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Xiao ESP32 Sense send camera picture over bluetooth

I want to connect my xiao esp32 sense board to my phone using my own app to get camera picture. I tried bluetooth only, it work. But if i add camera support i cannot see the board. I tested on "...
sulianoar's user avatar
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How valuable is an Arduino/Raspberry Pi project for an embedded systems career? [closed]

I'm looking to break into embedded systems development and am planning my portfolio. I'm considering a 6-month project using either Arduino or Raspberry Pi, focusing on control systems and ...
WhenClosingEye's user avatar
-2 votes
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why esp32 cam car web site code not working? [closed]

I followed a tutorial to build a Wi-Fi-controlled car using an ESP32-CAM. However, I'm experiencing two issues: Wi-Fi Disconnection: The ESP32-CAM connects to Wi-Fi but disconnects after approximately ...
Kemo Hashem's user avatar
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PlatfomIO platformio/espressif32 6.9.0 reports SDK version 4.4.7-dirty

In trying to move from Arduino IDE to PlatformIO, I'm running into a question with regard to the IDF/SDK version. I'm sure this is a misunderstanding on my part, but platformio/espressif version 6.9.0 ...
PhotoKevin's user avatar
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Open session failed mqttS AT command

I am testing sequence of AT command on ESP32 with SIMCOM A7672S module. When I am trying to setup ssl certificates everything works fine. But when I am trying to connect to MQTT server, I am getting ...
Jackris19's user avatar
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my arduino uno board L is always on and my pc read it as uart us [closed]

enter image description hereenter image description here this is what happens when i connect it to my pc the L led is always open whenever i use a the connector or a battery 9v please help me fix and ...
user21286076's user avatar
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Arduino UNO cannot connect to paj7620u2

I installed Arduino Uno with paj7620u2 as shown in the picture. I tested with the following code and the result is initialization failed. #include "RevEng_PAJ7620.h" RevEng_PAJ7620 sensor =...
CYC's user avatar
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LI-FI based image transmission using ESP32 microcontroller [closed]

Dears, i'm working on a LiFi image transmission project using ESP32 microcontrollers. I then use 2 microcontrollers, one as transmitter through laser and another as receiver through an LDR. So far, ...
Fifali's user avatar
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Translating XBOX 360 controller input to XBOX one controller

recently i have bought a generic gamepad that is suitable for both pc and mobile devices. the gamepad poses itself as an XBOX 360 controller and for the most part seems to work perfectly fine with pc ...
Metaverse09's user avatar
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arduino nano not recognized by windows [closed]

I bought a 3 pack of arduino nano boards, specifically from elegoo on Amazon. I can hear the tones indicating a USB device being plugged in, but it does not show up in the COM port list, and of course ...
Big Guy's user avatar
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Accessing hardware UART via unity game built for android

I would like to access the hardware serial port (tty*) , not the usb serial port(last resort if not possible), via unity, I have no experience in android development and have barely managed to get a ...
Club Unity's user avatar
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Type Writer Effect (Non blocking)

I'm working on a type writer effect print on a nextion display. Originally I went with a for loop and it was working well except for the fact it was blocking the rest of the loop (I have a countdown ...
PhippsTech's user avatar
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How to establish UART communication between Raspberry Pi4 and Arduino UNO using TX/RX pins?

I'm trying to establish UART communication between a Raspberry Pi 4 and an Arduino UNO via TX/RX pins. The goal is to send a signal from the Arduino when a button is pressed and receive it on the ...
Murata san's user avatar
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How do I connect the Arduino Nicla Vision to the pmw3901 optical flow sensor?

I was able to make the sensor work on the Arduino Leonardo but the Bitcraze Optical Flow Breakout pmw3901 board does not work on the Nicla Vision. **Bitcraze Optical Flow Breakout pmw3901 board to ...
Odydagreek's user avatar
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Arduino UNO with Bluetooth HC-06 on macbook cannot get data

I using Arduino UNO with HC06 This is my code include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); BTSerial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (...
CYC's user avatar
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I can't Publish an Image to using Adafruit_MQTT.h

I am using ArduinoIDE on my MacBook Pro running MacOS 15.1 to install a program on an AI-Thinker ESP32 CAM. In the program I can connect to WiFi using WifiManager to input and save the ssid and ...
user4826471's user avatar
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How to fill custom rotated 2D box?

I have a 2D box. It has a pivot point (its center), position, rotation and 4 rotated points. Each point has position, rotation and pivot. 2D box now has: no fill and cross fill. I want to add full box ...
Stupid Cube's user avatar
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Why am I not connecting to Adafruit.IO

I am using ArduinoIDE on a MacBook Pro running MACOS 15.1 to install this program on an ESP32-Cam AI Thinker. The program connects to my wifi using my ssid and password but it does not connect to my ...
user4826471's user avatar
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Playing MP3 file on Adafruit vs1053 breakout board produces no sound

I am using an Arduino Uno 3 wired to an Adafruit VS1053 CODEC breakout board with an SD Card attached. On the SD Card is the file "track001.mp3" which is roughly 3 seconds long. I am trying ...
Lukas Eliassen's user avatar
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My Arduino guitar tuner doesn't work with FFT

I make tuner on arduino. The FFT part and "work with frequency" part work good separately. But when i combined them on the lcd there is just showing blinking plus in the right bottom corner ...
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Serial monitor displays question marks and white boxes even though baud rate is correct Arduino Uno

I have been trying to build an electronic drum kit by utilizing piezo sensors and an Arduino Uno. I connected the positive terminal of the piezo in to analog read pin A0 in my Arduino Uno and the ...
Mohamed Mahmoud's user avatar
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Arduino ESP8266 (arduino-esp8266) documentation for core_esp8266_waveform.h

Intro I have found by chance the following header file in Arduino core library for ESP8266: core_esp8266_waveform.h That defines interesting functions like startWaveform that should allow for playing (...
Ettore Galli's user avatar
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Arduino SD.writeRAW() is very slow

I need to make it possible to load data from the USB connector onto the HSPI bus of an ESP32S2. I've built the following code, which works well but is very slow: #ifndef ARDUINO_USB_MODE #error This ...
Julien's user avatar
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Debugging ESP8266, GDB unable to connect, unrecognized item "timeout" in "qSupported" response

I'm trying to debug my code on an ESP8266 with GDB, but can't get it to connect. ESP8266 code (gdb.ino): #include <GDBStub.h> void setup() { Serial.begin( 115200 ); gdbstub_init(); ...
Jan Petersen's user avatar
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How Can I connect my computer terminal to ESP32 via Bluetooth?

I am working on a bluetooth project and couldn't find any info about connecting my terminal to esp32 only using bluetooth. I am using PlatformIO extension for VS Code. Either I cannot find the correct ...
S-ata-N's user avatar
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SSD1306 Display not displaying Umlaute

I am trying to get the German Umlaute ÄÖÜäöü and ß to be displayed on a standard SSD1309 OLED Display. I used the Adafruit GFX Font customizer to get the byte code for the extra letters. After trying ...
Lipe's user avatar
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How does the ISR (Interupt Service Routine) works in ESP-32, can we suspend or resume tasks inside the isr?

I getting issue in switching the tasks in using ISR (ESP-32). Below is the code for the same. struct Button { const uint8_t pin; volatile uint8_t numberKeyPresses; }; # define buttonpin 15 # ...
curious_boy's user avatar
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How to download assembly code to arduino uno board using avrdude, preserving the bootloader?

I have a arduino uno board with bootloader. It's working with Arduino IDE, without any issues. I would like to download a simple assembly program to it using avrdude without affecting the bootloader. ...
vd1's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior of LEDs in a four way traffic system with Arduino

I'm fairly new to Arduino. I wanted to create a 4 way traffic lights system using Arduino and two eight bit shift registers. I've noticed weird behavior with two of my "roads" that are ...
Haris Ali's user avatar
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How to change textbox color based in sensor values?

I have an application in Android Studio and it is connected to an Arduino via Bluetooth. And I have a rectangle with a green color and I want it to change the color to red whenever the sensor value is ...
Ivo Santos's user avatar
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How to Automatically Run an APK from an SD Card on Arduino Pro Micro when Connected to Android via OTG?

I want to run an APK file that is stored on an SD card connected to an Arduino Pro Micro, once the Arduino is connected to my Android phone via OTG. Is there a way to automatically trigger and run the ...
Javad-M's user avatar
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Reading Data Using Modbus RTU Over RS-485

I am working on transmitting temperature data from an E32 module to an E95-DTU. I attempted to send the data in a Modbus RTU structure using the following format: 01 04 02 09 A1 7E D8 However, when I ...
Mehmet's user avatar
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Sending HID Command "System Microphone Mute" via ESP32 BLE

I am trying to send the "System Microphone Mute" HID command with a ESP32 to a Windows PC. Unfortunatelly I cannot get it to work. The USB HID protocol I am refering to is:
Patrick's user avatar
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Burn bootloader on Arduino Due [migrated]

I’d like to know if the bootloader on the Arduino Due can potentially be damaged? Previously, I uploaded my blink sketch to an Arduino Zero but received the following error: Error: at91samd21g18.cpu --...
james lebron's user avatar
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Write in memory not applied

I'm currently writing code for the Arduino UNO R4 Minima (which uses the ARMv7-M ISA). Part of the code is in C++, the other is in assembly. I have no problem when manipulating registers, returning ...
MaaaaathiiiiiiiiiiEU's user avatar
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How do I get my tiny zero's wifi shield to connect with my telegram bot?

The code i am using is shown below. I keep getting an error message where it has failed to send out a test message to my telegram bot. how do i resolve this issue? (Im using the ATWINC1500 WiFi module)...
moominz's user avatar
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Characters ��� appears when load turns on

I'm making an automatic watering system with an LCD that shows moisture level from 0 to 100. Whenever the pump turns on the output on the serial monitor turns into ��� and other random characters. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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RC Car Controls Arduino

I'm building an RC car using an Arduino Uno. Here's a summary of my setup: Hardware: Arduino Uno 4-channel RC controller and receiver (GA-4H-TX) Servo motor for steering (working correctly) Brushless ...
Mehul Khedekar's user avatar
-2 votes
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Transfering data at fixed rate over bluetooth low energy with itsy bitsy nRF52840

I am building a wireless ppg sensor as a module for my senior design project in engineering but I am struggling to get an adequate data transfer rate over bluetooth. Here you can see I attempt to save ...
AceKijani's user avatar
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SB Components Micro RP2040 and ST7789 2.4 TFT LCD SPI display not working together using any library

I have a board from SB components called the Micro RP2040 (Link to this product - here). With this I also have a 2.4 inch SPI TFT LCD screen with an ST7789 controller (Link to the screen - here, it's ...
Aadiraj Anil's user avatar
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Python script that reads Arduino outputs throws random Serial Port Error

I have this python script for work that's reading sensor outputs from an Arduino, it mostly works but will occasionally throw an error: SerialException ocurred: ClearCommError failed (PermissionError(...
Luna mircea's user avatar
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Failed to use ILI9486 display with esp32-s3 (targetting to use rust)

My gloal is to connect slint with the waveshare screen on the esp32 ansusing rust. i have spend literaly days searching to display something on the screen
moolight-seashell's user avatar
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serail.readline() not updating value with .after() method when measuring voltage with arduino/pc

I put the full code below because I'm not actually sure where the problem even is, but I can direct your attention to def read_analog() as that is the most likely location based on what is going wrong....
lwadz88's user avatar
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Arduino Code to determine if we are in DST or not

I am writing C code for an ESP32C3, so an Arduino type piece of hardware. There is no internal clock, so to get the time I talking to an NTP server on the internet. I am also talking to a weather ...
user3069232's user avatar
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control arduino with python

I am working on a simple project that involves controlling an Arduino with Python, and at the same time, the Arduino controls two servomotors. The problem is that no matter what character or number I ...
user26551888's user avatar
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How to regulate two way serial communication between python and arduino?

My question is kind of general, so I haven't included any code here. I am working on a project to control hardware and read sensors with an arduino board via a Python/tkinter interface on a PC. The ...
lwadz88's user avatar
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How do we mirror two 8x8 Adafruit NeoPixels so that they are synced and showing the same design?

We are trying to code two Adafruit 8x8 NeoPixels, but only one of them is lighting up with our designated pattern. We want the other one to mirror the same pattern, but the code we have isn't working. ...
Sara's user avatar
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ESP8266 Arduino - two buttons combo event

On my esp8266 im trying to differenciate between 3 Events: Black Button on Pin D6 is pressed Red Button on Pin D7 is pressed Booth buttons are pressed for at least 2 seconds Right before the combo-...
theDani's user avatar
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ESP6288 program crashes at various points after reading struct data from progmem with pgm_read_ptr and strcpy_P

I am working on an Arduino code using an ESP8266, that is pretty big, so I try and put as much as I can in PROGMEM. Part of the data I am trying to put in PROGMEM, are strings that are related to each ...
Jan Petersen's user avatar
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Is there a way to securely transmit data (a TLS version) in 32 byte packets?

There are several cheap radio modules (nRF24L01 for example) that are only capable of transmitting a 32 byte packets. That is too small for including a HMAC computed with any modern protocol and an IV....
GiyomR1999's user avatar

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