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Azure Identity: how to authenticate from the browser (popup or redirect mode) when the site is viewed from a Teams tab?

I created an SPFx Web part for SharePoint Online, in Typescript. What I want to achieve is to consumme an Azure OpenAI instance from the browser, under the identity of the currently logged-in user. I ...
Evariste's user avatar
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Authentication for middleware API

So first off, the background of the problem I'm facing: At our company we use an external service provider for a system. Their system uses Bearer TOKEN authentication for their API and they have roles ...
Tomi Kramberger's user avatar
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hi i am learing Next.js nowdays and i want to build a fullstack app but i get error if i click to singIn button

route.ts import { authOptions } from "@/utils/auth"; import NextAuth from "next-auth"; const handler = NextAuth(authOptions) ; export { handler as GET, handler as POST } auth.ts ...
Avtandil Bagration's user avatar
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What's the proper way to conclude the OAuth2 flow in Django?

To keep the story short, I've acquired all the necessary tokens from Google using the "auth code" flow. So currently, I have the following tokens at my disposal: 1. access_token 2. ...
Jamess11's user avatar
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Updating record field using VBA MS Access

I have a login page - but now I need a page to allow the user to change their password. I have a table Users, with fields Login, User, and Password. Login is the primary key. My account settings page ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Runtime error when using Global Variable in MS Access

I have made a login page for my project, and want to keep track of which user is logged in so that if they edit a form, their username can be attached for future record. I am trying to do this with a ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Why is my Ruby on Rails app session logging out randomly?

I'm a veteran programmer (C# mainly) but recently I've been dabbling with Ruby on Rails (7 to be specific). I've built a small authenticated app with a logout button. During my local testing, I would ...
Ka Wai Cheung's user avatar
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How can I pass a token from my app to a third party app [closed]

Im trying to build an app that will run on a third party clients' apps, injected by a script. This app should communicate with our BE, but I don't know what is the best approach to pass token's data ...
Eden Binyamin's user avatar
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Can Keycloak Master Realm Issue Tokens for Users in Other Realms and Allow Introspection of Tokens?

Problem: I have two realms in Keycloak: realm1 and realm2. Each realm contains 10 users. I want to configure Keycloak so that the Master Realm generates tokens for users in both realm1 and realm2. The ...
Ghost's user avatar
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Store data inaccessible from user in Nextjs

In a Nextjs (v14.2.12 with the app router) frontend, for the authtentication I don't want to send a backend request everytime a user enters a new page. Is there a way to store the user object, that is ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Login does not work for my customer on Cloud [closed]

Screenshot I have a problem where a user cannot log in to with their Google account. The screenshot shows that a policy has been violated, but that is not true. My account is fine, the app ...
gooloode's user avatar
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How API Key Authentication work and managed by application?

I have to implement multiple type of authentication in my backend application. JWT authentication API key authentication In case of JWT authentication:- After successfull authentication of user, ...
Gourav Saini's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v2 suddenly requires a lot more attempts

I have a reCAPtCHA V2 protecting some paths in my site and recently the trust score has dropped significantly and many reCAPtCHA attempts are getting blocked... so I tested it myself, and for some ...
winner_vth's user avatar
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Why is the PAM configuration not working properly? [closed]

I attempted to edit the /etc/pam.d/su file to achieve the following: When the current user is userX and executes su userM, no password is required. I used the following configuration: auth [success=...
Fridaynight's user avatar
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login/authenticator Catch-22 with Heroku

I am a somewhat technical non-developer doing the admin work to keep a deployed Chrome extension working OK for its users until I find another developer to do more work on the product. The deployment ...
user1832926's user avatar
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Python OPC-UA : authentification

I'm trying to set up authentication for my OPC-UA server. I don't want my clients to be able to connect to my server in ‘anonymous’ mode. So I used this configuration in my opc-ua server: I'm testing ...
Autolab's user avatar
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Implementing Offline Login in an Ionic App Using Keycloak for Online Authentication [closed]

I’m developing a mobile application using Ionic and leveraging Keycloak for user authentication when the app is online. However, I want to implement an offline login feature that allows users to ...
Camillo's user avatar
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Apply method in my AuthenticationFilter not getting called

I don't know why but my apply method inside my AuthenticationFileter is not getting called, even though I hitting the routes my AuthenticationFilter @Component("Authenticate") @Slf4j public ...
A_B's user avatar
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React Native Access/Refresh Token Storage

We have been storing our access token and refresh tokens in keychain, but there has been some errors with saving and getting the keychain which affected my user experience. This cause quite a few ...
worknovel's user avatar
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Swiftui MSLA Logout catche issue

func loadMSALScreen() async throws -> MSALReturnTokenUserID { //MSALGlobalConfig.loggerConfig.logLevel = .verbose do { let authority = try ...
Kavitha G's user avatar
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MSAL for non-SPA? Server side authentication?

I am new to Azure so please bear with me. My company uses Azure Active Directory and Azure SSO for most of the in-house applications for internal use. Most of the applications are built using React on ...
user2526586's user avatar
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The OAuth state was missing or invalid. - Github authentication

I am trying to create a web app using Angular and ASP.NET Core 8, so I can authenticate the user with its github account and then show all the repos of the user on my platform, but I am getting this ...
Muhammad awab Ahmed's user avatar
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Flutterflow: Determining a User's Supabase Authentication Method

In my Flutterflow project I'm allowing users to authenticate w/ email or Apple Sign-In through Supabase but I'd like to hide a "Change Password" button for users who signed in with Apple ...
taber's user avatar
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flutter state is not updating after logout showing old users data

I'm using provider using mvvm. I'm fetching api, but the response it not changing after new users login its showing old users data. I have deleted all data from local storage and local storage data is ...
Rishi Tailor's user avatar
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How to properly access ProtectedLocalStorage after login using NavigationManager.NavigateTo()

After successful login (JWT-based authentication stored in protectedLocalStorage), I want to redirect to ReturnUrl if exists. When the ReturnUrl -destination page- has the Authorize attribute & ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Web API : call unauthorized on certain machines/networks

I developed an ASP.NET Core application that consumes an API from a remote application. The API uses authentication and works as expected when tested with Postman from my development machine. However, ...
Krunal's user avatar
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Forgot wordpress admin password, also not receiving email to reset [closed]

Forgot wordpress admin password, also not receiving email to reset I have a wordpress site, but I am unable to login because I forgot the password. Also I am not receiving the password reset email. ...
Kailash's user avatar
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EventGrid Trigger on Authenticated Azure Function App

I have an Azure Function App with several different functions. Some of which with an HTTP trigger and one with an Event Grid Trigger. I want to force authentication on the HTTP triggers but when I ...
Hofa's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'password') in Node.js MySQL login function [closed]

I am developing a Node.js application using MySQL for the database, bcrypt for password hashing, and JWT for authentication. I'm encountering a TypeError when trying to log in a user. Specifically, ...
Francisco Roque's user avatar
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Issues Deploying Blazor Server App with Azure Authentication

I have a blazor app that i've built for my company that uses azure authentication. When testing it locally it works like a charm with the localhost certificate. Once i went to deploy to IIS on a web ...
Ben Anstey's user avatar
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How to integrate Spring Security with Spring MVC?

I am new to Spring and I try to make users login in before accessing specific endpoint. I am following "Spring MVC Beginner's Guide. Your ultimate guide to building a complete web application ...
Tyraneiro's user avatar
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can't make users loging for spotify api web app in streamlit

I coded and deployed to streamlit a python app that shows spotify stats for the user (top songs, artists, etc) but, whenever I try to login with my account from another device, I get an error message &...
Juan Suero's user avatar
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Azure api management service fails to authorize call to web app API

I'm trying to set up an Azure API Management Service with one backend API hosted in an Azure web app. APIM is supposed to authenticate against the Web App with the help of a service principal. I ...
SimonK's user avatar
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Reason for Second Authentication Phase in Bluetooth Secure Pairing

In bluetooth secure pairing: numeric comparison and paskey entry (Bluetooth Pairing Description) there are two authentication phases. I understand the reason for the first authentication phase: to ...
Mohit Kumar Jangid's user avatar
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How to allow expired JWTs on a specific ASP.NET Core 8.0 endpoint without affecting other routes?

In our ASP.NET Core 8.0 app, we have the following endpoint: [HttpPost("login-refresh-token")] [Authorize] public async Task<ActionResult<AccessTokenDto>> RefreshTokenLogin([...
adnan kamili's user avatar
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LINE Login API – Error 403: Permissions Issue

I am trying to add LINE login to my app. When I try to call the LINE auth URL, I get the following error: Error 403: You do not have permission to use the API. Please check the permissions granted to ...
Anna Aimeri's user avatar
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How to get the jwt string back from HttpContext.User

I am wiring up some new jwt authentication logic my core application. I have something like service .AddAuthentication(...) .AddJwtBearer(opts => { opts....
cjablonski76's user avatar
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Root url is not working - Error: Token request failed

I am working on a react SPA using React Router in version 7.0.1. and got a problem with axa-fr/react-oidc ( and react router. To analyse the problem I created ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Transferring Authentication State from Prerendering mode to Interactive Rendering mode in Blazor WebApp

In Blazor 9, it seems that AddAuthenticationStateSerialization() and AddAuthenticationStateDeserialization() only work when using ASP.NET Core Identity in the server project (as in the Visual Studio ...
Majid Shahabfar's user avatar
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Google authentication for automatic email send (in Airflow)

I'm an admin of my GCP project (I can create and manage anything) and I have to build a workflow in python to send emails periodically using Airflow. Our team has a User Admin account and we have ...
Augusto Giani's user avatar
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Testing passport.js login with selenium in CI fashion

I have a set of existing selenium (Selenium Webdriver 4, python) tests for a website that will henceforth be authenticated with passsport.js google oauth2. I want to continue automating the end-to-end ...
C. Peck's user avatar
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Recommended Auth Implementation for Expo app [closed]

I'm looking for advice on how to implement auth. I've got an existing RN app running on expo go (soon to switch to dev builds) authenticating with email/pass against an express server with postgres ...
toppsdown's user avatar
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user deleted on component change

when i change path the user is deleted and auth doesnt work. When i go to another component user == undefined. How to set the user after login for the whole project until logOut? export class ...
user28628241's user avatar
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Standalone duende identityserver for multiple clients

Currently i'm setting up a project with an api and multiple clients that will connnect to this api (angular and .net maui). I want to use Duende identityserver for the authentication and autorization ...
Thimo Luijsterburg's user avatar
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xscreensaver: How to unlock after locking?

I'd like my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 with Debian Bookworm (updated, vanilla) automatically lock after e.g. 5 minutes without user interaction. Unlocking should require user credentials, similar ...
Dr-Nuke's user avatar
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Issue with setting up SMTP in Formbricks on Docker - {"error":"Signup disabled"}

I've followed the guides here: Everything works fine excepts when I try to set it up to use ...
nunsy grey's user avatar
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In case of SnapDeal, Where can I get the clientId from?

I have successfully gotten the x_auth_token, but to hit any api for instance getOrdersCompleted API, it is asking me for clientId in the headers. Where can I get the clientId from?
Cody Banks2001's user avatar
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After using HmacSHA256 still error message is : The specified key byte array is 0 bits which is not secure enough for any JWT HMAC-SHA algorithm

for generating the HmacSHA256 key i am using : try { KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); keyGen.init(256); SecretKey secretKey = ...
Shirish Jaiswal's user avatar
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I need a solution for building an API and implementing role-based access control [closed]

I am building a CRUD API with role-based access control and authentication using JWT tokens. The issue I am facing is that in order to create a new user who can perform CRUD operations with the shop ...
Minh Bảo's user avatar
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Catch Error in a SQL Server Logon Trigger

I have written a Logon trigger in a SQL Server to control logon authorization. ALTER TRIGGER [LOG_TRG_01] ON ALL SERVER WITH EXECUTE AS 'SA' FOR LOGON AS BEGIN if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'sa' begin ...
altink's user avatar
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