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How to capture a CardView element in Appium

I need to capture an element in my automated tests with Appium in android, this element is of type CardView and I can't ...
Hilario Jefferson's user avatar
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Appium doesn't see XML layout inside Jetpack Compose Android

I have this content of the BottomSheet with AndroidView inside, where I use AndroidView to inject RecyclerView inside Jetpack Compose layout: Box( modifier = Modifier.automationTag("BottomSheet&...
Michael Katkov's user avatar
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Mobile Application is not launched

I need to do Appium mobile test with C# and Nunit on my real device which is "Xiaomi Poco X3" for an already installed app. I write the following code: public class Tests { ...
Ali Alnader's user avatar
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Declaring a page object in the test class is throwing below error - Appium

I am getting an error when declaring a page object in the test class, as shown in the code below. When I declare the page object in the test method, it works perfectly, which I think is not right. ...
oneirion's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/net/http/HttpClient

About Automation Testing in android java project, using with Appium framework. After follow Automation Testing with Appium guideline I had: android java project (java programming language) include: ...
Huy Tower's user avatar
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How can I write automated tests that work across multiple native Android applications?

I'm working on a project where I need to write automated tests for multiple Android applications using Appium. All of these applications are native Android apps, but they have different UI designs and ...
Anushka Rawat's user avatar
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Is it possible to auto Disable an azure self hosted agent if it fails a job?

Is it possible to auto Disable an azure self hosted agent if it fails a job? I am doing appium based android UI testing through azure self hosted agents. Occasionally one of the PCs will lose UsB ...
Kyle Leighton's user avatar
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Could not find a driver for automationName 'UIAutomator2' and platformName 'ANDROID' - Appium Issue

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import; import; import io.appium.java_client.service....
ATHARVA HIWASE's user avatar
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How to set device volume to certain level using Appium?

So I am automating an application and to increase or decrease the volume I am using driver.press_keycode(24) // Increase driver.press_keycode(24) // Decrease But I want to set to certain level ...
InfiniteForLoop's user avatar
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In Appium on Android WebView, switching context redirects me to an ads screen, preventing actions on the intended screen

Summary: I’m using Appium for automation on an Android WebView. When switching to the WebView context, I'm redirected through an ads screen. Although I can see the expected screen, the focus remains ...
Naga's user avatar
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Choosing the next available device for parallel testing with Appium and UIAutomator2

i am currently trying to enhance our Testautomatisation infrastructure by parallelizing our tests. I know how to do that but I am running into the question of device management. Imagine I have 5 ...
pieljo's user avatar
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Appium not getting started, getting error -org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response code 404. Message:"

Trying to run my first Appium java code. appium --version 2.11.5 - Up and running in CLI DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities(); cap.setCapability("browserName", "Chrome&...
snowy world's user avatar
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How to run an Appium test case in sequence on two real Android devices?

I'm trying to automate a messaging scenario for an android application using Appium where Device1 sends a message to Device2. My goal is to run the test on two real Android devices. Here's the flow I ...
sivapriya vimalkumar's user avatar
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How to write common step def for Android and iOS when the locators are different for both and value is passed from feature file

I have a situation where For example: Android locator is having account number 6 1 8 8 iOS is having account number as 6188 All my steps are same only the account number locator is different which I ...
Meghasri's user avatar
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Automation scanning the docs in mobile

I’m working on the project where user will have to scan the passport , VISA & other documents and need upload in to app via IOS, Android and desktop. I wanted to automate E2E test using Appium , ...
Manjunathkb gowda's user avatar
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Appium Test started run on real android device or emulator but after a few second it close automatically. Please guide me how i can resolve this issue

I am automating tests on a real Android device using Appium. However, after launching the app, it crashes unexpectedly. Below are the details of my setup and the server logs I'm encountering. Setup: ...
Tanvir Hasan's user avatar
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Testing phone authentication using appium

I am currently busy testing a Flutter app (was provided a release apk) using Appium and Android Studio, my code navigates the app but as soon as it gets to the login feature I get the following ...
Reuben Mc lachlan's user avatar
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Mapping Appium logs to the execution

When we start appium and then also start running our automation execution, we see a lot of logs appearing the appium window. We would like to capture those logs and display them as part of our report. ...
MarioBros's user avatar
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i am not able to connect my physical android device(OS:13) with EC2 server

To connect my physical android device to my laptop and EC2 instance i am using appium and cmdlinetool.Locally with my laptop using usb i am able to connect my device and i veridied with "adb ...
Chirag Sisodia's user avatar
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Unable to pick an incoming call - Android-Appium

I could not pick an incoming call inside an android device using appium. tried swipe and tap options but no luck. How to acheive this? iT looks like a hard swipe. Tried swipe when there is no incoming ...
Narasimharao Ml's user avatar
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How to click on an element in android where clickable attribute is false

I am new to mobile automation. I am trying to click on an element where the displayed attribute is true, but the other attributes are false. {"key":"checkable","value":&...
Manash Sarma's user avatar
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Appium - Python. After scrolling to element and selecting it, country field remains unpopulated

I'm new to Appium and have been learning on my own. I used telegram and an actual Android device as a base for learning. However I hit a snag for the following sequence: On the phone number input ...
Eric Yang's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal key values seen in w3c capabilities

I am trying to prepare a test automation on my mobile phone. For that I did necessary preparation like: Appium Server installed and running Verifying the UDID via adb devices in cmd After setting ...
Jocken's user avatar
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Getting "Unhandled endpoint" error while trying test scenarios on appium for iOS and Timeout error for Android

I am trying to run my test scenarios on iOS as well as on Android but all the tests are failing on the login step. I will share screenshots of my error as well - iOS Android I am running the appium ...
Sharve's user avatar
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androidTest vs Appium -- are both needed in a given project?

The formal Android Developers documentation provides an enlightening introduction to the Fundamentals of testing Android apps. I managed to successfully create 3 different types of test setups in ...
sfinja's user avatar
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How to get the xpath of button that contains text in appium

//android.widget.Button[@text="Flu Shot (Regular) Getting your flu shot is one of the best ways you can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from the flu.   Book now for up to 6 ...
Goms's user avatar
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Can not find element on the Android native application

I tried to find the 'Join now' button element on the android native application by using Appium inspector as below: But I could not select it on Appium Inspector Then I copied the XML source to text ...
Đặng Trần Nhật Quang's user avatar
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Appium inspector is not able to start the session, error appears

Getting below error while trying to connect to Appium server using appium inspector ErrorFailed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: ...
Vivek Thapliyal's user avatar
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Trying to get values from a spinner on Appium Inspector

Im trying to get a value from this spinner but I cant select it using Appium Inspector, but it only selects the thing below the item: Appium Inpector with the spinner not selected List opened, and the ...
Vitor Ferreira's user avatar
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How to view native UI properties in Appium inspector?

Is there a way to see properties of native UI objects i.e., iOS and Android Views, in Appium? React Native UI elements are visible but UI views created using platform APIs Java and Objective-C and C++ ...
James S's user avatar
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Under what conditions might the androidx.startup.InitializationProvider not be invoked, even if it is present in manifest

We are setting up appium tests with espresso driver for our project. And test code works fine (for about a minute) until it invokes WorkManager.getInstance() java.lang.IllegalStateException: ...
Gomer Grek's user avatar
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Appium fails to find element from video player while content is playing

I'm trying to automate skip video while playing in application. Appium is not able find the elements on the screen while video is playing, it throw No Such Element Exception. Same works, when the ...
nandan s's user avatar
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How run all test cases in single session for appium python

In my script there file that has dependency for example login page but when I run the script it is creating another session I need run first login page -> homepage in this order in single server ...
vanji's user avatar
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Best Practices for Using testTag in Jetpack Compose

I’m currently exploring best practices for UI testing in Compose and noticed the use of testTag for component identification. While I understand its utility for stable UI tests, I'm concerned about ...
Ayush Shrivastava's user avatar
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Appium UI Test Delays in the Maui Bottom Sheet on Android

I'm experiencing significant performance issues with Appium UI tests when interacting with elements inside the the49 Maui bottom sheet on Android. Normally, finding an element by Id takes less than a ...
Alpay Çalışır's user avatar
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Issue with clicking Google Ads "Click to Continue" button in Appium + Python

I am currently automating an app using Appium and Python for app automation. Recently, Google ads have started appearing randomly within the app. These ads contain a "Click to Continue" ...
dheeraj surakasula's user avatar
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Element Fails to find during scrolling in mobile using Appium

driver.findElement( AppiumBy.androidUIAutomator( "new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().text(\"Hand Sanitizers, Face Masks and PPE ...
Monkey's user avatar
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I am trying to automate a Flutter app using Flutter Finder, but I am getting "unknown locator" for each and every Flutter element

I am trying to automate flutter app using java and flutter finder but I am getting unknown locator for each and every flutter element. Here I am attaching java code. Please let me know what is the ...
Maheshbabu's user avatar
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Convert from Appium driver to flutter driver on a flutter based app automated using Appium framework

The test cases takes more time to identify an element when using xpath. Also the xpath of an element will change on every new app builds. It causes may test failures. I want to use flutter driver so ...
Inshad S's user avatar
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Im getting "socket hang up" error when running Appium test on an Android Emulator via Github Actions

I am trying to run a simple Appium test on on an emulator via Github Actions and I am getting the following error Encountered internal error running command: UnknownError: An unknown server-side error ...
Ghassan Gharzuzy's user avatar
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An unknown server-side error occurred while pro the command. Original error: Appium Settings app is not running after 5000ms [duplicate]

I am trying to do a small POC for automating the test cases for a desktop eCommerce website to run on real mobile device(mobileWeb) browser(chrome) using the combination of Selenium and Appium using ...
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.net Maui - how to tell Test Explorer use emulated tablet for its tests?

running .net8 and maui, have the emulator working just fine, and it works in debug mode, too. I also have a physical tablet plugged in and that works just fine as well. What I don't know how to do ...
NovaDev's user avatar
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I cant connect to my android device via appium inspector

Device is connected to PC, I can check it via ping and ADB devices -l. Appium server running fine. When trying to reach the device via appium inspector I get the following message: 'Failed to create ...
Antho's user avatar
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How to bypass persistent auto-suggestions in mobile app text fields during automation?

I'm facing an issue with my mobile automation script where auto-suggestions in text fields interfere with my test scenario. Specifically, I'm automating a login flow where I need to input an email ...
Devibala's user avatar
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Android Appium - WebDriver exception while having explicit wait

I am doing mobile testing using java, selenium, cucumber and junit frameworks, i have a feature file having 2 scenarios positive and negative, my code runs the positive scenario very well, but the ...
Arun Prabhakaran P's user avatar
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How to write one character at a time in a appium python input box?

I'm working on an automation project using Appium with Python for an emulator. In my app (Instagram, in this case), I need to type words into an input box one character at a time, rather than all at ...
codecold's user avatar
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Nightwatchjs + selenium grid + appium for native app testing

I have setup the NightwatchJS project with wikipedia sample app. I tried to run that on appium + android adv and it works fine. Then I tried to create selenium grid with hub and node setup and used ...
Yash Sorath's user avatar
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How to get "resource-id" from element in Android app

I am new to Android development and am trying to use Appium to replay events recorded in a Kotlin Android app. I am first going to send the events to some endpoint, then read this data and perform the ...
as07's user avatar
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Appium TouchAction Hold Without Duration Alternative

I currently have 2 methods to handle touch actions of hold and release public static void HoldLongPressByCoordinates(int x, int y, int waitTime = 3) { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan....
Arthur Pinhas's user avatar
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I am automating flutter based android app using selenium java. App gets so slow on some pages that I have to wait 25-30 seconds to click on any thing

I am automating a Flutter-based Android app using Selenium Java. The app gets so slow on some pages that I have to wait 25-30 seconds to click on anything or any interaction. I have disabled the ...
Shudhanshu Sharma's user avatar

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