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how to disable system splash screen introduced in android 12 and above?

I'm encountering a problem identified in my pre-launch report on Google Play Store. Check the attached image for clarification. google play console pre-luanch report double splash screen warning In my ...
user24467243's user avatar
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Splashscreen is not visible with Android 12

I join other people that have the same problem with Android 12 but I can't find a solution. I have a MAUI project. When I deploy the project on an emulator the splashscreen is visible as you can see ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Splash screen api not working on android 12 (API 31, 32)

I've seen different posts about this, and also an open issue on google where they say it's not a bug, but intended behaviour instead. Although a lot of ...
Saul's user avatar
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Splash Screen not working with Deep links and when launched from Android Studio

When I launch my app from launcher screen the Splash Screen works fine but when I launch my app via deep link, the logo animation is not triggered and also the code in the associated SpalshScreen....
Prateek Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
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Blinking effect for logo icon in Android 12 Splash Screen

Whenever my app is launched then a color chaning animation is supposed to be played and after that the Splash Screen also needs to be removed from the screen via a translation animation, but just ...
Prateek Gupta's user avatar
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Android 12 Splash Screen Exit Animation adds extra space at the bottom of the screen below the BottomNavigationView

When the exit animation of the Android 12 Splash Screen ends it adds some extra space below the BottomNavigationView as shown in the screenshots below While the Splash Screen's exit animation is ...
Prateek Gupta's user avatar
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How to achieve windowSplashScreenBrandingImage in Android below 12 after migrating to new SplashScreen api

I've followed Migrate your splash screen implementation, and it promises that After you migrate using the SplashScreen compat library, the system displays the same splash screen on all versions of ...
Vikas Pandey's user avatar
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Migration of exisitng splashScreen to Android 12 + is giving distorted splash

We are trying to migrate (because of a crash, that seem related to this - Here's another question for my crash. Our existing Splash-Screen which also serves as routing. Previously we used a full ...
Vikas Pandey's user avatar
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react-native-bootsplash windowSplashScreenBackground not working Android 12

After spending a few days on this issue, I'm asking for your help. I upgraded my project to react-native 0.69.5, and react-native-bootsplash 4.3.2. I'm trying to customize the splash screen with an ...
Pablo gdcr's user avatar
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Splash Screen is not showing always (Android 12)

I am implementing the SplashScreen library ('androidx.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.0') Sometimes splash screen is not showing and setOnExitAnimationListener is ignored. Then my app keeps in an empty ...
LuzLaura98's user avatar
17 votes
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Add multiple sizes of splash screen in ionic cordova when migrating to android 12 and above

Am trying to migrate ionic cordova app to android 12 (api 32). Cannot use <splash> tags anymore. instead that I should use <preference name="AndroidWindowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon" ...
Pumayk26's user avatar
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Back button not responsive when the splash screen is showing (new Splash API for Android 12)

Since the new Android Splash Screen API for Android 12, the back button is no longer responsive while the splash screen is showing, it looks like the UI thread has taken over completely and there is ...
dicarlomagnus's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I use dynamic colors in SplashScreen api an android 12?

I'm trying to make the background of an android 12 splash screen use @android:color/system_neutral1_900 as the background, but as I can see, the color loads only after the splash screen. Is there any ...
Rares's user avatar
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Can Android SplashScreen API be used for non-mobile devices (e.g. TV)

The Android documentation does not mention non-mobile platforms in its description of the SplashScreen API. Can this API be used for GoogleTV/Android Native CTV devices? Are there any special ...
Regress.arg's user avatar
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Android 12 Splash Screen API inconsistent behavior

I am implementing the new Splash Screen API but encountered an inconsistent behavior on it. Sometimes the screen with app icon shows and sometimes it doesn't. There is also a long white screen on the ...
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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Android 12 Splash Screen API not working with Material Component

I've been following the documentation, but unfortunately it doesn't include the adaptation when using Material Component as app overall theme. <style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme....
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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Hide notification bar on splash screen API 31

Is it possible to hide the notification bar on splash screen with the new Android 12 Splash screen API? So that the notification bar would be hidden from the very moment when the user launches an app. ...
Blank空白's user avatar
1 vote
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Android login/logout flow with the new SplashScreen API

I'm using the new SplashScreen API for android 12 but I'm a bit confused on the login flow now. I have one activity and multiple fragments as advised by google , the mainActivity is where the ...
confusedstudent's user avatar
17 votes
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Splashscreen Icon not showing entirely

I use the new splashscreen api to add an evenly splashscreen to all android versions down to API Level 23. Are there any requirements for the splash icon? Currently i try to use a svg and i thought it ...
Lars's user avatar
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App stuck on the Splash screen in Android 12 (API Level 31)

The application is stuck on the splash screen. No idea why? I have done everything the same as the documentation. Please look at my code and please tell. Android Manifest.xml file code: <...
Umer Iqbal's user avatar
1 vote
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Android 12 - Override default splash screen logo using splash screen api setSplashScreenTheme fails

I trying to override the default splash logo using SplashScreen API, setSplashScreenTheme. But it fails to set overridden logo but takes the default application logo. Is there way to override default ...
MGK's user avatar
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