA; border-collapse: collapse; } ...
Riley Ren's user avatar
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4 answers

Setting sub-properties of border separately

I want to set the border-style, border-width, and border-color all separately. Particularly, I want to set the default border-style to be solid for the entire document, and set border-width and border-...
sawa's user avatar
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How can I change the color of a radio button border in Chrome & Firefox using only CSS?

How can I change the border-color of a radio button in Chrome & Firefox using only CSS? I've added the following to my css file and it doesn't change the appearance from the browser default ...
dagarre's user avatar
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border css don't work in google chrome?

I got following css code from a tutorial to style an hr tag in firefox. hr { -moz-border-bottom-colors: none; -moz-border-image: none; -moz-border-left-colors: none; -moz-border-right-colors: ...
user2571862's user avatar
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How do I remove a border on a transparent image overlay which only appears in Chrome at different zoom levels?

Not sure if this is might be a Chrome bug (FF and IE work fine) since I've tried various work-arounds, especially those I found here, but to no avail: Removing the image border in Chrome/IE9 ...
joeycato's user avatar
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border off in internet explorer in only one resolution, works in Firefox and Chrome

I have a border line around a div (box with content). 2px left and right, 3px bottom. This works perfectly fine on Chrome and Firefox. This also works perfectly well in Internet Explorer.. except ...
julian's user avatar
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Yellow image border in Chrome after click

I am creating an 'add-this' sharing tool for my site. After clicking on the email icon, there is a yellow border around the email icon (only in chrome). I would like to remove that yellow border. ...
Sun's user avatar
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4 answers

Chromes input border in red

I would like to use this css setting: border-color: red; For input elements. But when I do so, the metrics of them differ from the default chrome border. Please look at this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle....
Peter's user avatar
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