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Capacitor biometry unwanted call

We have CapacitorJS 6.0.0 Angular 18.2.2 app which uses capacitor-native-biometric 4.2.2. During new version release Android version was/is fine but Testflight/iOS version since this release calls ...
Nomik's user avatar
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How to use biometrics with an existing OAuth system

My mobile app has this (fairly common) authentication user experience: user signs in with email and password user is prompted to enable biometrics for faster access next time when user returns to app ...
Dash Winterson's user avatar
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Get real time Fingerprint log from zkteco speedface v5l to c# winform

I attempted to integrate my Winform application with real-time attendance. I have used the zkemkeeper class. devices connected. can read other data. but cannot get real-time log. private void ...
lulitha's user avatar
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Checking if user has enrolled facial recognition

I have an application that checks if the user has facial recognition and fingerprint recognition for biometric purposes. I have to do two checks for each type of biometric. Check 1 - Check if the ...
DiChrist's user avatar
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Implement Biometric Passkey Login for Smart Contract Authentication Using X and Y Coordinates in React Native?

We attempted various approaches using different npm packages, such as react-native-passkey and @turnkey/react-native-passkey-stamper, but these solutions didn't fully address our requirements for ...
Vinod Takhar's user avatar
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Getting Missing biometric data as specified in “Uses” error with finguer print authntication

I'm taking finguerprint data with JS code and pass to UIDI for validation but it's sending back below error Missing biometric data as specified in “Uses” How to resolved this error ? var XML = ' <...
Amit Developer's user avatar
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Is it possible to access and store biometric data from IOS and Android devices into my own database for analysis? [duplicate]

I am doing a project for my school FYP. So my topic is to develop an mobile app to collect users' biometric data for vulnerability assessment/analysis. And suggest mitigation strategy to mitigate ...
t zy's user avatar
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How do apps properly validate Face-id or biometrics before important actions on the backend?

I have a theoretical question, how is a mobile app supposed to handle Face-id or biometrics being required before certain task. Let's say a banking app asks for Face ID on iPhone before making a ...
Flama's user avatar
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MAUI and IFingerprint: how to authenticate the user after a resume?

In my NET8 MAUI application, I added the IFingerprint in order to authenticate the user via biometrics. It is working if the app displays a login page. What I like to do is authenticate the user when ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Started a project on Visual Studio2022 using C++, but error 'C3861' appears on my .cpp when using Windows Biometric Framework sample code

This is the Output: 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: WindowsProject01, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>WindowsProject01.cpp 1>C:\\Users\\user\\source\\repos\\WindowsProject01 - Copy\\...
Einstein R.'s user avatar
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Is fingerprints biometric authentication supported in flutter web?

I'm building a web verification system with flutter. And it requires biometric data capturing like fingerprints, but the problem is no biometric (fingerprints) package support flutter web. Is there a ...
Jmmy James's user avatar
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Reading Digital PErsona HId 4500 Reader in python using C types

im new into programming, im using a sample c# code from SDK Digital persona, in python. I read SDK and didn't found the exact conversion, im excepting the Code to read the USB finger reader and ...
Edu Sistemas's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Plugin.Fingerprint for Face ID Authentication in .NET MAUI

I'm working on a .NET MAUI project and trying to implement Face ID authentication using the Plugin.Fingerprint library. However, it seems the library prompts for fingerprint authentication instead of ...
mistelltein's user avatar
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After reading and trying several solutions like enabling zombie,adding exception breakpoint etc didnt worked for me to find the actual reason of my crash. Below is the stack trace for the crash. In my ...
Pooja 's user avatar
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CORS error when using a biometric device API with React

I have an API that initiates scans for biometric data via a biometric device connected through USB and verifies the same data from the biometric device. This API has been installed on my Windows ...
Nate's user avatar
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How to create an Android SecretKey that is invalidated when a new finger print is enrolled

I've been strugling to achieve the following scenario: I want to authenticate my user via biometrics, and when the user enroll a new biometry I want to invalidate the key or get an exception. I've got ...
Felipe Nathan's user avatar
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Prevent Username Autofill in Incorrect UITextField with Biometric Authentication

I'm encountering an issue with the autofill behavior in one of my iOS applications. On an action confirmation screen, users can enter a reason in the first text field and their account password in the ...
Charitha Basnayake's user avatar
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WebAuthn API not returning expected challenge token

I am currently trying to integrate biometric logins to my webapp. I've been using the WebAuthn API to accomplish this. According to the spec and other docs I've read the server needs to provide a ...
Brandon Parker's user avatar
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How to compare two different HASHES that correspond to a single person

hope y'all doin awesome. I've been struggling with some HASH stuff, and I've come to a point where I don't really know what to do, so I'm really hoping stackoverflow could give me a hand. I've ...
Leoznake's user avatar
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biometric web authentication js

How to implement biometric web authentication in JavaScript web applications. I ran my web application on an Android device, but encountered an error stating 'passkey not available. where store ...
Dinuka Dulanjana's user avatar
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IOS: Why doesn't the native Face ID alert show more than once?

Can anyone clarify (with a source) why when a user attempts to enable Face ID for an app, they only see the native alert prompt to activate it, if it's the first time they try to enable it? Why do ...
Jules's user avatar
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How could I use BiometricAuthentication in MAUI?

Note. This question only refers to Android, for now. I will leave IOs for a later date. I have the following situation in MAUI (which means C# in Visual Studio). I need to allow fingerprint ...
Alex's user avatar
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how i can implementation faceId in react-native in android with react-native-keychain?

"I am working on a project where I am implementing biometric login using React Native. I am using the react-native-keychain library, which supports Face ID and Touch ID on iOS. However, it seems ...
afshin's user avatar
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How to calculate TDR @ % FDR 0.02?

how do I calculate TDR (%) @ FDR = 0.02% in Python? I have found the ROC curve and stored the fprs, tprs , threshold and interpret the value of tpr at different fpr values but the problem is there a ...
Amal's user avatar
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Store refresh token securely with a biometric authentication

I am building a Mobile app that uses Identity server for login cycle, after a successful login from the user, I want to store user's refresh token for future logins to be able to login with his ...
Abdallah A. Odeh's user avatar
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Getting Private Key with biometric authentication in react native, expo, native module, Android app

The plan is to open the app and get a list of approvals that need to be made. Authentication would not be required to open the app but in order to approve or reject, the user would have to provide a ...
John Ketterer's user avatar
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Android biometrics auth with only fingerprint

I'm trying to make biomertics authentication on my app. is there any way to restrict user to use only fingerprint? I saw fingerprintmanager deprecated and new biometrics plugin doesn't divide face and ...
Jin's user avatar
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Issue with Windows Biometric Framework Capture Sample for Capacitive Touch Fingerprint Sensor

I am currently working on an application that involves capturing fingerprint images using the Windows Biometric Framework Capture Sample. The application works fine with optical sensors found in ...
سمید احمد's user avatar
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Not getting option for biometric face authentication

I am using biometric authentication for getting into the app, but the problem is I am not getting option for face-authentication. This is the gradle dependency implementation "androidx.biometric:...
Vanisha Gaba's user avatar
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Can I use my own biometric authentication to the autofill extension?

Problem: The aim to the post is to find any way to use biometric verification(no system default) in autofill extension. I've tried using ImagePicker, AVFoundation and AVCapture to open the camera, and ...
YHYen's user avatar
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Azure B2C Face id, touch id biometric authentication

We are migrating to B2C. Current native solution uses libraries to do biometrics and calls APIs to authenticate with legacy IDP. We want to use web view for B2C on the native implementation and I read ...
Erkan Y.'s user avatar
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com.futronic.SDKHelper cannot be resolved

i received a challenge on my job, that consists in develope a desktop system using java for collect biometrics data. I decided to compile the java example they have on its own drive, but I'm not able ...
Aramís Ocrécio da Silva's user avatar
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how to validate fingerprints in angular?

I am working on an Angular web application that uses the DigitalPersona 4500 fingerprint reader device u are u. The application aims to register fingerprints and store them in a database for later ...
Gustavo Gr's user avatar
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how to pull data automatically from iFace 702 and update it in the database?

how to pull data automatically from iFace 702 and update it in the database? i only tried the manual backup. im using it is already displaying in my system but i want it to be automatically ...
user23396072's user avatar
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ZK-Teco Get SMS from device in JAVA

I am encountering issues while trying to fetch SMS information from a ZK-Teco device using Java code. Although I can manually convert the response byte code to a string and display the content ...
Virtual Heart's user avatar
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Biostar 2 suprema hidden database

Hellow devs, I kind of develop an app to get reports from the sql biometric biostar 2 suprema in python i get this project for an uncompleted project in job and i had to make it work, i saw a ...
José Timaure's user avatar
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I am working on the biometrics authentication, but I have no idea about which biometric level to use. Can Someone help me understand when should I use BIOMETRIC_STRONG (Class 3), BIOMETRIC_WEAK (Class ...
Huimin's user avatar
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WinBioEnrollBegin gives "DuplicateTemplate" error when try to begin fingerprint enrollment

I have a Windows service runs under LocalSystem account. Service can identify fingerprint correctly. My problem is when i start enrollment it gives "DuplicateTemplate" error despite i delete ...
candogg's user avatar
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Flutter BioAuth how to detect user changed bio info

I'm using package local_auth to do the bio auth in my flutter project, but im facing a issue that when user change the bio info, then app should detect the changes and notify user that the bio info ...
DennisCCC's user avatar
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How to handle user credentials in biometric user sign in using firebase authentication in a flutter mobile app?

I want to add biometric user sign in to my flutter app. Currently I have implemented the email/password type firebase authentication in the app. Along with that, I would like to add the biometric sign ...
Srinath Silla's user avatar
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Biometric Attendance Device with Direct Real Time Nodejs VPS Server Connectivity

I am planning to develop a custom, real-time attendance system using Node.js and I'm looking for recommendations on both the architecture and biometric devices that can integrate smoothly with a Node....
Muhammad Ashraf's user avatar
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Windows Hello Biometrics with Python

Is it possible to use windows hello with python? For example, if anyone has ever used dashlane (password manager), you can use windows hello to unlock your account or retrieve passwords. Is it ...
Tiago Rangel's user avatar
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Android biometrics login add additional non controlable text

I found out strange behaviour of Android Biometrics Login dialog. Android add additional text (which I don't even have in my app strings) which I cannot change. As you see on picture below when I try ...
KyluAce's user avatar
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Flutter local_auth package: number of failed attempts to login

I am using local_auth package in Flutter, where i am using mostly finger print as a biometric way to authenticate and login. I noticed local_auth has a built-in mechanism of only 5 wrong attempts to ...
RobEleven's user avatar
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Decrypt data in web app only if device unlock solved (biometrics, PIN)

In a web app I can encrypt data via web crypto: I can store the key as non-extractable CryptoKey in indexed db. Since the device ...
prime's user avatar
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Attach biometric data from Wacom STU SDK to a PDF document

I need to implement Wacom tablet handwriting in my Java software and I'm using the STU SDK for Linux. In the samples that are present in the SDK it is shown how to acquire the PenData and transform ...
Alessandro Baroni's user avatar
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Is there a security or other reason that we can only trigger biometrics from the web via webauthn?

I would like to add biometrics capability to my web app. It seems to me that the only way to trigger device unlock (biometrics, PIN etc.) is with webauthn API through navigator.credentials.get(): ...
r j's user avatar
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Capturing Fingeprint on Mobile Apps

Is it possible to capture and store the fingerprint scanned by mobile apps, then store the captured data to a server? I want to make an authentication using fingeprint biometrics, but the fingerprint ...
Kevin C.'s user avatar
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Aadhar Authentication RD Service for fingerprint IOS

I am developing app with Aadhaar payment which needs fingerprint authentication using Aadhaar UIDAI. but in market there are lot of fingerprint scanner devices. each device has their own rd service ...
DSRawat's user avatar
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Android biometric - How to detect biometric is lockout?

I am developing a app with biometric. I try 5 attempts and biometric sensor is locked and I get errorCode 7 from AuthenticationCallback. biometricPrompt = BiometricPrompt(this, executor!!, ...
Allen Huang's user avatar

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