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Crash APK Cardlan QR Reader

i have a cardlan reader is androdi 5.3 Lollipop API 22 works process of the apk is this: scan QR and check internet then, send the ...
kik3cm's user avatar
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Block the screen from turning on your Android phone

I develop an Android application in Java, using the Level 21 API (Lollipop), which aims to prevent third parties from manipulating the phone to turn on the screen. I would like to point out that I am ...
Etan's user avatar
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Is it possible to clear the android application cache at API 21

Is it possible to write a function to clear the app cache on my app. I know that I can go to app settings and clear it that way but I want to be able to do that within my own app in code when its ...
RentUrApp's user avatar
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Push Notification content text not showing on Lollipop

Here is the code for showing push notification: // receiverUid = unique uid for a receiver // notificationUid = unique notification_uid // receiverName, title, body are String variables. ...
Wamiq's user avatar
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Android api 21/22 android version 5 video playing problems, video playing throws error Can't play video

Here is my code. When I run this app on android nexus 4 API 22, it throws me error saying "Can't play this video." However, the audio of video plays. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...
Kaustubh.P.N's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms: WebView support on Android 5.1

I've developed a Xamarin.Forms.Shell app where I use a WebView to manage appointments. By default, I let the Android minimum Version to 5.0, as I still have an old device on Android 5.1 that I use for ...
Gold.strike's user avatar
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Resource not found error for vector drawable in android 5 and 5.1

Hi, I am using binding adapter methods to pass 1 imageUrl and 1 placeHolder drawable in image view like this. and my binding adapter method is like this: and here is my vector drawable: it works ...
Vikas Pandey's user avatar
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is it possible to use google photos in lollipop (sdk version 22)

" I need to open google photos login and download required images in to device ", but ** my device is in lollipop ** . I think google services are available from sdk version 23. is there any ...
venkatesh nani's user avatar
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Razor-pay failed to show input fields on Lollipop and marshmallow Android SDK

Configuration AndroidApp - com.razorpay:checkout:1.5.13 minSdkVersion 21 targetSdkVersion 29 on Lollipop and marshmallow it creating crash to solve that I ...
shakil shaikh's user avatar
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Get Top activity from service

I'm developing custom launcher for terminal (with package name, Terminal OS is Android 5.1.1). And I want to show password dialog to secure activity. For that I launch service ...
Bakhrom Achilov's user avatar
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API changed error during AOSP build. How to fix?

Im trying to build AOSP(lollipop) using openjdk 1.8 and during make im getting the following errors. prebuilts/sdk/api/22.txt:24965: error 9: Removed public constructor MediaStore.Audio.Genres() ...
playmaker420's user avatar
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Android app with fragment in lollipop version not working done but works in another version

I previously changed API from 21 to 26, then changed Android version 4 to version 7. When running the application on Android Lollipop I did not get an error but the application did not run properly. ...
Dewi Suryamaharani's user avatar
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Android Studio's logcat shows "Error inflating class EditText" on running the app in Gionee P5W having Lollipop(5.1)

Here is the XML code for the EditText widget which is causing the error. I think the error is due to my phone's Android version (Lollipop 5.1). <EditText android:layout_width="match_parent"...
Shivam Kumar's user avatar
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Can't play audio on Lollipop

I recently created a simple music player that reads wav audio files from external storage. I used to test it on android 4.4 and everything worked fine. Now testing it on Lollipop it doesn't work ...
Dave Gee's user avatar
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Blank screen when open camera in lollipop

am using Zxing barcodescanner and my app is working perfectly , except on Lollipop i have one probleme: When i open the camera to scan i get blank screen , and a toast to ensure me that permission is ...
Laidi Oussama's user avatar
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zxing QR scanner not working only lollipop 5.1 version

I have done the implementation of QR scanner in android application. It does work in 6.0 and some other os version but it is not working in lollipop 5.1 version getting crashed when I clicked QR ...
vasanth's user avatar
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Image rotation works in lollipop but not in marshmallow

I want spin a bottle on right swipe. It's working fine in lollipop but in marshmallow its not working smoothly. The size of the image 100*100. Please let me know the error and how can I resolve it. ...
Vikas Soni's user avatar
31 votes
11 answers

Android 5.x ClassNotFoundException works fine on 6.0+

I have updated my project's minSdkVersion from 19 to 21. This has caused an issue on 5.0/5.1 devices where I can't run the app. I keep getting a ClassNotFoundException on my Application class. The ...
ganlaw's user avatar
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How to get notification background color and dynamically change the text color based on results from background color

I had a chance to look over some of the posts regarding background color for notification for Android but unfortunately none of the posts provide a clear answer of how I can get the notification ...
Juventus's user avatar
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Android M & Lollipop - Mark missed call as read

I use below code to clear missed calls after I launch my app. In this I get rows affeted is 1. But when i get next missed call, at that time android's stock phone app adds a new notification as "2 new ...
Aram's user avatar
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How to make Android Apps designed for API 22 compatible with API21

I am new to android development and using Xamarin.Android so please keeps terminology simple and relevant if possible. Current question is, are apps developed for API 22 (android 5.1) compatible with ...
Infinity loop of probs's user avatar
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Android Rendering Problems : Using an obsolete version of the 5.1 layout library

I am getting following problem while rendering XML file. Using an obsolete version of the 5.1 layout library which contains many known bugs: Install Update, Ignore For Now Is there any bug or ...
Pratik Butani's user avatar
-1 votes
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Android app time delay on 5.0+ devices

My app is taking 10-12 sec delay while first load on 5.0+ devices, 4.4 or below devices does not have this problem. I have added a log message in Application class onCreate method but it is also ...
Harish Gyanani's user avatar
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White Space over notification area in Android Lollipop

We are having an application with three activities. 1) startup Activity which doesn't have any actionbar or navigation drawer (splash) 2) Main Activity with action bar 3) Another Activity with ...
mesibo's user avatar
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Android shared element transition whole screen flickers on reenter

I am trying to create a "simple" image shared element transition between a recycler view item (Activity A) & a view pager (Activity B). I have managed to smoothen everything but it seems that no ...
TalMihr's user avatar
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android api 21/22, status bar icons don't show when statusBarColor is set to white

API 21+ supports android:statusBarColor which I'm using and setting to white in my theme. On API 23 on my Nexus 6P the status bar icons show up with darker tint, so you can see them against the white ...
mutable2112's user avatar
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Drawable Tinting: Indeterminate ProgressBar [duplicate]

I've been trying to tint the ProgressBar drawable for an app with support till API 15. I need to do it dynamically as well. Here's what I have tried so far: XML: <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/...
Ankit Popli's user avatar
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Android Pushnotification, does nothing on click when inside app

I am trying to launch an activity, when push notification is clicked. Interestingly, when the app is closed, and no activity is in background, and I recieve a push, I click on it and the required ...
intellignt_idiot's user avatar
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Setting Colour of shape not working in API 21/22 (GradientDrawable)

I have a shape which I need to change the colour of using the below code: @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // Get the data item for this ...
SammyG's user avatar
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AppWidgetProvider takes resources from wrong package (Lollipop only)

I have an app widget that shows an image. Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + packageName + "/" + resId); rv = new RemoteViews(defaultPackageName, widgetLayout); rv.setImageViewUri(,...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Android SDK Add-On hidden class

I need to export a hidden class through a SDK Add-On in Android Lollipop. I'm able to export non-hidden classes. After unsuccessfully trying the "usual way" I thought the problem was due to the @hide ...
Salvatore's user avatar
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Call third party app Activity from own App

I have successfully called third party apps from my app Apps like: Google Drive and Google Photos Code: btnL1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view)...
Sonali's user avatar
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Android notification color in adv is always white

this code creates a notification: NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(ctx); builder.setContentIntent(pIntent) .setTicker(title).setWhen(when)....
Vyacheslav's user avatar
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Android MediaCodec Encode and Decode In Asynchronous Mode

I am trying to decode a video from a file and encode it into a different format with MediaCodec in the new Asynchronous Mode supported in API Level 21 and up (Android OS 5.0 Lollipop). There are many ...
David Manpearl's user avatar
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Store video files on SD card in Android 5

I'm recording video with the aid of class, which accepts path string for output file (MediaRecorder.setOutputFile(String)), though there is a version of the method which ...
Artem Pelenitsyn's user avatar
9 votes
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AlarmManager not working on Samsung devices in Lollipop

I develop an app that uses AlarmManager to set a bunch alarms (usually around 50) that need to be fired at a certain time during the year. This is the code I'm using since 4.4 kitkat changed the ...
Fran Palomares's user avatar
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Detect which app has been launched in android

How to detect which app has been launched by user in my app i.e my application should get notified when Whatsapp is launched by user even if my app is not running in foreground or background. hike ...
Pratap Vhatkar's user avatar
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onTagDiscovered() not called any more when nfc tag already there after updating from 4.4.4 to 5.1.1 Samsung

I had a code able to detect an already present NFC tag when I start my NFCadapter. Which is very nice since it means you don't need to move the tag to detect and read it :) Since I update a Samsung ...
Poutrathor's user avatar
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How to use the new lollipop SD Card Access API to delete and modify files

So I have an app which is a music player. Many times a user plays a song and wants to delete it. Many times he finds that there duplicates of files and hence wants to delete it. Many users have more ...
Ankit Srivastava's user avatar
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Get App usage data of previous dates from UsageStatsManager Android

If I want to get data of today's App usage, first I allowed my App from settings to read App usage statistics, then I am using this query to get UsageStats UsageStatsManager usm = (...
Himanshu Mori's user avatar
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Android studio scrolling listview not working on Lollipop

I recently exported my eclipse project and imported to Android Studio, and I tried to build and launch it. It works properly all the OS except Lollipop. In Lollipop, all listviews are unable to ...
Jun's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the detailed battery usage for my app on Android 5.0/5.1/6.0

In Android 6.0, we can the detailed battery usage for each app as shown below. Is there a way to get these numbers programmatically within this app? I tried to use command "dumpsys batterystats --...
Zhihua Wen's user avatar
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AudioTrack stopped working on Android 5.0

After getting hold of an Android device with Lollipop, I noticed the AudioTrack code we have working for Kitkat (and previous versions) simply stopped working, the exact same code works well for ...
dorbsz's user avatar
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Phonegap/Cordova Android doesn't show the splash screen when re-launch after

I'm developing with Cordova 5.1.1 mixed Jquery mobile 1.4.5 and Backbonejs 1.2.2. At now, I'm facing a problem: When cordova app is exited by, then re-launch it from the ...
Ngo Quang Trung's user avatar
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Is there a rom that can upgrade any android device?

I want to upgrade my tablet to android lollipop. I can't seen to find a rom that can fit my model (wing-inet). So I want to know if you could just update it with any rom.
Jason Hinds's user avatar
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Detect Software Keyboard state in android lollipop

I have used the code given below in my app to detect whether keyboard is visible or not. I am able to use it for android versions other than lollipop. When running the app on a lollipop device the ...
Abhijith Surendran's user avatar
-2 votes
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App crash when Longpress on EditText - only in 5.0.1 and 5.0.2

I have used simple Edit Text in my activity just like below. I have tried different solutions from stack and other resources but it does't solve my issue. <EditText android:id="@+id/...
Amit Vaghela's user avatar
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Android - Delay When Answering Calls Programmatically on Lollipop

I'm working on an app that can answer phone calls programmatically. Iv'e read much about it, and tried many methods to get it to work. The only true solution that works for me in versions 5.0 and up ...
Tofira's user avatar
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Android XML: android:elevation vs. app:elevation

When do I use android:elevation and when app:elevation? What's the difference between those two?
Amplify's user avatar
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Background of the app is showing white in lollipop

I am creating an app that supports from Api 15 to 23. It was working well on all phone including lollipop.But when I tested on another lollipop phone it is showing the background of one screen as ...
Greeshma Unni's user avatar