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Having Angstrom build and Poky build in one repository

I have successfully made a test image (core-image-minimal) for Colibri-imx6 board using the poky distribution. The kernel does not completely load when the image is deployed on the board. So, I have ...
abunickabhi's user avatar
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How to join an BITMAIN Antminer to a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

Let's start with "WHY?":#nerdsLoveToStartWithWhy I'm developing a customized software to manage a crypto-mining farm where we need to communicate with miners (BITMAIN Antminer) by their hostname ...
Saffa Seraj's user avatar
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Crosscompile with CLION, CMAKE, WSL and custom Angstrom toolchain - Problems during "CLION TEST"

TL;DR: Trying to compile helloworld with CMake, custom toolchain (angstrom) and CLion. Compiler is not able to run test. CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE "STATIC_LIBRARY" is set. Hello, new to ...
MightyMirko's user avatar
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Angstrom Linux - stdio.h No Such File or Directory

I have an embedded system running Angstrom. I'm attempting to build the ftdi D2XX libraries on the target however, I can't even begin to build anything because GCC is complaining about not being ...
weblar83's user avatar
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"Static declaration of ‘memfd_create’ follows non-static declaration" Error while building Linux image using Yocto

I am building Linux Image using Yoctobuild system on Ubuntu 18.04 host machine. I am following steps provided over here. I am building for Colibri iMX6ULL computer-on-module. However, my build has ...
abhiarora's user avatar
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Read byte from linux device char file in java

I'm writing a java software that works on a control unit with Angstrom Linux, ARM platform. This software must read the status of the gsm modem from the / dev / gsm_status file and know if the modem ...
Eugenio Liguori's user avatar
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ParseError at /meta/classes/image.bbclass Could not inherit file classes/image_types_uboot.bbclass?

UPDATE : It started to bitbake!! I now get the following error, and it stops to bitbake core-image-minimal in the middle: Initialising tasks: 100% |################################################...
Meek's user avatar
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ath9k_htc (Atheros) TL-WN722N WiFi dongle on Angstrom

I am trying to interface the TL-WN722N to a Altera Cyclone SoC. I have taken the following approach: Downloaded the open firmware ath9k_htc and try integrating it to my linux kernel image to be ...
gst's user avatar
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2 answers

SD-card becomes read only

I am running my application on colibri-vf50 toradex(running over angstrom distribution) board having sqlite database resides on sd-card. My sd-card becomes read-only whenever I remove power-supply ...
MBajaria's user avatar
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boost library cross compilation for arm

I am trying to compile boost v1.64 for arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-g++ For that I am following below steps: 1) ./ 2) Modified the project-config.jam by replacing the line with "using gcc"...
MBajaria's user avatar
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How to take screenshot from command line on BBB Angstrom

Hi I have a BBB which is running on Angstrom 2013 image. For display purpose I am using a cape which is connected to gpio extensions. There is a Qt application running on BBB, which use to get ...
user7345878's user avatar
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Calling bash script from Java

I have this MCVE for an Java class calling a bash script: import; import; import; class Test { static BufferedReader in; ...
mxcd's user avatar
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How to disable the option of booting from SD card in BBB

I have a BBB running on angstrom. I want to increase the storage space, for that purpose I am using an SD card. The problem here is the angstrom images tries to boot from SD card if there is an card ...
user7345878's user avatar
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Copy the emmc content of Beaglebone running angstrom on SD card to make an emmc flasher image

I have an emmc-flasher angstrom image on my BBB, I want to copy the content of the emmc image on an SD card and make it as an emmc-flasher so that I can flash the other BBB with the changes I made on ...
user7345878's user avatar
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Execute an application before log-in time forever in linux

I am working on a BBB device running on an Angstrom image and the display panel is a 7 inch LCD cape. I want to start an application as soon as log-in message prompts means the application should get ...
Learner's user avatar
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On a BBB how do I display the output of a C program that starts on boot?

I have a very basic analog input C program that reports weather data read from the AN0 pin. If I run the program through the (SSH) command line it will print to that console. Linked is a sample of the ...
SCutler's user avatar
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How to install apt-get without having Makefile and GCC?

I want to install "gcc", but don't have make, apt-get and yum. I am using "mlinux" as OS for gateway.
varshabe's user avatar
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Post-install script on Yocto-built linux

I need to run a script on a target OS built by Yocto. This script needs to be ran as part of the install and thus must be ran only once (either after the entire OS install or on the first boot). It ...
Igor's user avatar
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JVM does not respond to network changes

I tried to explain my question here JVM appears to cache failed DNS lookups even if caching is "disabled", but now I would like to formulate it better. Basically we are running Java code on ...
Nexy_sm's user avatar
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error while installing pyserial on beaglebone black with angstrom

I entered the following command to install pyserial on my beaglebone black - rev C with angstrom OS: pip install pyserial and I got the following error msgs: Downloading/unpacking pyserial ...
King Elisha's user avatar
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Cannot import 'ast': Flask installation on Angstrom (Beaglebone black)

While trying to install Flask on my beaglebone black (Cloud9 GNOME Image 2013.09.04), it is encountering an ImportError for the module ast (installing Werkzeug module). I have Python 2.7.3 version, so ...
Anshul's user avatar
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Fix the boot order/eMMC on a Beagle Bone Black

Problem The problem I'm having was caused by the following action: When I had BBB connected to my PC (using USB cable), I accidentally formatted the ~92 MB partion that contained the getting started ...
Artem's user avatar
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Add module to angstrom kernel

I'm working on the Altera cyclone V Soc FPGA Dev Kit. I'm using the GSRD 14.1 Angstrom provides by ( ...
jordan's user avatar
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Angstrom OpenEmbedded Kernel freeze when booting on original BeagleBoard

I am trying to get an original BeagleBoard (revC4) to boot a Angstrom OpenEmbedded image. Using instructions found here: and: http://www.angstrom-...
Tinus Green's user avatar
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Cannot find toolchain for my Armv7l

I am trying to cross-compile from Ubuntu (host) to Armv7l (target) but when i am trying to reach this site ( in order to download the appropriate ...
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Angstrom Python errors on import io

I am trying to resolve some dependencies for the MYSQL connector for Python on Angstrom. From the command line I get the following error: Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb 25 2011, 16:50:01) [GCC 4.3.3] ...
ChronoFish's user avatar
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Issues with bitbake for building Angstrom

The issue I'm having is that I'm trying to build an Angstrom image from scratch using bitbake (since Angstrom is now Yocto Compatible) but I've run into an error the moment I run the bitbake systemd-...
jobenas's user avatar
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BeagleBone Black freezes

We are currently developing an application for BeagleBone Black (using the standard Angstrom distro). It runs quite happily for a while (5-10 minutes) under GDB (controlled by Netbeans remotely) but ...
Julian Gold's user avatar
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Register level access in linux device driver

I have only 2 weeks experience in linux driver development, but have good experience on embedded c programming. I have only tried character device driver in linux. Now i wish to try a device driver ...
0xAB1E's user avatar
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BeagleBone boot to Qt app with touch screen

As many other person, I want to have a Qt application that run directly when the BeagleBone Black boot. Using the answers from other topics like these: Beaglebone Boot to Qt App ; Start QT Application ...
Puck's user avatar
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running beaglebone image on qemu : libusb error

I'mt trying to run beaglebone image on qemu following this tutorial. im using ubuntu 14.04 and installed qemu as shown in the tutorial when ruining the command qemu-system-arm -M beaglexm -drive if=...
user avatar
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installing Angstrom on Beaglebone black

I am a newbie in Beaglebone Black, I install Ubuntu on my Beaglebone Black which works fine, Now I am trying to install Angstrom on Beaglebone Black, for this I first of all download image of Angstrom ...
tabish's user avatar
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Not Receiving Verbose Output From opkg

When I run opkg update or opkg upgrade, it will pause for a few seconds, and then return to a new line. root@device:~$opkg update root@device:~$ I've tried running the command with the --verbosity=# ...
ph1ash's user avatar
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Package synchronization with opkg

We're using the BeagleBone Black running Angstrom Linux and the opkg package manager to power some of our systems. We need to ensure that we have consistent and reliable access to specific versions of ...
Alex Marshall's user avatar
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Choose kernel version in OpenEmbedded

I want to build Angstrom kernel on Ubuntu 13.04 host machine using OpenEmbedded. git clone git:// cd setup-scripts MACHINE=beagleboard./ ...
dempap's user avatar
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Cannot enable PRU on Beaglebone Black

I am trying to enable the PRU module on my BeagleBone Black, but I came across two errors. The first one, is when I am trying to activate it: echo BB-BONE-PRU-01 >/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/...
andrussk's user avatar
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Installing Qt and PySide on Angstrom

I tryed to install PySide for interface development in Qt. I got it to work on my Arch box, but after several attempts to install it on Angstrom running on a BeagleBone Black rev. A5 Using various ...
CodeTower's user avatar
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GCC: Cross compilation on Angstrom (BeagleBone Black)

I am running Angstrom ( v2012.12) on my BeagleBone Black (Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Thu Sep 12 10:27:06 CEST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux). I am using the following gcc: COLLECT_GCC=arm-angstrom-linux-...
foma's user avatar
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linux, openssl: where is THIRTY_TWO_BIT defined?

I can't compile the openssl headers for c++ on Angstrom distribution, arm core. The file "bn.h" in openssl needs some extra definitions. One of them is THIRTY_TWO_BIT. I don't want to define it ...
kirill's user avatar
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g++ : command not found in angstrom on beagleboard

I am using angstrom on beagle board.. but when I try to run any command on the terminal I get this error: Sh:g++:not found I tried installing g++ Using opkg install g++ but no use!!
roa.tah's user avatar
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Wait for connman to finish configuring the network in a sytemd system

Is there any way to configure a systemd service (e.g. serviceX) to wait for the connmand service to finish configuring network interfaces prior to serviceX running ? From what I understand of systemd, ...
Alex Marshall's user avatar
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Start OpenSSH sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black

Does anybody know how to start sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black ? I've replaced dropbear with OpenSSH. The standard systemctl enable sshd doesn't work, but strangely systemctl start sshd ...
Alex Marshall's user avatar
7 votes
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Python PySerial with Auto RTS through Half-Duplex RS-485 breakout board using Beaglebone Black Angstrom

I'm trying to use a Beaglebone Black running Angstrom (3.8 kernel) to communicate with devices on a half-duplex RS-485 network at 9600-N-8-1. I'm trying to use an RS-485 Breakout board similar to ...
Timothy Vann's user avatar
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"Serial transmit complete"-Interrupt RS485 [BeagleBoneBlack - Angstrom]

I am developing an application on a BeagleBoneBlack. Embedded linux is quite new for me =/ The problem I am facing is that I want to implement a RS485 communication, I wrote a piece of C++-Code by ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Error while trying to enter sleep mode in Beagle Bone Black

While trying to enter sleep mode on beaglebone black am getting an error When i issue the command echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state am getting -sh: echo: write error: No such device The kernel ...
ganeshredcobra's user avatar
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Angstrom Linux on Beagleboard boots into sleep mode

I'm running GNOME on Angstrom Linux on a Beagleboard, and have an issue when the device boots, i'm running the 2013-06-20 image from Power on, and the screen ...
SubjectCurio's user avatar
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How to build Python 2.7 for Angstrom BeagleBoard XM

I would like to use OpenCV via the Python CV2 library on my BeagleBoardXM running Angstrom. I have Python 2.6 installed, but CV2 requires Python 2.7. When compiling from source on the BB-XM, the ...
ChronoFish's user avatar
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GPIO/Analog programming for BeagleBone Black on Angstrom Linux, what compiler for cross development on Windows?

I'm working on a BeagleBone Black (BBB from now on) with its stock Angstrom Linux. I'm able to do GPIO/Analog programming using JavaScript, but I want to do it in C/C++. I know the sysfs thing and /...
Imran Munshi's user avatar
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Qt on Beaglebone Black

I am using the following this ( link for cross compliing on beablebone black. But while following this link I encountered with following error ...
user3103911's user avatar
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WiFi access-point in BeagleBone

I am trying to start WiFi access point on my Beaglebone Black. There is no brige. I just want to connect to AP from my phone for setting up some custom configs. I installed hostapd success, and edit ...
user3102437's user avatar