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2 answers

.csv TypeError: object of type '_io.TextIOWrapper' has no len() and averaging rows

I have to create a module that reads in an RNA-seq counts table (counts_table.csv) line by line, computes the average number of counts across each gene_ID, and writes the original table contents, in ...
Guth's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Python list with json saved as a one-String list

I have the following problem: def guardar_datos_en_json(dato, nombre_archivo): try: with open(nombre_archivo, "a") as contenedor: json.dump(dato, ...
Oto's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

How to assign the first colmn in text file to list variable?

I have txt file which have "strings" like this 5.0125,511.2,5.12.3,4.51212,45.412,54111.5142 \n 4.23,1.2,2.6,2.3,1.2,1.554 \n How to assign each column a separate list of floats please? I ...
Eslam Elgourany's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to read and write to lines in file with python

How do I open a text file which contain several lists with floats only, read each list in this file and then append a new float to one of those lists? Read text file with lists: [1.0, 2.0, 3.1] #...
vattnmelon's user avatar
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0 answers

get random name from file in python

im a novice at python, i've wrote this those far it needs but i cant get it to run past line 4 the error is a syntax error def fileload filename what am i not doing correctly? import random def ...
irvdtcc's user avatar
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4 answers

How to sort a list of strings by frequency?

I have a list of files example_list = [7.gif, 8.gif, 123.html] There are over 700k elements and I need to sort them by frequency to see the most accessed file and least accessed file. for i in resl:...
Hoonin's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I count occurrences of a word in a csv file using python?

So for my assignment I was giving a csv file and am supposed to print the number of people in the file, the amount of each type of email (.jp , .uk., etc.) and print the last names in the file that ...
Klay's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot append conditional result to new list

I'm very new to Python or any programming language in general. For reference: Assignment My Code Question 1.) The assignment for my class is this: read from text file 'word.txt' and write into a ...
Juan Alfaro's user avatar
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0 answers

Line getting replaced instead of getting inserted

I am reading content from a file. I need to insert a line(if not already present) after checking a certain line with a specific keyword(function) and store the function name. I tried inserting it ...
Saurabh 's user avatar
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3 answers

Python, removing specific long lines of text in file

I've only programmed in Python for the past 8 months, so please excuse my probably noob approach to python. My problem is the following, which i hope someone could help me solve. I have lots of data ...
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1 answer

Using data from one file to create two appended lists to a new file

I am trying to take data from one file and create two lists which are both written to a new file. One of the lists contains names 6 characters or less and the second list contains a list with names ...
Norman11's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Files, lists, new-lines, and append()? [duplicate]

I have a file with data: ABC acd IGK EFG GHQ ghq acb efg IJK ijk gtt ttg I want to split its lines and take some data from each line and join them into a list. Like this: a = ['acd'...
user3698773's user avatar
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python only writes last output to file

I am trying to write a program that picks a random musical scale until all have been chosen, and the problem I have is that my code is only writing one line to my text file. I know this is a similar ...
trunting's user avatar
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3 answers

I am trying to read, append and sort all words in a file using Python in TextWrangler application.

Question: Open the file romeo.txt and read it line by line. For each line, split the line into a list of words using the split() method. The program should build a list of words. For each word on each ...
Roy's user avatar
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2 answers

Python 3 How do I append a list in a file?

This is the data my file: John Smith, 5 Luke Smith, 7 Mary Smith, 8 Boby Smith, 2 I want to be able to add another number onto a specific user in the file. See below (Mary). John Smith, 5 Luke ...
Potter's user avatar
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3 answers

printing list elements side by side -- file operations

j=0 while j<5: random_lines=random.choice(men_heroes_lines) element=(random_lines.split(":")[0:1]) random_lines_women=random.choice(women_heroes_lines) element_women=...
B.Joelene's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Color Reduction - Only Reds are generated

I am trying to reduce the color of a ppm image file from 255 colors to 5 colors(red, blue, green, black and white). When I initiate my test file, the pixel_list generated is only reds, which is not ...
Wakedude's user avatar
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3 answers

How to append a list to a file on Python using JSON

I'm getting a bit of a trouble here. I have a text file with ["Data1", "Data2", "Data3"], and I want to make that if data1 is not in the file, then append a new list with all three strings, and if ...
Saelyth's user avatar
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1 answer

Searching for a value and appending if a value exists

Hi i am running a search through a csv file in python 2.7 but im encountering an error in the searching. The file im searching is about 10000 entries long and of the form and here is a sample from the ...
user2603519's user avatar
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2 answers

Unix command to append the content of files in a file list

I have a list of 102 file locations in a file. I have to merge the contents of each file in the list into a single file. Inside the file list, each line consists of one file name. Please help me a ...
Arjun Vasudevan's user avatar
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1 answer

faster parsing a file for all list elements and apending into new files based on the list elements

I am trying to parse a log file with threadids in every like. There could be any number of threads that can be configured. All threads write to the same log file and I am parsing the log file and ...
user926668's user avatar