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How to speed up secondary_xaxis() in matplotlib? [closed]

I'm finding usage of secondary_xaxis() is extremely slow. I'd like to speed it up. To add a secondary axis at the top of the plot, I'm passing two functions to secondary_xaxis() both of which just ...
hjs's user avatar
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changing the y axis in matplotlib

How can you change the y-axis in matplotlib such that you have specified ticks ([0, -1, -8, -44, -244]) but they are evenly spread over the y-axis (the gap between 0 and -1 is just as big as the gap ...
Max's user avatar
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Rescale axes concerning visible artists only

I have a request regarding the use of autoscale_view(). I was expecting it to scale the plot considering only the visible artists, but it does not have such an effect. I have a small test script as ...
PBrockmann's user avatar
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Possible collision not working? no Movement

Trying to create movement through vertical axis, only when objects are overlapping. I basically want my character to be fixed to the wall before they're able to climb up. Here's my player code, no ...
olewis9's user avatar
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Adjust the grey background of ggplot in ggmap

I have the following script to construct a ggmap, along with a polygon and some points. The example is not reproducible but this is not an issue because the problem that I face is related to the ...
0 votes
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How to create dynamic altair x-axis and not fixed on current values?

My data looks like this: Name Date 1% 2% 10% ... 100% Anne 1/1/24 3 5 1 ... 92 Anne 1/2/24 4 8 2 ... 78 Anne 1/3/24 7 9 6 ... 47 My x axis are the percentages: 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, and ...
mmv456's user avatar
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Rotating matplotlib subplot with additional axes

I am currently struggling to create a 3-panel figure where the centre plot contains a contour plot and the top left and right panels show some lines. The thing is that all the plots are rotated 45 ...
Sven Lämmle's user avatar
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In horizontal mode, none of the items in SingleChildScrollView are scrolled in flutter

I have created some items in SingleChildScrollView and the problem is that none of the items are scrolled in horizontal mode, but the same code scrolls the items in vertical mode. Items are scrollable ...
Mohamad Hasan Salmaaniyaan's user avatar
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What is the role of time compensation in TwinCAT, and how does it affect synchronization between master and slave axes?

I’m trying to understand how time compensation works in TwinCAT, as mentioned in the Beckhoff documentation.
jerryvdk's user avatar
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Highcharts Gantt fixed width of the left axis as a table column

I use Highcharts (Gantt module) to generate a Gantt Resources Management chart with a left axis as a table. It works very well but, for a specific alignement reason with other charts, I need to fix ...
vegaelce's user avatar
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Change the horizantal axis crosses in a python bar chart

I apologize if this is an easy and simple question that has already been answered. I have some data I am trying to chart as a clustered bar graph using a pandas dataframe in python and so far it has ...
A. Gale's user avatar
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Overlaying a line plot over a stacked bar plot with dual y axis [duplicate]

I tried many times to plot line data of temperature over a stacked bar chart, but it didn’t work. My data consists of four columns as shown below: site, Frequency, Movie _Status, and temperature: ...
Hadeer ismail's user avatar
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plot the x axis as MM:SS instead of integer in a histogram

I have ambulance response time data as seconds. For example (32, 158, 36, 459, 830, 396). I am able to make a Matplotlib histogram binning the data into 60 second increments. On the x axis label the ...
David Fort Myers's user avatar
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Python data visualization for x and y axis numerical data

I have list of numbers in my x and y axis (not in ordered). There are few numbers which have some relation. The weightage of that relation is given as number in z axis. I want to represent these x and ...
Dr. Krishna Kant Gupta's user avatar
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ggplot2 in R: mean summary point for subgroups in grids

I have the following chart that combines five variables: library(ggplot2) data(mtcars) ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg , y=disp , color=cyl)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(vs~am) which gives me a graph ...
kwadratens's user avatar
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Make a common x-axis for multiple plots in a cowplot

I have multiple plots made with ggplot2 that I arrange together using cowplot. They all have the same length, and an x-axis with the same breaks at the same places, but with different labels. This is ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Sequence color blocks inside ggplot2 plot area at specific coordinates

I have a simple line plot where I show a DNA sequence on the x-axis, done in the following way with ggplot2: myseq <- "AGAATATTATACATTCATCT" set.seed(123) mydata <- data.frame(time=1:...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Preserve x-axis breaks and element_markdown specs on each facet in ggplot2 with facet_wrap and free_x

Say I have the final_df data frame in the MWE below, and I make the plot below it, using a custom scale_x_continuous and element_markdown from ggtext. myseq <- "AGAATATTATACATTCATCT" set....
DaniCee's user avatar
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Livecharts crashing whenever ScalesYAt != 0

I'm using LiveChartsCore 2.0.0-rc2 together with the .SkiaSharpView and .SkiaSharpView.WinForms (also the same 2.0.0-rc2 version) I'm trying to create a multiple axis Vertical Axis graph such as For ...
desiredness's user avatar
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Is there a Bokeh equivalent to Matplotlib's `useOffset` for offset in axis tick labels?

Plotting points whose y-coordinates' average value is very large but whose variance is small, the labels on the y-axis are not useful. Either one can use high precision custom format--whereupon the ...
Justin Lanfranchi's user avatar
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Why does ggplot have margin between y=0 and x-axis?

By default, ggplot2 figures include a small margin between the plot area and the axes such that, for example, the x axis intersects the y axis just below y=0. I know how to remove this. My question is ...
Simon Gillings's user avatar
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How can I fix overlapping axes and graphs in d3-contour?

I'm drawing a graph using contour from the d3 library, and I'm having trouble with the graph and the axes overlapping. I don't know what the problem is. The code below is the code that's causing the ...
Inyong's user avatar
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Is Quaternion (-Q0, Qx, Qy, Qz) the same as (Q0,-Qx, -Qy, -Qz)?

Could you tell me if Quaternion (-Q0, Qx, Qy, Qz) is exactly the same as (Q0,-Qx, -Qy, -Qz)? I am testing a SW tool against a formula and I have noticed that sometimes the signs are different. The ...
CmBe's user avatar
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Excluding a label on the y-axis in Matplotlib: How?

I would not like to have the first label on the y-axis on my figure which looks like this now, since I don't find it very nice to have it like this. In my solution, I tried excluding the ...
Márton Horváth's user avatar
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Creating two Y-axes with the same X-axis [duplicate]

I am trying to create a plot for my stable isotope data from sequential dentine sampling which provides deltaN15 and deltaC13 data as well as age assignments. I would like to have the x-axis be the ...
wishywashytreant40's user avatar
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Make axis lines start from specific values in ggplot

I have the following scatterplot in ggplot: library(ggplot2) ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width)) + geom_point() + theme_classic() + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(2, 5)) + ...
Coppertank's user avatar
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openpyxl Scatter plot w/ flitted x/y axis

starting from the example at: original scatter plot]( I would like to generate this plot ...
tab's user avatar
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Display custom dates on x axis matplotlib

Here is my plot: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.dates as mdates dates = pd.date_range('2020-03-31', '2024-06-30', freq='...
user1700890's user avatar
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How to put infinity and -infinity on a graph with plot

In the attached image I want to replace -1 by -Inf and 3 by Inf. This is the code: F <- function(x) { f <- NULL f[x < 0] <- 0 f[x >= 0 & x < 1] <- 0.4*x[x >= 0 & ...
Amelia's user avatar
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How to convert a 3D point from Global coordinates to Local coordinates?

I have a point A = (Tx=-27.95, Ty=-94.68, Tz=-49.53, Q0=0.3222, Qx=-0.0062, Qy=-0.0092, Qz=0.9466). Point A is a Global coordinate. Now, Point A is my reference local coordinate axes I have a second ...
CmBe's user avatar
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Manually specifying x-axis limits with gglikert()

I am using the gglikert() function from the ggstats package to create horizontal stacked bar charts centered on the neutral response. I would like to know how to manually set the x-axis limits to 100% ...
ehickman0817's user avatar
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Secondary X axis using plotly

I need to create a secondary x-axis (without creating a primary x-axis) with primary y-axis. Could anybody give suggestions? I tried to put side='top'. it does not work. fig = go.Figure() # Add ...
Rajesh Koyi's user avatar
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When using matplotlib, how do I set the on-screen lengths of the x and y axes to be equal without changing the limits of either axis?

I would like to make the axes of a matplotlib plot a square, and do so by stretching or compressing the scaling of the axes rather than by changing the axis limits. How can this be done? (In other ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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How can I format tickers for hh:mm in Python matplotlib over a fixed period

I am fairl amateur to programming, but I'm trying to create a python widget that can display the selected photoperiod for a controlled environment growhouse, based on the current time. A GUI would ...
Lewis Penden's user avatar
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How to ensure consistent axis scaling when plots in a panel have different axis sizes?

The following code makes a panel with eight plots in a specific layout. It does everything I want except that axis scales are not consistent across all plots. I need the distance between zero and one ...
goshawk's user avatar
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Force R to annotate axes with integers (not decimal numbers) [duplicate]

When I plot integers, the axes are nevertheless annotated with decimal numbers: plot(1L:3L, 1L:3L) Can I force R to only display integers? I do not want to manually specify the numbers, e.g. by using ...
Ben's user avatar
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Difficulties in Axis 1 to Axis 2 Migration progress

I'm currently migrating an Axis 1 SOAP request to an Apache Axis2 SOAP request in a Spring project. Previously, I used Axis 1 to convert a WSDL file into Java class files. However, in Axis 2, the ...
julymeltdown's user avatar
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I have a web service that is using oracle apps cz cio import

I have an webservice which is deployed using axis and tomcat7 and jdk 1.7 but recently i have changed the versions to tomcat 9 and jdk 11 . after doing that i am getting exceptions as such for the ...
Bivan Roy's user avatar
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ggplot2::sec_axis does not compute log10 values correctly

I want to replicate Figure 3.15 from Fox, J., & Weisberg, S. (2018). An R Companion to Applied Regression (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. with the {ggplot2} package. This is the original Figure ...
petzi's user avatar
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R, plot second y-axis with ggplot2 [duplicate]

I have the following data.frame (df): download df here x column are observations, meters column are altitude and hPa column are pressure levels. If I plot x and meters I get the following: How can I ...
aaaaa's user avatar
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square plots with identical x and y axes in python

I am plotting (x,y) pairs of data and I need to plot them in square plots with equal x and y axes. I need scale and even formatting of the axes to be identical. I have used ax.set_aspect(np.diff(ax....
wicked_Angel's user avatar
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Multi-level x-axis labels and missing every other axis labels

Here is a MWE. df <- data.frame(Y = c(1:12), Combination = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6), Treatment = c("AX", "AY", "AY", "AX",...
Lin Jing's user avatar
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Simple raycast hit object implementation intro custom lib based on webgpu tech

This raycast funcs originally writen for glmatrix because i use wgpu-matrix ^2.5.1 i made args modification. Ussually for glmatrix vec3 mat4 operation have destination out on begin in wgpu-matrix it ...
Nikola Lukic's user avatar
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How to modify the legend level names in a two-axis line chart in ggplot2

I have the following two-axis line chart created in ggplot2: #data datos_graficos <- data.frame( Arena = c(20,25,30,35,40,45,50), Media_Mg = c(0.3050000,0.3025000,0.2775000,0.3157143,0.2887500,...
Rodrigo Saquicela's user avatar
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Placing annotations outside of a ggplot2 plot when the axis is categorical

I want to add two arrows with corresponding text to the outside of the Y axis in a ggplot2 plot, but the X axis is a categorical variable, and I have only found solutions (implemented below) when both ...
datascienceuseR's user avatar
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How to set the y-axis to cross the x-axis at x=0 in ggplot2?

I'm trying to create a scatter plot with ggplot, and I would like the y axis to cross the x axis at x = 0, instead of being at the left of the plot. Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve : (...
NoNameBoyy's user avatar
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unexpected reversed secondary y axis on dataframe plot

I'm trying to plot a electrical consumption, first in mA with a date, and with secondary axis in W with julian day. I refered to this matplotlib article, and even if the example works perfectly, I can'...
BenjiBoy's user avatar
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Disable auto-fit behavior in Chart.js

I have made a bar chart importing variables from a database. Variables can have values from 0 to 100. I want to maintain the X-axis fixed to 100 even when all 'real' values are lower. I inserted the ...
AlexK's user avatar
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How to remove extra segment on y-axis in combined ggplot2 plots?

enter image description hereI'm using ggplot2 in R to create a set of plots, which I then arrange into a single composite figure using grid.arrange from the gridExtra package. Although I managed to ...
carcarmor's user avatar
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I want to get two legends for two different groups in a two Y-Axis plot [closed]

so I have a two Y-Axis plot. Each Y-Axis is given a group of Data. I want to have two different legends for each group on left and right side of plot on the locations shown in the second picture. This ...
Nick Brown's user avatar

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