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Openshift AMQ6 - message order - queue

I use AMQ 6 (ActiveMQ) on OpenShift, and I use a queue with re-delivery with exponentialBackoff (set in connection query params). When I have one consumer and two messages and the first message gets ...
Walter's user avatar
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ActiveMQ clean up old queues that seems to just hang around?

So I have a jboss AMQ 6.3 cluster (3 pods in OpenShift) that keeps growing daily. Looking in the Java Console, there are a Lot of Queues named clever things like error-user006107e3-85ce-bdf1-f414-...
user3258911's user avatar
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How do I scale up JBoss AMQ 6.3 in openshift?

I have a default setup of JBoss AMQ in OpenShift and want to scale it up to two pods. How do I accomplish this? Just scaling it leads to the following: INFO | Using Persistence Adapter: ...
Mantar's user avatar
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Kafka AMQ Stream - Topics command

I've never used AMQ Streams (Kafka). How can I connect to topics through the route (read/create/delete)? With Kafka, for example from my local machine, I used the CLI with the basic command. But with ...
Harry's user avatar
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JMS Connection to Red Hat AMQ 7 running on Openshift using a secured route

We're running AMQ 7 on Openshift 3.11. When trying to connect java clients using JMS from the Openshift platform there is no issue. However, to access it from an external client I've created a secure ...
HBoss's user avatar
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