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Transferring Authentication State from Prerendering mode to Interactive Rendering mode in Blazor WebApp

In Blazor 9, it seems that AddAuthenticationStateSerialization() and AddAuthenticationStateDeserialization() only work when using ASP.NET Core Identity in the server project (as in the Visual Studio ...
Majid Shahabfar's user avatar
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How do I get the accesstoken for my active user from azure so I can connect to my db?

In an Azure hosted Blazor .NET 8.0 web app, I have a service I have created for accessing my azure hosted SQL Server DB. Its declared in my Program.cs like this: builder.Services.AddScoped<...
Rob Marsh's user avatar
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How do I get a deployed Blazor web app to connect to an Azure SQL Server database using the current users details?

I have a .NET 8.0 Blazor web App and an Azure SQL Server DB set up. The app is registered on Azure and I have the requisite ClientID, TenantID and secret set up. I've added our public IP address to ...
Rob Marsh's user avatar
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Bootstrap Carousel won't transition in Blazor component

I have a Blazor component with a bootstrap carousel with data-bs-ride="carousel". The carousel loads but does not transition, nor does the carousel respond to button click events. According ...
Vague's user avatar
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Blazor <AuthorizeView> does not show <Authorized> content after connection resumes after interruption

I have written a web app using Windows Authentication. It uses the new(ish) Blazor Web App template, which means that there is a constant SignalR connection between server and client. I found a ...
Greg's user avatar
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Blazor Web App using Azure B2C calling an external API also using Azure B2C .Net 8

Im trying to move my Blazor project from .net 6 to 8 and go from WASM to a Blazor Web App so i can use interactive rendering and keep within .net support. My current client uses the following code to ...
PaX's user avatar
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Blazor Web App nuget package missing static files from external nugets

I have a Blazor Web App recently upgraded from Blazor Server. As part of the process it is packed to a nuget. After the upgrade I noticed that when you pack the project it is missing static files like ...
MaciejPL's user avatar
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Blazor Webapp (8.0) - implement Session timeout functionality

I am new to blazor and implementing the session timeout (20 minutes of inactivity) functionality. It is a Blazor Web app (8.0) and using AzureADB2C to authenticate and SQL server for authorizing the ...
Ram's user avatar
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Blazor Webapp (8.0) - implement Logout functionality

logout I am implementing the logout functionality. We are using AzureADB2C to authenticate and SQL server for authorizing the roles. My company Azure admin has configured all the policy information, ...
Ram's user avatar
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Radzen Theme not applying in Blazor Web App

So, my App.razor looks like this: @using Radzen.Blazor <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(App).Assembly"> <Found Context="routeData"> <RouteView RouteData=...
ParSa's user avatar
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.NET 8 Blazor web app with Web API using JWT authentication AuthorizationHandlerContext returns null

I have two .NET 8 project, an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API and Blazor web app with interactive render mode set to server. The Web API handles the authentication and provides a JWT token. The registration ...
Ahmad Salim's user avatar
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How to run Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components library on NET9

Simple setup: Create a new Blazor Web App with Auto and Per Page/Component solutions. Add a new Razor class library to contain the components, add Microsoft's Fluent UI Blazor Components library. This ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Is this Blazor/EF Core code efficient and safe use of DbContext and accessing shadow properties

Simple Blazor Web App created in VS2022 using the wb app template , to edit a vendor record. All works and I can edit the record in concurrent browser tabs. I've seen examples on SO of how to use ...
TheDoc's user avatar
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Using EF Core ChangeTracker for Blazor Web App (Serverside)

I have a webshop running in a Blazor Web App application (server side). Everything works perfectly locally. But as soon as the application is online, it crashes every few days. This means that when I ...
M4SX5's user avatar
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.NET 8 Blazor web app can't access PDF from server or local network

I'm trying to open a PDF file from an absolute path, when in debugging I can open it from both local network and the server I'm running the web app. But as soon as I host it in IIS, it can't access ...
redrum1337's user avatar
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.NET 8 Blazor Cascading Parameter HttpContext vs HttpContextAccessor.HttpContext

With the following code in a standard Blazor Web Application in program.cs, builder.Services.AddRazorComponents(); The underlying framework will create a cascading parameter for HttpContext, which ...
Donny Kwitty's user avatar
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SingalR not working on server IIS. works on local host

I have websockets enabled on my iis server. I am using singal R to update a progress bar during downloading. Works and local host but when published to server I get the following. blazor.web.js:1 [...
Quinn Nash's user avatar
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How can I manually show/hide a Modal in Blazor?

How do you manually show a Bootstrap 5 Modal using Javascript as explained in their documentation using this format on Blazor Interactive Server? const myModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document....
DSan's user avatar
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In ASP.NET Core Blazor with a download controller, is there a way to update a progress bar back to the page?

I would like to be able to update a percent progress bar of to show how far along in reading files my controller is. This is my controller for downloading: [HttpGet("multiple/{*pathsInSharedDrive}...
Quinn Nash's user avatar
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General Question on Navigation Manger vs HttpContext to route to a controller

In a Blazor web app on .NET 8, I am using a service to create a zip file, then calling a controller to return the zip to the user. I ran into issues using HTTP context and was able to achieve what I ...
Quinn Nash's user avatar
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Blazor web app ASP.NET Core 8.0 controller not finding route

How to use controllers in a Blazor web app? My route is not being found. local host page can't be found file folder structure I have AddControllers and MapControllers in my program.cs. I want to be ...
Quinn Nash's user avatar
2 votes
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Blazor HttpClient service Error on page reload

I have an api https://localhost:7293/ everything works fine however consuming the api using httpclient on blazor wasm or blazor app wasm or auto render is a nightmare works on load but crashes on ...
Gideon Gachie's user avatar
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Buttons not working in the blazor webapp in Visual Studio 2022

I have a blazor app in the Visual Studio 2022. In it I have a todo list page in the nav menu. This is the TodoItem.cs: [Table ("todo")] public class ToDoItem { [Key] [...
Oxygen Enjoyer's user avatar
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Blazor Web App NET 8-Pass Access Token to SignalR Endpoint

My Blazor backend app uses a custom AuthenticationStateProvider which persists the authenticated user on both the backend app and the web assembly client app. I can use a ...
GH DevOps's user avatar
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Do we need two projects in Blazor Web App in .Net 8 with auto interactivity rendering mode?

Blazor web app with auto render creates template with 2 projects.So the question is: Can we have single project? can we add @rendermode InteractiveAuto on all pages even if we don't need client side ...
user1744582's user avatar
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Styling issue in Blazor/Razor components when using .razor.css

I'm facing an issue when trying to apply styles to Blazor/Razor components when I move the styles to a separate CSS file. In my project, I define styles in a .razor component, and when applying styles ...
Guttizin's user avatar
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How to set cookie from server side - talking to client

I'm stuck with this. So I have a new .NET8 Blazor WebApp - Server Interactive. So this is only one Blazor project. I am adding Auth0 authentication for it to communicate with my other API by Auth0 ...
Adam Jachocki's user avatar