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Buttons and text not displayed in Fragments

I am testing bottom navigation for an Android app. In the fragment, the views—the buttons and Text views requires a larger height to display the text correctly; using wrap_content or a smaller height ...
Arunmal's user avatar
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bottom navigation : The way to reduce the space below the text

There is too much space below the icon and text, as shown in the following picture. Could you let me know how I can reduce this? < ...
ny_k's user avatar
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Extra Space below Navigation Bar in Android

Image Shows Extra Space I am experiencing an issue with extra space appearing below the BottomNavigationView on all devices. In my layout, I have a ConstraintLayout that contains a Toolbar at the top ...
Ravi Saharan's user avatar
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Cannot resolve class

I am using BottomNavigationView. But I am getting an error Cannot resolve class Gradle apply plugin: '' ...
Moeez's user avatar
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How to Disable or Customize Shadow Effect in Material Design Components for Android Studio

I'm developing an Android app using Android Studio, and I'm using Material Design components, specifically BottomNavigationView. I want to disable or customize the shadow effect on this ...
Jules Gaudet's user avatar
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How to implement back/PopUpTo when clicking the bottom navigation bar using setupWithNavController in Kotlin Android Studio [duplicate]

I used setupWithNavController to handle mutiple back stack navigation in Kotlin. I want to get back to the one of the navigation page item if the bottom nav bar is clicked. For example, there are 3 ...
Micky 's user avatar
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Compose BottomNavigation - How to disable BottomNavigationTransition animation

Inside the Compose BottomNavigation class, there is a BottomNavigationTransition that changes the selected/unselected tab color with an animation progress. @Composable private fun ...
Mehdi Satei's user avatar
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When i select first bottomnavigation menu item it select second menuitem

After Anything order I move to My Order bottom navigation menu then I select Home it selects My Order again not open home screen BottomNavigation Image <
Vishal Thakur's user avatar
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navController.navigate( messes up with bottom taps. Normal click on bottom tabs stop working

Facing an issue where using navController.navigate( to dynamically switch to a bottom navigation tab messes up with bottom navigation. Attached a video to explain the issue. Video ...
Hisham Muneer's user avatar
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Cannot resolve method 'setupWithNavController(NavController)'

I implement a single-activity architecture with flow fragments in Java. My MainFlowFragment is where I setup bottom navigation view with 4 fragments inside this flow. package kz....
Tatiana Kogai's user avatar
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Android navigation graph with navviewholder fragment navigation issue when navigating using list click item

I have a very simple use case that I am surprised isn't working. I have a bottom view navigation controller with 2 fragments, a list fragment and a detailed fragment. When I navigate to the detail ...
user1743524's user avatar
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Android 12 Splash Screen Exit Animation adds extra space at the bottom of the screen below the BottomNavigationView

When the exit animation of the Android 12 Splash Screen ends it adds some extra space below the BottomNavigationView as shown in the screenshots below While the Splash Screen's exit animation is ...
Prateek Gupta's user avatar
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pressing back button is not changing the color of the icon of the bottom navigation bar

I am implementing bottom navigation bar with activities. I have created a selector which changes the color of the icon when clicked. But when I press the back button, it goes to the previous activity ...
Divyansh Singh's user avatar
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Bottom navigation does not show icon and text

I created a bottom navigation in main activity and does not show menu icon or text I use the material library version 1.7.0 I changed the version to 1.6.1 and 1.5, but there was still a problem I ...
Amin's user avatar
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AppBar with Fragments and Bottom Navigation Bar

Not sure if I'm fighting an uphill battle but I'm currently struggling with AppBar, Fragments and Bottom Navigation Bars. I have a MainActivity that's a list view with an AppBar. It's created as a ...
jimgug's user avatar
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when i put bottomnavigationview android studio | The design screen appears blank

when i put bottomnavigationview android studio | The design screen appears blank activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget....
ابو رئيس Abo reis's user avatar
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Android bottom navigation not changing destination

I was trying to implement a simple bottom navigation view using android's navigation, but I think I'm missing a step. Here's what I did: At first I created four fragments. These fragments contain only ...
ganjaam's user avatar
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Android fitsSystemWindows is messing up the paddings on my BottomNavigationView

This is my activity layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout android:id="@+id/parent" ...
hushed_voice's user avatar
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Can't drag BottomSheet when clickable="true"? If not set clickable then click goes through it and fire on Recycleview item under it

Here is my Persistent BottomSheet <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="
gpl's user avatar
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Bottom Navigation Bar and NestedScroll View hide my fragment activity

I have an activity with a bottom navigation bar and fragments to show trough the items of this activity, in the first item i have a fragment layout with a nedted scroll view menu with 14 options, but ...
Alexis Vilchis's user avatar
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Is there any way to prevent the bottom navigation bar from moving during rotation?

Im trying to get my bottom navigation bar to be fixed on a side of the screen. Let me use pictures to help you understand what I am hoping to achieve. As you can see, I am trying to achieve the ...
Do Ji's user avatar
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How to apply custom drawable on Compose - BottomNavigation?

@AndroidCompose Thanks for paying attention on my question. I need to implement Bottom navigation in Android Compose and need to apply a custom drawable(Vector,9patch,PNG etc) background to that ...
Maddy Sharma's user avatar
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Android other default values for tools:showIn

When working with NavigationView there is a tools:showIn="navigation_view" on its menu.xml file which make its preview turn into a hamburger menu style and not a regular Toolbar action item. ...
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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BottomNavigationView not showing icons

I've checked all the other posts I can find on this and can't get the icons to even show in the Design preview but it is showing the navigation bar block in design view (with no text or icons). I am ...
Taylor G's user avatar
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Invisible background in BottomNavigationBar

I want to set the background transparent, but I've tried everything and I can't set it. I let my XML code and a pic of the cell here: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &...
gjgjgjgj14's user avatar
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Android BottomNavigationView with Splash Screen Back Stack Issue

So I setup my BottomNavigationView (like here) using Navigation Component library and everything works fine, every tab can keep their back stacks. However, if I add a Splash screen (Fragment) and: ...
Sam Chen's user avatar
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How to customize the Shadow and Ripple Effect of the BottomNavigationView

I want to adjust the "RippleEffect" of the Material's design BottomNavigationView to achieve the following two design requirements the ends of the circle should be blurred-out the circle ...
Gianluca Veschi's user avatar
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How to use a viewBinding in BottomNavigation

I'm trying to implement a bottomBarNavigation as I'm practicing how to use it. I'm confused , my menu is not showing as I'm trying to initialize it to a fragment. Please how do I do it?. Im still ...
BlakOuz's user avatar
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How to use setItemIconTintList with specific item? [BottomNavigationView]

I'm trying to show the user photo in BottomNavigationView but I don't know how to do it correctly. This solution is working fine but other items will lose their colors Drawable drawable = ...
Taha Sami's user avatar
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Customize BottomNavigationView to show text for the selected item, and icon for non-selected items

I'm trying to make this NavigationBottomView: All I want is to make selected item text instead of icon. I googled it and tried to make custom navigationBottomView item, but I found nothing like what ...
Seif E. Attia's user avatar
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Native Android -> How to create custom curved bottom navigation

So this is the navigation my designer made for our project. Height of the bottom navigation is 70dp. What I have tried so far. First I downloaded a vector drawable background from design and set it as ...
kostik's user avatar
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Reverting Window Insets on fragment change

I have three fragments. I want to apply a transparent status bar on just one fragment. For that purpose, I am calling the following hide method on the setOnItemSelectedListener method of the bottom ...
Taha Asif's user avatar
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BottomNavigationView with Jetpack Navigation not correctly showing the active menu indicator

I'm trying to do solve some navigation problems of BottomNavigationView using Jetpack Navigation. I'm using Jetpack Navigation 2.4.0-beta02. The first problem is the back button always navigates me ...
Bernhard Josephus's user avatar
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Using nav host fragment and bottom navigation view inside fragment?

I have nav host fragment and bottom navigation view inside home fragment as below <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="
WISHY's user avatar
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Latest BottomNavigtionView [duplicate]

I am creating an Android app and I stumbled upon the fact that the previous way to create a bottom navigation view has been deprecated. This is the error I am getting: '...
user avatar
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How to remove floatingActionButton replaced fragment if other item is selected in bottom navigation bar

Iam working on bottom navigation bar and I have replaced fragment on onClickListener of floatingActionButton but that fragment is not removed if other item in bottom navigation bar is selected and two ...
mayra's user avatar
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Navigation Component replace/ change backstacks

I have bottom navigation with navigation drawer setup with Navigation controller. I'm currently using the latest v2.4.0-alpha05 which manages backstacks for each bottom navigation tab separately. The ...
Prathamesh Badgujar's user avatar
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UnsupportedOperationException while using BadgeDrawable with BottomNavigationView

I'm using BadgeDrawablewith BottomNavigationView . But when I put a badge in an Icon of the bottomNavigationView I get this Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to resolve ...
Ahmed Elsayed's user avatar
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navigation between deep nested graphs using Navigation Component

structure of navigations graph that is implemented is like image below. but unfortunatly when navigating from top fragments (OneFragment, TwoFragment and ThreeFragment) to lower fragments (...
mrzbn's user avatar
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Is it possible to move the screen without connecting in nav_graph?

I am using BottomNavigation. The transition from the screen of menu A to another screen, not the screen transition from menu A to another, is as follows. menu A(fragment) -> B screen(fragment) ->...
ybybyb's user avatar
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Dynamically change the FAB in MainActivity for Android

I have the following XML layout <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="http://schemas....
Learn2Code's user avatar
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Have you recently discouraged using naviation component?

I am using bottom navigation for single activity. What I'm trying to do is do various screen transitions through the bottom menu (fragment). And we are implementing a function to switch screens ...
ybybyb's user avatar
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Navigation component with bottom navigation in android [duplicate]

After splashing, my app enters an main activity where the navigation button has 4 tabs, but until the user has logged in, instead of the profile tab, he should see the login fragment, but after ...
ZiZi's user avatar
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Opening a fragment which replaces nav_host with being able to go back

I am trying to show a new fragment where the nav_host_fragment is but I want the old one to show whenever I click on backButton or on an X in my app (I added that already). In the state that it is in ...
Simon Mair's user avatar
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Android Navigation Component not maintaining stack on switching between tabs

I have 3 bottom tabs and it used 3 different navigation graphs for each tab. When user play around and uses device back button then the back stack works fine like Home inner fragment Tap on middle ...
Sampath Kumar's user avatar
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Individual Navigation graph for each Bottom navigation view menu item - Android

My application contains a bottom navigation view with 3 menu items in the main activity, each menu item inflates respective navigation graphs in the navigation container view. Each graph has 2 or more ...
krish's user avatar
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Change the icon color in a BottomNavigationView

I want to change the color of the drawables used in a BottomNavigationView but the changes I've made don't seem to make a difference. I've tried to use the android:iconTint in the menu resource and ...
Amine Ch 99's user avatar
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How to switch existing fragments when the dialog is closed?

The main screen of the app is for bottom navigation. And there are 3 menus, all of which are fragments. Pressing the button on one of the fragments opens the dialog fragment window. And when the ...
ybybyb's user avatar
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Cannot resolve symbol 'BottomNavigationItemView' in androidx

I removed implementation '' and migrated to androidx implementation '' I like to know what is the equivalent code for ...
creativecoder's user avatar
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BottomNavigation BadgeDrawable set displayed number in a specific Locale irrespective of selected one

The project supports RTL; Arabic in particular. The requirement is that all numbers must appear in English format even when language is selected as Arabic Locale, the way we achieve it everywhere is ...
dan.darajat's user avatar