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Eclipse ADT with Android 14 SDK?

I have an app that works with any Android starting from 2.3.3 I did it on Windows XP with Eclipse Luna with ADT. Now Google Play store requires the app to target the Android 14 SDK Manager in Eclipse ...
Aleksey's user avatar
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Android Studio gets stuck in "Terminating the app" every time I want to run a program in emulator... beginning of: kernel, system, crash, main

sorry but this is probably going to be a long one. Its my first time building an App with Android Studio and pretty much with Java. I'm trying to build a Chronometer. It was doing good and running ...
Héctor Ocampo Ruiz's user avatar
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why do I get an error when selecting a small molecule as a ligand?

After I add all hydrogens to my small molecule, and change the atomic pattern (AD4 type) of the molecule, I get the following error when I use it as a ligand for docking: Traceback (most recent call ...
Cra So's user avatar
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Implementing Tensor ADT from Scratch Without Pytorch, Tensorflow or Any Such Library

I am working on a project for image recognition through convolutional neural networks, but the main assessment value of this project is implementing a new data type. I chose tensors for this task, but ...
Faiza Salman's user avatar
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Git repository change scanner and check configuration has encountered a problem,

Got these errors after updating eclipse the current Version: 2023-12 (4.30.0) Build id: 20231201-2043 Tried lot of things but doesn't work, These errors are appearing frequently and not able to work.
Sanjay Snj's user avatar
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how to define adt constructor for `int list` z3 adt dotnet api

how to define adt constructor for int list Context.MkConstructor(name: string, recognizer: string, ?fieldNames: string array, ?sorts: Sort array, ?sortRefs: uint32 array) : Constructor The ...
Andrew 's user avatar
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Android Studio: product flavor combination with more than two flavor dimensions and build type

When working with more than 2 flavors, ADT/gradle doesn't currently support overriding with a subset of the flavors. i.e. I have flavors apple/orange, red/green, bad/good. Then I can have resource/...
Jose Gómez's user avatar
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2 answers

Ad-hoc Polymorphism vs. Data Constructors in Haskell

Defining different data constructors for a type, and then defining functions using pattern matching over them resembles ad-hoc polymorphism in other languages a lot: data Shape = Circle Float | ...
doetoe's user avatar
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How to use Textview output for another class method?

I have just started using eclipse adt(android developer tool) and i am working on electricbill calculator app. The app interface looks like this: App interface The user will input a value in previous ...
AndraKenshin's user avatar
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How to properly encapsulate a linked list struct in another struct in C?

I'm trying to create an abstract data type HiddenHeaders and accompanying functions (IsEmpty and Enqueue) whose low-level structure would be transparent to the user writing main(). Initialization of ...
AnnaKarin47's user avatar
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What, in Eclipse, modifies a project's .classpath to add the attribute exported="true" to classpathentry?

Looking at a .classpath file of a project that I inherited, I found the following difference between the committed file (to Git) and the working directory: - <classpathentry kind="con" ...
WebViewer's user avatar
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Unable to a Custom Collection into a text File

I'm creating a generic type ArrayQueue and I'm trying to save an ArrayQueue into a text file. My code: public void saveToFile(ArrayQueueInterface<Payment> paymentQ){ try { File file =...
user19914311's user avatar
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Linked Queue ADT implementation, Lost node

When I implemet the dequeue() method, and in the following code def dequeue(self): if self.is_empty(): print("The Queue is empty") return answer ...
Miguel Cruz Santiago's user avatar
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2 answers

Why must h’’(k) be an integer less than m in double hashing

Double hashing takes on the following form: h(k)=(h’(k)+ i * h’’(k)) mod m If m is a table size that is relatively prime to h’’(k), then wouldn’t choosing a h’’(k) value that is a prime number but ...
Javier Tan's user avatar
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Sorting an ADT Queue

I'm tasked to create a Person class that holds their name and age, create a Queue class that can hold an array of objects and then sort them alphabetically and by age using the quicksort algorithm. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Install adt Package [duplicate]

Through pycharm I can't install the adt package. I also tried through the terminal which at the command: pip install adt responds with this error message: ERROR: unable to find a version that meets ...
Antonino's user avatar
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I am trying to build ADT map using List. I got everything working but erase(key) function

I am trying to build ADT map using List and iterator. I got everything working but erase(key) function. I am writing erase(int key) function where I try to delete particular (key, value) from the list ...
Matt_Ag's user avatar
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Reading an RSS feed

How can I read data from an RSS feed using jsoup in kotlin? I have to create an ADT containing a list of items and general attributes such as title, link, description, pubDate and in the end I have ...
Iulia Elena's user avatar
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How do I represent an homegeneous list of ADT in Scala?

I'd like to express a contract that models a homogeneous list containing an ADT. Let's say I have an ADT sealed trait Letter case object A extends Letter case object B extends Letter If I declare a ...
user2468425's user avatar
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C: Error allocating memory on ADT 1 class

i'm having trouble with a ADT 1 class. I'm trying to initializing a vector of pointer to a struct, but something doesn't work Inside Divisione.h i had: typedef struct divisione_t *divisione_s; In ...
gabriele dongiovanni's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java ArrayList: What is Its Abstract Data Type?

Java's "ArrayList" seems like a contradiction to me. An array (static or dynamic) is certainly nothing like a list in a language like c++ or in computer science. What inherits from Java's ...
Captain Hatteras's user avatar
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How to represent this FSM in GADT

I was watching this video and learned about GADTs in Scala. I was able to represent the below state machine Here’s my code type Idle type Moving enum Direction: case East, West, North, South ...
Bilal Fazlani's user avatar
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Developing an Abstract Data Type to convert infix expressions into postfix expressions

I need help to decide using between queue ADT and stack ADT as storage for the infix (input) values. Also, I need to think about using either ArrayList or LinkedList to implement one of the above ADTs....
Anonymous's user avatar
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Tring to connect to Azure Digital Twins from Visual Studio Code: DefaultAzureCredential(); .getToken error

I'm trying to connect to an Azure Digital wins Instance from Visual Studio Code, using Javascript API for Azure Digital Twins. I have ran npm install @azure/identity and npm install @azure/digital-...
SJS Bowley's user avatar
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Data Structure - Abstract data type VS Concrete data type

Abstract data type (ADT) : Organized data and operations on this data Examples : Stack, Queue what's meaning of Concrete data type (CDT)? please explain by Examples.
Muhammad Banhawy's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Haskell ADT members' constructors as types

I have an algebraic data type like this: type Keyword = Text data DBField = (:=) Keyword DBVal deriving (Show, Read, Eq) data DBVal = VNull | VInt Int64 | VDouble Double ...
Farzad Bekran's user avatar
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Is there any way of using name of class as a name of usual data type?

Well, I have two structures (two ADTs) Cashier and Porter that have common property salary. It is reached by implementing class Worker. type Money = Int type Kg = Int class Worker a where salary :...
Alexander Fyodorov's user avatar
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How to connect Advantage Data Architect using various sources(PowerShell, CMD, Python etc.)?

Can anyone let me know how to connect Advantage Data Architect using various sources(PowerShell, CMD, Python etc.)
utkarsh kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using a class in ADT(abstract data types) or separate compilation in C++

I just started using separate compilation and ADT so I created a project to understand how to create the different types of files. I have created three files main.cpp (main file) #include "...
user1234554321's user avatar
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1 answer

Liferay 7.3 adt

Can anyone help me with this error i get when i create a adt template in liferay 7.3? Denied access to method or field setAttribute of class org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationHttpRequest it shows ...
Erlinda's user avatar
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Liferay Asset Publisher ADT get Image URL

I have created a structure in Liferay 7.2 that has an image selector. When I add the following to the ADT to get the image <#assign artImg = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@...
Chris Olzacki's user avatar
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C++ evaluating an arithmetic expression in RPN format using ADT stack [closed]

Write a program that uses an ADT Stack to evaluate arithmetic expressions in RPN format. The contents of the stack should be displayed on the screen during evaluation. The allowed arithmetic operators ...
Willow Hill's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to do a cast from void* to a c struct

I have this struct typedef struct tournament_t { Map players; }*Tournament; the Map Adt used in the struct is generic and uses this typedef for void* /** Data element data type for map container */ ...
Raea6789's user avatar
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Deploy Android app to emulator fails with NoClassDefFoundError

I have the following environment: Eclipse v4.19.0 Android Development Tools v23.0.7 (Eclipse plugin) JREs: 8, 7, 6, 5 When I want to deploy test Android application to emulator, I receive following ...
Ladislav's user avatar
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Can We build an eclipse ADT project with API Level 29 i am getting error "Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder"

I have updated SDK platforms for API Level 29. This is an old project build in eclipse still not migrated to studio,now i have to build it with API level 29 because having issues with images for ...
Mansi Salvi's user avatar
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Why am I getting an error in this Doubly Linked List? [closed]

So I've been working on doubly linked lists and I want to insert a value at the head of the list. We should have 2 cases: Case of an empty list. Case of a non-empty list. I think that what I'm doing ...
P_M's user avatar
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Generic Data Structure problem with Integer comparison

I am trying to implement a generic ADT in Java, similar to a linked list. I had a problem when it is instantiated as Integer, because Find(E e) method fails in the comparison. It happens for values ...
pedroasm's user avatar
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Pointer error in stack project's header file with C

i'm currently doing an assignment on making stack in the C language using a header, source, and main file. I'm trying out this code my professor made but there's an error in the header file i couldn't ...
Muhammad Riziq's user avatar
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Algebraic Data type scala define constructors

I'm new to algebraic data type using scala and I have a question: I want to define type binary, a binary number is presented by a string of "0" & "1" so I need 3 constructors, ...
attrassi Alaeddine's user avatar
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Array items not displaying properly

I'm trying to write a program to practice some basic ADT methods like insert, append etc but my array won't print out the write items. I already programmed it in c++ and i'm trying to redo it in java. ...
Jeffrey Awuku-Boateng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Struct initialized in function loses values (although it's an array)

I'm trying to initialize array *dip inside "leggif1", inside it if you do a print it's all normal but if you try to print in the main, after the initialization, everything loses its values. ...
Brc Mat's user avatar
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Can Eclipse ADT still be used for Android Development?

Can Eclipse in conjunction with ADT still be used for Android Development (and if yes, how do I go about it) or should I just keep using Android Studio? I tried setting up ADT on my Eclipse, but it ...
Elmedin Karišik's user avatar
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String Subscript out of Range , Using Hashing ADT

I have ran into an issue with my Hashing program I keep getting a String Subscript out of Range error but it does not tell me what line it is causing it on. I would like to know what is causing this ...
CodeBoi's user avatar
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Read Access Violation when implementing hashing ADT

I am working on a Hashing program where it reads a file of famous people based on date, zip code, gender, etc. I have progressed through the program quite a bit but I have been stumped on an error for ...
Boom's user avatar
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I am trying to deal a deck of 52 playing cards amongst 4 players equally, meaning they will each have 13 cards each. Can only deal cards 4 each

I am trying to deal a deck of 52 playing cards amongst 4 players equally, meaning they will each have 13 cards each. I can only seem to deal 4 cards each and i'm not sure why. Any help would be great. ...
hteuw's user avatar
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Circular Queue Item Output Incorrect

PREVIOUS PROBLEM FIXED AND UPDATED ARRAYQUEUE.CPP WITH CURRENT VERSION ***CURRENT PROBLEM*** I have gotten my items that I am enqueueing to correctly pop up in the my ...
Boom's user avatar
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Circular Queue Representation using an ArrayQueue

PREVIOUS PROBLEM FIXED AND UPDATED ARRAYQUEUE.CPP WITH CURRENT VERSION ***CURRENT PROBLEM*** I have gotten my items that I am enqueueing to correctly pop up in the my ...
Boom's user avatar
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Captive runtime packaging issue (Failed to load the AIR Runtime) under Catalina 10.15.7 with ADT

I am trying to package my AIR app on mac (Catalina 10.15.7) with ADT after successful compilation step. Everything is fine with the .air package on mac and with both .air and .exe under Windows. But ...
Maksym's user avatar
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Linked List Array Based Implementation- Print Method Not Compiling

For an Assignment we had previously implemented An Array Based Linked List using a node class however, she has requested all students redo this assignment without using the Node class. I have ...
tryingsomethingnew's user avatar
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Programming with ADTs without OOP?

Does OOP mean that the paradigm is around ADTs, since ADTs are the base of objects? If so, if ADTs are used procedurally, what does this make the procedural code?
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