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1 answer

How do I append a nested dictionary to a CSV file with keys out of order?

I have a nested dictionary in the format: nested_dict = { 'dictA': {'key_1a': 'value_1a', 'key_2a': 'value2a',...}, 'dictB': {'key_2b': 'value_2b', 'key_1b': 'value_1b,...}, ...
rtd730's user avatar
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For loop that iterates through a nested dictionary and appends the results in a list [closed]

I would like to create a for loop that appends the license number of each vehicle into an empty list 'license_numbers = []'. However, it is only returning one item. Can someone help me? cars = {'...
student214's user avatar
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Nested dictionary append element through looping

In general, I created a dictionary with a code like: dict = {} if key not in dict: dict[key] = [element] else: dict[key].append(element) But if I want to apply a similar method to the nested ...
Dong-gyun Kim's user avatar
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Appending to Nested Dict Lists

I have a nested dict of empty lists: mom_fut = {'M2K': {'comm': [], 'mtm': []}, 'MNQ': {'comm': [], 'mtm': []}, 'NG': {'comm': [], 'mtm': []}, 'QM': {'comm': [], 'mtm'...
user11079386's user avatar
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2 answers

Appending to a dictionary of lists elements from a nested list in order

I've created a dictionary with keys that represent relative distances and values that are empty lists. I would like to populate these values--empty lists--with entries from a nested list that are the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Append select items from one nested dictionary to another

I am looking to append list items from one nested dictionary to another (From SystemDicto3 to SystemDictu4). They both have the same kind of content, the system number (Keys) and which emails (Values) ...
BeMuRR187's user avatar
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Appending keys to Nested Dictionary Vba

I am working with Nested dictionaries to read the files and to store the data. I have 3 levels in the nested dictionary. Each time I read a file, I want to update the third sub dictionary. Do we have ...
Raghu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to use dict append nested dict in tcl

I want to have a nested dictionary in Tcl, and append a value. But the nesting does not really work... See code: > set k [dict create] > dict append k fee foo " kak" > dict append k fee foo "...
user1134991's user avatar
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