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module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'?

I am following some tutorials for the implementation of TICA, to do a dimension reduction, but I have the following problem; AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'. np.bool was a ...
Giovanni Wences's user avatar
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Conda not able to call its python version

I am getting an issue in the conda environment, the conda environment is not able to call its python version. I installed a different version of python in my conda environment but it is still calling ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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How to use Anaconda to create an environment on Mac M1 using python 2.7?

I am trying to create an environment on my mac m1 using Anaconda using python 2.7. So I use : conda create -n py27 python=2.7 But it gives error: Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...
Jee Bluetru's user avatar
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File has moved to other folder. But I can't rename it in spyder

import os import shutil src_folder = r"C:\new1\\" dst_folder = r"C:\new2\\" file_name = 'testword.docx' if os.path.exists(dst_folder + file_name): data = os.path.splitext(...
sai prasanna's user avatar
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make install using a conda environement

I'm trying to install HaploStrips, which requires python 2.7 and pip (and a few other libraries). The author suggests to create an anaconda environment using conda create -n haplostrips python=2.7 ...
Whitehot's user avatar
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Why is launching JupyterLab from my python2.7 anaconda environment failing with a syntaz error?

First, I'm new to anaconda (3.9) and jupyerlab. When I launch jupyterlab from my python 3.10.8 environment in the anaconda navigator it works fine But when I launch it from my python 2.7.18 ...
bioinfguru's user avatar
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Installation of jupyter notebook using pip

I'm trying to install jupyter notebook with pip but is giving me this error:Error [WinError 225] Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted ...
Aisha's user avatar
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What is the best way to install fipy with anaconda?

What is the best way to install fipy with anaconda3 (in a ubuntu 16.04 machine)? I have tried conda create --name FIPY --channel conda-forge python=3 fipy numpy scipy matplotlib pysparse gmsh but the ...
Deb S. B.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to keep previous output in jupyter notebook when re running the same program?

I have executed a python program in juypter notebook, I got output for the program as required but I want to keep the output and while re running the program I want to know the previous output, So ...
Akanksha More's user avatar
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Conda - import Geopandas error: DLL load failed: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect

I'm trying to import the Geopandas module using Python 2.7. Example commands below: conda create --channel conda-forge -n env_test python=2.7 geopandas # OK conda activate py27env python --version ...
Jelphy's user avatar
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Error Exit code: 127 when Launching Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda Navigator in Python 2.7 Environment

I've just updated Anaconda navigator. Trying to launch Jupyter Notebook (version 5.7.10) produced the following error: Exit code: 127 I've tried to launch this in a Python 2.7 environment, as I need ...
Paul's user avatar
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Python2 doesn't work when both python3.8 and python2.7 are installed on Anaconda3

I installed Anaconda and used Python3.8.8 as the base environment, now I create a new environment named py27 to install python2.7, but it doesn't work. Here are the details (base) C:\Windows\System32&...
S DQ's user avatar
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Getting error "post-link script failed for package defaults ::ipykernel-4.10.0-py27_0" while installing ipykernel in anaconda with python 2.7

I am trying to install ipykernel in a separate python 2.7 environment (py27) for use of jupyter notebook. My base environment uses python3.9 that works great. When trying to use conda install ...
HT13's user avatar
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Cannot run jupyter notebook by python2.7

MacBook laptop Have activated py27 in the terminal. When I tried to run jupyter notebook, it returned: bash-3.2$ source activate py27 (py27) bash-3.2$ jupyter notebook Traceback (most recent call last)...
garyroach's user avatar
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2 answers

install tensorflow on python 2.7

I want to install tensorflow on python 2.7 I built environment for python 2.7 on conda(windows 10). but when I try to install tensorflow by "conda install tensorflow", I got a error massage ...
Baegopa's user avatar
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Unable to display output from matplotlib using conda through WSL

I am trying to run ToPy (Topology Optimisation) program using anaconda on wsl. So, I created an environment with python-2.7 and all other programs recommended by ToPy. I am running into an error with ...
Sree's user avatar
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'segmentation fault python' in Mac OS Big Sur with python 2.7

I am not totally sure if the problem started when upgrading to Big Sur: I use anaconda distribution and when I use python 2.7 and plot (plot or scatter) using matplotlib, python closes and shows this ...
Edgar Peralta's user avatar
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Why am I not able to read a file with a different python version in Anaconda?

I'm trying to install this tool on my windows computer going on 2 weeks now. After cloning the repository from GitHub, the instructions clearly says to go to my top-level source directory and type ...
Micheal's user avatar
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How to run anaconda2 python on anaconda3 python

I have two static python versions 3.7 and 2.7 The 1st static locations is: ~/anaconda3/bin/python The 2nd static locations is: ~/anaconda2/bin/python I want to run a method that only works with ...
Ahmad H. Ibrahim's user avatar
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which app does anaconda used to run .py scripts

I was trying to run dronekit-SITL in windows so I downloaded the anaconda so that I can use py-2.7 separately, but when I try to run script, it shows up a dialog box to choose an app to ...
Deep Maiti's user avatar
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Installing spaCy on anaconda on macos

My environment python2.7 running on Anaconda version 2019.10. macOS Catalina 10.15.5. The problem I cannot seem to install the package spaCy on python. I have followed the documentation of spaCy (...
user avatar
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How can I move from the default pre-installed Python 2.7 on my Mac to accessing Python 3.7 from Anaconda in Terminal?

I may be leaving out many details, but I'll attempt to construct the best picture of what is happening here. My Mac is running OS Catalina 10.15.6, I got it back in April, and it has Python 2.7 in I'm ...
Ryan Lindsey's user avatar
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Cannot install datascience with python 2.7 - ValueError: This package requires python >= 3.0 [duplicate]

My environment will not allow me to install datascience as it will no longer work with python 2.7. (worked ok a week ago). I made the mistake of uninstalling anaconda and re-installing it to sort out ...
WeePecky's user avatar
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Creating a permanent (fixed) conda environment

I need a permanent environment with fixed libraries for users to install for using a specific (scientific, open-source) software package (with minimal funding options). These libraries should not need ...
ees's user avatar
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PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: - ipython-notebook

I'm new to Anaconda and Python. I have set up a virtual environment in Anaconda named "gl-env". gl-env Python version has set to 2.7 pip version is set to 9.0.1 I am doing a assignment which ...
ShivaKumar__'s user avatar
2 votes
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Imbalances-learn module file syntax error coming up while importing SMOTE

I installed imbalanced-learn package using (Python 2.7): conda install -c conda-forge imbalanced-learn after installing it, I tried to import SMOTE from the package. from imblearn.over_sampling ...
HawkEye04's user avatar
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Conda environment conflicts with 3rd party software

I ran into a problem where my python2 environment is conflicting with the included python and packages of 3rd party software. I get many Runtime Error's. One software I'm writing for has PySide2 ...
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Launching Spyder with multiple versions of Python

I have python 2.7 as my base. I have created an environment with python 3.7. conda create -n py3 python=3.7 in Anaconda Prompt. Now I have activated my python 3.7. conda activate py3 or activate ...
Akash Chakraborty's user avatar
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I don't know where my jupyter is getting my installed modules

I'm trying to import the library fbprophet and it needs some libraries such as pandas, matplotlib, numpy, cython and pystan. I'm using an Azure HDInsight machine with Spark and I'm connecting to it ...
asusrid's user avatar
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Python Windrose hangs with large dataset, doesn't crash or produce results

I am using Anaconda2 Spyder3. When I use windrose it works for small datasets but I want to use it for 1 years worth of 10 minute data - 52560 datapoints. When I run the code below, it just hangs and ...
squar_o's user avatar
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jupyter notebook is in python 2.7 even anaconda environment shows version is python 3.6

I need to use python 3.6 for a project but when I created an environment in anaconda with python 3.6, and activate that environment, I still get python 2.7 when I open jupyter notebook. Please see ...
lll's user avatar
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Anaconda / Pip ModuleNotFound Error when working on IDEs, python paths?

I'm teaching myself python and have been exclusively been using Jupyter Notebooks through Anaconda until now. I'm now trying to move away from Jupyter and write .py scripts in an IDE. While working in ...
GlassShark1's user avatar
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Python library installation problem (through pip install)

I have Python 3.6.5 installed in my MacBook Pro with anaconda 5.2.0. If I try to install any library through pip install, I get the following error message. Could you please let me know why? In the ...
S M Shamimul Hasan's user avatar
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Can't run mido and keyboard modules within conda virtual env (python2.7)

On Ubuntu 18.04, I am trying to create a conda virtual env which has mido and keyboard modules installed. This is successfully done using conda create -n my_env python=2.7 and pip install for mido and ...
Hano's user avatar
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I can't install install firebase-admin

I've got an error following: MacBook-Air:Firebase takeyuki$ python -m pip install --upgrade firebase-admin DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade ...
Ueda Takeyuki's user avatar
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Anaconda - Spyder 3.3.6 - Python 2.7 - no module named matplotlib

I'm trying to use matplotlib on spyder 3.3.6 but I'm having trouble importing it in the first place, is there some way to install matplotlib beforehand? I don't have a very specific question, I guess ...
Sebastian Chejniak's user avatar
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Running python scripts from command line using different python versions defined in anaconda envs

I have 2 python tools that I have to run via the windows cmd line. One is written in python2.7 while the other requires python3.6. I have installed the newest Anaconda python3.7 version and created ...
JonasKaminski's user avatar
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How is Python 2.7 suddenly a Windows security threat?

I have a python 2.7 anaconda environment (I can't upgrade it to python 3 yet, I hope python2 isn't suddenly viewed a security threat). This python was working fine last week. This morning I come in ...
amos's user avatar
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Multiple versions of Anaconda & Python installation

I have three questions. One, can I install multiple versions of Python on my machine. I have a 4 Gb RAM system. Two, can I install multiple versions of Anaconda? Three, what is the difference between ...
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could not convert string to float in python

i try to analysis the Principle Component from cvs file but when i run the code i get this error C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop>python ValueError: could not convert string to float: Annee;...
Hocine Djouamaa's user avatar
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Virtual environment with python 3.7.4 not created in Anaconda 2

I am typing following command in Anaconda Powershell Prompt: conda create -n test_env python=3.7.4 anaconda During installation of packages not all packages are installed and finally the following ...
user9695260's user avatar
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Python : Strange multiprocessing function crash in console

I maintain an experimental tool that still python 2.7 that use a bunch of libraries, such as Gdal, shapely, astropy, OpenCV2, scipy, etc. Everything was fine until the system as changed, so virtual ...
Alex C.'s user avatar
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Matplotlib cannot find Font family [u'sans-serif']

I installed matplotlib 2.2.3 using anaconda (with python 2.7.16). I always have this missing font problem on the higher versions of matplotlib (> 1.5.1). /home/satadru/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-...
deltasata's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Teradata using Anaconda 4.3.1(64-bit) with Python 2.7.13

I am unable to achieve teradata connectivity using python. I have anaconda set up 4.3.1(64-bit) with python 2.7.13. Further i installed teradata odbc client driver for 16.20 and configured the odbc....
stacktechketan's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot import name _distributor_init aftar install anaconda

I installed the Anaconda package and checked the computer and I have the numpy's files but the computer cannot import the numpy package. I tried to run in the cmd: "pip install numpy" but the cmd ...
yiaca's user avatar
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conda not showing updated package

I have tried to install pyhive on a server which is not connected to internet by downloading the file from here ( The ...
penta's user avatar
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python 2.7 not installed properly by anaconda

I'm using Ubuntu Linux 18.04, have anaconda 3 loaded with python 3.7.3 installed. I follow the instructions to create a new environment with python 2.7 installed and it fails. Any idea what I'm ...
Jim Maas's user avatar
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Creating conda env from .yml - packages doesn't download

I have some serious problems with creating virtual env for conda. Whole process does not return errors, but packages that are supposed to be present - are not. Here is my yml file: name: linuxenv ...
Szymon Maksymiuk's user avatar
3 votes
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AttributeError: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, AbsoluteToNanoseconds): symbol not found

I'm trying to run 'conda install something' on macOS Mojave but i'm getting this error at every turn: conda install update This is the entire traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/...
OGUZ HAN ATAS's user avatar
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Deploying a package created in Python 3.6 (Anaconda) in Python 2.7

I have created a code to pull data from sharepoint and it works like charm on my local environment (Spyder Python 3.6). But when I try to deploy it on production environment (Python 2.7.12), it fails ...
Anshu Saket's user avatar

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