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CXX1429: error when building with cmake using app\src\main\cpp\CMakeLists.txt: C++ build system [prefab] failed while executing

I was trying to build android vulkan app from Whenever I try to build, execution error occurred in "app\build\...
김병훈's user avatar
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How to Use AGDK GameActivity or NativeActivity for Android Game Development in Visual Studio 2022?

I want to develop an Android game using AGDE in Visual Studio 2022. What are the steps required to use the AGDK GameActivity? Additionally, if I choose not to use GameActivity, how can I use ...
taku's user avatar
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How to switch back to "native C++ UI" after using setContentView(layout) in android GameActivity

I am new to Android GameActivity (Java + C++). I am trying to creating an app with GameActivity template in Android studio. When I run the app, the window shows UI from native C++ (NDK) automatically. ...
Eric Nien's user avatar
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I am unable to open up a new activity for an EndingScreen for my game

So I am a new programmer and I have a project due, so I was working on developing a basic game, the problem is once the player dies its supposed to open up a new activity for the ending screen so that ...
Benny Stein - Scinto's user avatar
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How to render Unreal View without inheriting Unreal Game Activity from Android

I'm going to show Unreal View only at the top of Android activity, and I'm going to show Android Native UI at the bottom. The app is a screen with only the native UI, a screen mixed with the Unreal ...
code beginner's user avatar
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GameActivity template fails cmake build

Cmake fails using the GameActivity template. To recreate the problem: Use the GameActivity template from Android Developer to create a new project. How do I get GameActivity working? I tried: [...
Eeshvar Das's user avatar
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Android capture a GameActivity View as Bitmap

I am using Jetpack's GameActivity to render my game in Android, and I am adding some native views on the top of it in the Kotlin code. I would like a way to capture the entire screen as a Bitmap, but ...
Felipe Ribeiro R. Magalhaes's user avatar
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How can I run GameActivity template in Android Studio?

I've found GameActivity template when I create Android Project. I ran it but First of all, the minSdk must be over 29(from 30) Second of all, control part source seems broken. void Renderer::...
c-an's user avatar
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Proguard rules for Jetpack GameActivity

I'm trying to use Jetpack GameActivity in my project, but I encounter a strange issue with Proguard. My project has 2 modules, app and my-lib: my-lib module has MyActivity which extends GameActivity: ...
L.Nam's user avatar
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How to find AGDK GameTextInput package in CMakeLists?

I'm trying to follow the instructions here for integrating GameTextInput from the AGDK (Android Game Development Kit), but am having trouble with the CMakeLists part. Adding this line as instructed: ...
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