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Make subdivisions for a plane3d in the Bevy game engine v0.13

In the latest version v0.13 of the Bevy game engine, how do you go about making a mesh from a Plane3d shape with specified number of subdivisions? In v0.12 you could do like this: let mut mesh = Mesh::...
Claudijo's user avatar
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Bevy loading assets relative to debug binary instead of project root

I'm getting the following error when loading a GLTF model: ERROR bevy_asset::server: Path not found: /path/to/project/target/debug/assets/model.glb I'm loading the model with commands.spawn(...
The Bic Pen's user avatar
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How to swap color materials in an update call?

During bevy setup, I've spawned multiple rectangles with two different colors. How do I update these rectangles with a new color material? // in setup commands.spawn( (MaterialMesh2dBundle { ...
kockburn's user avatar
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