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Syncing timed camera and LED flash on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 which I have connected to an Arducam 64MP OwlSight Auto-Focus camera (ov64a40) and 2 neopixel jewel LEDs (7 x 5050 RGBW). I need to be able to take a photo every 30 seconds ...
alyssap0's user avatar
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Arducam can't open camera by index (V4L2)

I have a raspberry Pi 4 and I am using a arducam camera along with open Cv it was working fine until now and suddenly is shows error "code [WARN:0] global/tmp/pip-wheel-w_lllcn3/opencv-...
Kevin Dedhia's user avatar
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How can I connect Python code to an Arducam camera on an Arduino, both using the same COM port, without 'Access denied' errors?"

In this scenario, im attempting to integrate Python code with an Arducam camera that is connected to an Arduino board. Both the Arducam camera and the Python code need to communicate with the Arduino ...
Bakanium's user avatar
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Gstreamer and libcamera `WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "libcamerasrc"`

Running a gstreamer pipeline using libcamerasrc results in this error: gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc gives WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "libcamerasrc"
Brad Grissom's user avatar
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