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How to create notifications for Azure Data Sync errors or different way to schedule replication of Azure SQL data to on prem SQL Server?

We have a database in Azure SQL Server that we want to replicate continually to an On-Prem 2019 SQL Server. We are using Azure Data Sync but it fails every once in a while and we can't find out how to ...
daniel yunker's user avatar
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Approach for using Azure VM for SQL

Following is the exact scenario in my application: SQL Server database is hosted on-premise locally in US office for development purpose. Developers are distributed in 3 different regions (US, ...
Nirman's user avatar
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Azure Data Sync Clustered Index Error

We are trying to setup an Azure Database Sync group to replicate our data from an on-premise server to an Azure SQL database. This as a first step for a migration to Azure. The Sync Group and Sync ...
Fluffymittens's user avatar
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Azure data sync from Azure Db to Azure DWH

I am trying to perform a replication using Azure data sync between an Azure sql database and an Azure SQL Data Warehouse. I have a table with a primary key, identity (1,1). When i try to perform the ...
George Lica's user avatar
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