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Android - show message after form submit and go to another Activity

I have a simple form in Android, and I want to show a message after clicking the Submit button and after some time it should go to another activity. My code: public void submitbuttonHandler(View view) ...
Darksymphony's user avatar
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Show snackbar after startactivity

I created a sign-out button in my app. Once the user clicks sign out, it signs out and moves the log-in activity. I had like that once the user clicks on sign-out, it will move to the log-in page and ...
Ben's user avatar
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How does Google Inbox show a snackbar covering the keyboard?

How does Google Inbox show the snackbar over (covering, layering) the keyboard? This is not the default behaviour, which I've tested with a basic coordinator layout, the keyboard open and a snackbar: ...
Erik's user avatar
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Snackbar onclick do ondismiss action

Hello my App have a scanner and if the code don't correspond to anything, it show a snackbar asking the user if they want to add the scanned product to the database with a click on the snackbar button,...
Ggs's user avatar
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Android snackbar null object reference

I have a simple login page for my app and the first thing I'm doing is checking for permissions. I have to do this at the very beginning because none of the apps functionality will work without all ...
Simon's user avatar
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SnackBar still showing when I come back to previous Activity

I have a SnackBar in Activity A, if I click on a Button in Activity A I navigate to Activity B. If I press back immediately, I can see the SnackBar still being show in Activity A. How to make ...
Logic's user avatar
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Snackbar is not working within fragment class

I am trying to show snackbar view when I click on button but it shows force close error when I click on button I have define fragment class below and also error log. I have fragment class: public ...
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Android - Snackbar between Activities

How i can show snackbar in Activity A (coordinatorLayout is here) when my callback in Activity B is done ? Snackbar need my coordinatorLayout but i can't give it from Activity B.. Activity B : @...
Emmanuel Loisance's user avatar