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Unable to uninstall setuptools to reinstall it

I’m trying to set up my Raspberry Pi, and blinka is not installing, and I have been backtracking to reinstall my setuptools since I have the error where the board is not importing. And I am receiving ...
Firestarly's user avatar
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Sending data via UART over BLE without delays using adafruit_ble and Bleak

I want to reliably, repeatedly and extendably send a list of length 15 containing numbers 0-128 from a PC using Windows 10 64Bit to an Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 (circuitpython). A response will be ...
the_raging_bear's user avatar
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Arducam ov2640 camera not taking/returning data on pico

I have an Arducam 2MP plus camera wired to a raspberry pi Pico 2040 running circuitpython, I'm trying to take and store an image onto the Pico (just one), however from what I can tell the camera takes ...
Ginger Jackets's user avatar
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"No module name adafruit_servokit"

I am working on Jetson Nano and trying to control servo motors. I am using PCA9685. I have installed all the pre-requisites for that sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit Faced an error ...
X Z's user avatar
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Python BLE Bleak Device not Found

I'm trying to use the Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_iBBQ python library (see to connect to the INKBIRD Smart Wireless BBQ Thermometer. I have ...
Hannah's user avatar
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How do you use a variable for pin number on an ADS1115 or other chips in python

I'm trying to understand how I can use a variable for specifying the pin number on an ADS1115. Generally one would read from the analog input by specifying something like this import board import ...
itaki's user avatar
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CircuitPython Class expects wrong datatype for args on __init__

Repost with minimal reproducible error: I'm building a basic daylight alarm clock out of a rp2040, RTC, and NeoPixel strip. I'm building the Class for Alarm (inherits from Clock, inherits from ...
Rosy Roseman's user avatar
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CircuitPython passing a Tuple as an argument, error expects Integer

I'm building a basic daylight alarm clock out of a rp2040, RTC, and NeoPixel strip. I'm building the Class for Alarm objects that contain: Time to trigger(hour, minute, second), Function to trigger, ...
Rosy Roseman's user avatar
3 votes
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Plenty of reading errors in Python with Adafruit Library for DHT22 on a Raspberry Pi Zero W

I'm using a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor with a Raspberry Pi Zero W V1.1 to log temperature and humidity. I use Python and Adafruit library (
jivaro's user avatar
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How to prevent decoding of bytes from file?

I am reading a bmp file 4 bytes at a time to gather colors from a .bmp file to create a palette. When I read the file, I get b'\x8b\xc3\**x00J**\x00'. If I open this file in a hex editor, the string ...
Ryan Berwald's user avatar
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How we can acces the hardware registers in python

I am trying to access the hardware registers in python. I found out many built in libraries like circuit python, pymodbus etc but they read/write the data on buses.Instead I read the mmap library but ...
asher sajid's user avatar
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Bluetooth advertising and scan

Hello I'm hoping someone can help me with Bluetooth advertising & scanning. This is for a school stem project. I'm working with a circuit playground Bluefruit development board and using circuit ...
Andrew Benn's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I understand this Python "def" code? [closed]

I do not understand this code: #Read temperature sensor def Read_Temperature(places): humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT_.read_retry(sensor, pin) temperature = round(humidity, places) ...
Reel O Ryan's user avatar
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Python inconsistencies issues- Adafruit io

So i have a simple block of code: # Import library and create instance of REST client. from Adafruit_IO import Client, Feed aio = Client('aio_bleepbloop') # Get list of feeds. feeds = aio.feeds() # ...
Celes Meh's user avatar
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Python interactive menu in terminal/putty etc

I was wondering if there's a way to create an interactive menu (table in this case) within the terminal window? A crude example would be something similar to this: +++++1000+++2000+++3000+++4000++ ...
George's user avatar
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Coral EdgeTPU PWM output low average voltage problem with Servo motor

We have an MG996R model Servo motor. The PWM output from the Coral is only 2.5V peak, and not very strong. We are using the HC4049 model buffer for this. But this doesn't work. We couldn't run our ...
Namig Aliyev's user avatar
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Setting up Adafruit PDM with Rapsberry Pi 4

I am relatively new to working with Raspberry pi, Adafruit products and python coding. I have been working on setting up a Adafruit PDM Microphone connected to my RPi 4 and am attempting to running it ...
MolNeuroScientist's user avatar
4 votes
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Gathering temperature from raspberry pi (DHT22) through api failes on second attempt

I have a DHT22 connected to my raspberry pi 4 model B, connected like this: And I wrote a small script for the raspberry pi that is supposed to get the temperature and the humidity. I made this ...
user3478148's user avatar
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Raspberry Zero i2c BME280 not working (adafruit lib)

I have the following code which is not working and giving me an error message. I'm not quite sure, but in the error message it says i2c adress 77. But the i2c-detect shows 76. The number 48 is a ADC ...
Sebastian H.'s user avatar
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Storing and reading data from module class

I am trying to use one module to read data from a sensor board, put that data into a class, than print that data in another module. I'm not sure if I am following best practices here or if there is a ...
James Flattery's user avatar
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Pyportal Crashes when accessing internet

I am trying to build an alarm clock for class, but whenever I run the code and the clock has to connect to the internet, the clock crashes. How would I fix this? Is it a problem with the Pyportal or ...
Heyyo's user avatar
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OSError: [Errno 2] No such file/directory

I am trying to load a font on the Circuitpy using Python and when I run the code I get this error File "", line, 81, in File "/lib/adafruit_bitmap_font/", line 44 in ...
Heyyo's user avatar
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