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Apache Mina SFTP server only returning 8192 bytes on download

We have a mock SFTP server that creates and serves files in a local file system. It was originally written using the jcraft sftp library, then was converted over to Apache Mina with the release of ...
Colton Mack's user avatar
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How can I send message error and error status to Sftp client (sshd-core, Mina server)

I'm using sshd-core to create a Sftp server. However, I would like to customize failure message when authenticate like authentication fail, Access Denied,.. I tried to write my message to IoSession ((...
TuanNN's user avatar
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Is it possible to get IP address of SSH/SFTP client via Apache Mina SSHD ServerSession?

I create SFTP server using Apache Mina SSHD. I want to find out the client IP when they connect to my server (via FileZilla, WinSCP). However, while I tried to found it in ServerSession, I could not. ...
TuanNN's user avatar
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org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: Channel has been closed

I'm trying to send in-memory data as a file to remote server by using org.apache.sshd.client. My code so far: // Connect to remote server code sftp = session.createSftpClient(); StringBuilder sb = ...
Minh's user avatar
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Apache Mina SSHD SFTP server fails to list some directories on Android

Using Apache Mina SSHD I've implemented an SSH and SFTP server in an Android app I'm working on, and I can log in through SSH fine, ls the root directory, cd to 'mnt/sdcard' and ls - all of this is ...
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