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Not filter records after active admin and ransack updation

I have recently updated activeadmin and ransack gem, below code snippets is working fine with active admin and ransack gem using version : active admin- 2.13.1 ransack: >= 2.1 , < 4 when I ...
Abhishek Tanwar's user avatar
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Creating an activeadmin filter on a scope in ransackable_scopes

I'd like to create an activeadmin filter on a page for a model that has an association with the User model. I'd like to use the custom scope matches_name, which combines the first_name and last_name ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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Active Admin filters not displaying on screen but present in the html DOM

Filters in AA usually works smoothly. I did notice that when i override scoped_collection method, the whole filter sidebar tends to disappear from the screen but still loaded in the DOM. I don't have ...
Ouska's user avatar
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Undefined method error for an instance of Ransack::Search

I am creating a new Rails app, i created an admin page for Users with active_admin gem, when trying to access the page I keep getting this error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `...
IshAsh's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to load ActiveAdmin models with Ransack 4

I'm getting the infamous: Ransack needs ActiveStorage::Attachment attributes explicitly allowlisted as searchable. Define a ransackable_attributes class method in your ActiveStorage::Attachment model....
mystic cola's user avatar
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undefined method `table_name' for #<Arel::Table in ActiveAdmin/ransack

I was able to reproduce this error in activeadmin while using searching/filtering over text field(filter :question, filters: [:cont]) undefined method `table_name' for #<Arel::Table:...
Nikita Fedyashev's user avatar
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Paper_trail gem stopped working when upgraded ransack to 4.0.0

In my rails 7.0.4 app I use: activeadmin 3.0.0 ransack 4.0.0 paper_trail 15.0.0 I have the page for filtering and sorting history of changes to the data: ActiveAdmin.register PaperTrail::Version do ...
mirelon's user avatar
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Rails 7 + Active Admin: Filtering using comma-separated values

rails 7.0.4 activeadmin 2.12.13 I have an admin page for the model Product. A Product contains a field product_number. I have the following code in admin/products.rb: filter :product_number_equals, ...
ragis's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin filter via activerecord association

In a rails project I have two models: # id # email # password class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :guests, dependent: :destroy end # id # name class Guest < ApplicationRecord belongs_to ...
DoubleD's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin filter boolean with Nil Value

I use my Rails app to see if guests will participate to an event. I have a Guest model that has a participate boolean. This boolean is initialised as Nil for all new Guests. By initialising it in this ...
DoubleD's user avatar
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Using ransackable_attributes with Active Admin errors

We have a Rails 6.1 app with activeadmin 2.9.0 and ransack 2.4.2 and when we visit /admin/users we get the following error: ArgumentError in Admin::Users#index Polymorphic associations do not support ...
viktorsmari's user avatar
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Rails 6 ransacker to filter through User's polymorphic association

I'm trying to create a filter inside of Active Admin Conversation file, which will show me the User by his full name (user full name = user.first_name + user.last_name). User and Conversation are ...
mr_muscle's user avatar
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Active Admin filter params passed to ransacker

I am trying to pass a couple IDs through to a custom ransacker filter for active admin filter :hasnt_purchased_product_items_in, as: :select, collection: -> { ProductItem.all }, multiple: true ...
Bryan Spence's user avatar
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Ransack: Undefined method name in filter active admin

I am having a problem with active admin filter. I am getting the following issue, undefined method `affiliate_link_of_affiliate_id_eq' for #<Ransack::Search:0x00007f80ef1078f0> and i have used ...
Dhruvil Dave's user avatar
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2 answers

Use ActiveRecord scope in ActiveAdmin filter -- only apply the filter if checked

I have an ActiveRecord class Foo and I have an ActiveAdmin index view listing all my foos. Foo has a scope called bland and my UI requirement is that I have a checkbox in the Filters section so that ...
Purplejacket's user avatar
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Active Admin Search Status / Current Filters panel not using filter label

I have an active admin filter using ransack: filter :address_state_or_address_city_cont, as: :string, label: "Address" The problem in the Search Status panel is it's not using the label: Saying '...
Lem Ko's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin use custom method to filter data and match data present in the parent table column

I have bookings table which belongs to user and in my activeadmin booking resource I am displaying user by and added the users filter as filter :user_email, as: :string But I ...
Pujan Soni's user avatar
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5 answers

Can't use cont_any for multiterm search with Ransack (Rails 5)?

I'm using Ransack for search, which is working fine. But I would like the user to be able to search for multiple keywords in the same search input field. For example if I have blog "I live in Ohio", ...
userden's user avatar
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Active Admin with custom filter on a non-table attribute

collection: users attributes: name, phone_no, email ActiveAdmin.register User do filter 'period', as: :date_range, label: 'From - To' end Above code works well for a date range HOWEVER, Below ...
cop's user avatar
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Rails ActiveAdmin custom filter

I have 3 models : User, Report and Invoices. class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :reports , :dependent => :destroy has_many :invoices, :through => :reports class Report < ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 answers

undefined method beginning_of_day for string with ransacker custom filter

I'm getting below mentioned error. any idea how i can fix it ? undefined method `beginning_of_day' for "2018-01-01":String /lib/ransack_ext.rb config.add_predicate old, arel_predicate: current end ...
kashif's user avatar
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Numeric custom filter with ransacker is not working

I am trying to make a new custom filter in ActiveAdmin of a rails application. When I put bellow code filter :premium_scenes_in it displays a input field as text input field (with option "contains", ...
naqib83's user avatar
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Custom ActiveAdmin Filter for Date Range - Complex Logic in Method

I am trying to create a custom ActiveAdmin filter that takes date_range as a parameter. Every solution I've found has been for excessively simple model methods. Is there a way to pass both ...
Emilia Flo's user avatar
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Filter by multiple hstore keys in active admin

I'm trying to add a custom filter field for an hstore field. In activeadmin: filter :by_title, label: 'Title', as: :string In model : ransacker :by_title do |parent| Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation....
Benoit's user avatar
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How to add filter by calculated value to activeadmin?

I have accounts that can be in block. account.rb has_many :blocks block.rb belongs_to :account Block model has fields blocked_at and unblocked_at. I need to filter accounts that are (were) in ...
nobilik's user avatar
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Ransack not to filter issue

I have a filter in ActiveAdmin resource page: filter :active_in, label: 'Active', as: :select, collection: ['All', 'Yes', 'No'] and ransacker for it: ransacker :active, formatter: proc {|value| ...
NeverBe's user avatar
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Ransacker and Arel on associations fields

I have Project::Contribution that belongs_to User, and User has_one User::Profile. first_name and last_name are fields contained in User::Profile I want to create a ransacker that would allow me to ...
Kernael's user avatar
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How to fix Ransack undefined method “_eq”, when using ActiveAdmin

NoMethodError in Admin::Transacoes#index Showing /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/bundler/gems/activeadmin-0ac35b7ff052/app/views/active_admin/resource/index.html.arb where line #2 raised: undefined ...
Walter Filho's user avatar
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Custom filter in rails ActiveAdmin using ransack

I have created an activeadmin filter that has the following choices on filtering the table data in its drop-down menu. Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D I want to add a fifth choice F that ...
dpesios's user avatar
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undefined method `all' for Ransack::Search<class: Post, base: Grouping <combinator: and>>:Ransack::Search

I'm new in ruby and rails, I want to ask a question. I'm getting error: undefined method `all' for Ransack::Search<class: Post, base: Grouping <combinator: and>>:Ransack::Search The ...
Berty Chrismartin Lumban Tobin's user avatar
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filter on child model attribute in the parent model #activeadmin #json field

I have 2 models, say, User and UserProfile. User has one UserProfile. The UserProfile has a json column named 'details' with 'age' as one of the keys. I need a filter in the User index page with ...
Prasad Surase's user avatar
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How do I create a custom ActiveAdmin filter?

I tried creating a custom filter using ActiveAdmin with Ransack in Rails 4, like this: Create a ransacker in the User class. ransacker :by_group, formatter: proc { |v| data = User.with_role(v)....
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
2 votes
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Ransack + FlagShihTzu + Active Admin don't play well together

I'm using the brilliant gem flag_shih_tzu to create bitwise boolean flags on a single integer column without requiring a separate DB column for each flag. I have loved this gem for many years now, ...
Bill Doughty's user avatar
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Custom ActiveAdmin filters

I'm using ActiveAdmin and I'm trying to implement my own filters. Filter by day/week/month Filter by price (virtual attribute), greater than and less than businesses.rb filter :period_eq, as: :...
leemour's user avatar
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Using Ransack to generate custom Active Admin Filter

I am looking to create a custom filter that will search other tables data based on the associations I have set up, I have achieved this within my view but cannot transfer this to a custom filter with ...
Richlewis's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails using active_admin and ransack, paging error on a active_admin:resource

The error: Collection is not a paginated scope. Set[:page]).per(10) before calling :paginated_collection. unless collection.respond_to?(:num_pages) raise(...
Jackal Cooper's user avatar
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Adding Numeric Range Filtering to ActiveAdmin

Greetings and Happy Holidays 2015 -- I tried to add numeric range filtering per the excellent blog post by Boris Stall. I'm running: Rails 4.2.4 Ruby 2.2.3 ActiveAdmin 1.0.0pre2 I keep running ...
Hunt Norment's user avatar
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Date filtering is not working on Rails - Ransack, Activeadmin

My application uses Rails, Activeadmin and Ransack. Recently I've noticed that the date filtering is not working correctly. I've also checked on controllers separate from Activeadmin and the problem ...
bnussey's user avatar
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Activeadmin: how to filter for strings that match two or more search terms

Let's say I've got User class with an :email field. And let's say I'm using activeadmin to manage Users. Making a filter that returns emails that match one string, e.g. "smith", is very simple. In ...
dB''s user avatar
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Rails. Active Admin filter, based on model method

I want to create Active Admin filter that is using my model's instance method. My model's name is simply Item and this model has method used_in_widget?, that returns true / false of course. Now, I ...
Tomasz Giba's user avatar
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Custom filter in ActiveAdmin using 2 level array

Currently I have a Case model with the filter: filter :specialty, as: :select, collection: Specialty.order(:category, :name) The filter dropdown shows this: category1 - name1 category1 - General ...
JCC's user avatar
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How can I create an ActiveAdmin filter that will show only objects without a value specified?

I am using the latest ActiveAdmin and I am trying to create a filter for a model that has a belongs_to relationship with another model, and therefor has a column litigation_canonical_docket_event_id ...
Eric's user avatar
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How can I use pg_search capabilities from ActiveAdmin filters?

I am using ActiveAdmin (the latest version) for an interface to my data. I am looking to implement some full-text search functionality and I'd like to try to use pg_search rather than SOLR or ...
Eric's user avatar
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activeadmin custom filter that contains 2 words on the same attribute

I am using Rails 4.2 with activeadmin 1.0.0.pre1 and postgresql 9.3. My model attribute is a string. Right now if I filter for "invoice 2011" it will give me results that contain "invoice 2011", ...
daniel's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin custom filter causes Ransack error

I have a ActiveAdmin column that I would like to filter by as a string. However when I enter this code on /app/admin/user.rb (the page where I would like the filter): filter :name, as: :string I ...
Ace's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin: Filter by count of child objects

In a Ruby on Rails app that heavily relies on ActiveAdmin, I have a Sponsor model, which is associated with a Sponsorship model. One sponsor can sponsor many children, so one sponsor can have many ...
azangru's user avatar
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Rails+ActiveAdmin - filtering with ransacker throws an error PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near ","

I have a project on Ruby on Rails 4.1.4, using activeadmin 1.0.0.pre from git://, pg 0.17.1, PostgreSQL 9.3 In the project I have these models: class User ...
chaimann's user avatar
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How to search for a substring in a custom filter in ActiveAdmin?

In the past: A model User has a string filed first_name. If I write filter :first_name in ActiveAdmin model it would display a drop-down besides the input field with the options Contains, Equals, ...
Alexander Popov's user avatar
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Using a ransack filter to adjust join conditions

Consider this model: Merchant: id: int name: string Purchase: id: int merchant_id: int created_at: datetime Transactions: id: int purchase_id: int amount: decimal Then, I've got an ...
Pelle's user avatar
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Custom ActiveAdmin filter for Date Range

I need to create a custom ActiveAdmin filter for a Date Range which belongs to another resource. I want to filter a list of users by a date range of when they completed a survey. I've declared a ...
Sebastian Sibelle's user avatar