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DropZone implementation with multiple file types + Carrierwave

I have searched a lot for a straightforward way or example to integrate Dropzone into my existing ActiveAdmin application that already uses carrier waves for single file upload But I'm not able to ...
Matey Johnson's user avatar
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make files uploaded with carrierwave accessible only to activeadmin users

I am uploading some files with carrierwave class Document < ApplicationRecord mount_uploader :pdf_file, MyPdfUploader class MyPdfUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base storage :file def ...
Petros Kalafatidis's user avatar
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CarrierWave multiple images in ActiveAdmin

I have multiple images uploader for a model use carrierwave. [![show do attributes_table do row :icon do |res| image_tag res.icon.url(:icon) end row :desc_images do |res|...
Albert.Qing's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails : Background CSS Image from Database

I want to create a picture management through my ActiveAdmin administration panel. I use Carrierwave to upload images from my administration panel, however I fail to display these images as ...
Emilien Lecoffre's user avatar
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upload and show multiple images in cloudinary using carrierwave

I have a form field as below through which I can add multiple images at once. I am uploading image in admin panel which uses active-admin gem. form(html: { multipart: true }) do |f| f.inputs do f....
Shishir's user avatar
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Mulitples images upload using carrierwave & cloudinary Got only 1 item stored in my Json array

I got no error message and everything seems to be good but as you can see as result the json column Images of Country model store only le last image of uploaded files. I cant understand why is not ...
Jordan Mcn's user avatar
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Why I need to select image again after validation failed

I have two models class ComfortFactorSubCategory < ApplicationRecord has_one :image, as: :imageable, dependent: :destroy validates :heading, presence: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :...
Asnad Atta's user avatar
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Carrierwave Image Upload & Rails 5 undefined method `map'

I usually always used Carrierwave with Rails <=4, but am now working on a Rails 5 project. I can't upload images anymore and I am getting multiple errors (Tried in ActiveAdmin (undefined method map ...
zer02's user avatar
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Multiple Photos Upload Using ActiveAdmin + CarrierWave

I am trying to upload multiple photos using carrierwave and activeadmin gem. But the problem is Rails says there is Unpermitted parameter: photos, even though I have added photos to permit_params of ...
rabingaire's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin + CarrierWave & Multiple Uploads: no implicit conversion of nil into String

Good day. I'm working on adding multiple uploads to my rails 5 app with ActiveAdmin & Carrierwave. As of now, I'm receiving the following error: no implicit conversion of nil into String ...
troxwalt's user avatar
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undefined method `Include' for ImageUploader:Class (NoMethodError)

I'm currently setting up Active_Admin so the user can create an article and can upload a picture to illustrate it, using Carrier Wave (way too much problems with PaperClip). Everything is working fine ...
Jaeger's user avatar
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Audio tag doesn't work in Active admin, Ruby on Rails

I'm have a model named Point which has :audio field related to carrierwave for uploading audio files. I'm using ActiveAdmin to create a new point. I'm trying to show point objects in active admin, ...
Azat Tezekbaev's user avatar
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Carrierwave Multiple File Uploading - Active Admin

I have a page which i can add attachments. I wanted to add multiple files during browsing so i added the :multiple => true method on my input, so it looks like this during this input: f.has_many :...
Rails Coder.'s user avatar
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activeadmin carrierwave multiple input: preview existing picture

I implement native carrierwave multiple uploaders to activeadmin. Images saving to database correctly. And I can preview existing image in FORM for single input, this way: f.input :background, :as =&...
b.zvyagintsev's user avatar
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Carrierwave thumb method doesn't work for remote image url

I have a model with two fields img_file (to load from computer) and img_url (to load remotely from internet). I have a standart thumb method in my ulpoader. version :thumb do process :...
Daria Voronova's user avatar
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Rails ActiveAdmin with carrierwave

I am using ActiveAdmin with rails 4 and it is working fine. When I add an item, I am taken to the index page listing the new item/items and the filters on the right side. Also, there are the email and ...
Kiko's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin with CarrierWave and multiple file upload

EDITED: I added the solution at the end. I followed the alestuber's instructions exactly, the multipart trick helped me to get working with upload of multiple images successfully. But I still get ...
Glauber Santana's user avatar
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How to implement multiple selection with ActiveAdmin on Rails 4

I have two models called Project and ProjectImage, and each project has multiple project-images. I want to have a form with ActiveAdmin that lets you select and upload multiple images at once. This ...
koki's user avatar
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Cannot upload a file in activeadmin

I have a basic file upload with carrierwave: uploaders/image_uploader.rb: class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include CarrierWave::RMagick storage :file def store_dir "...
Benjamin Crouzier's user avatar
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Link to image uploaded for a Post object in ActiveAdmin?

I can successfully create a Post in ActiveAdmin, and I can successfully upload an image to go with it. Now, my issue is that while the "Post#show" action will tell me the path to the image, I would ...
elersong's user avatar
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Rails activeadmin/carrierwave has_many photos relationship throwing mass-assignment exception

I have a model BlogPost defined as class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :body, :photo, :photos_attributes, as: :admin has_many :photos, class_name: 'BlogPhoto', ...
Adam Bronfin's user avatar
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Active Admin with carrierwave

I am using active admin with carrier wave. I am facing problem in uploading image using active admin. I already have an image in my public/img folder named as banner.png. Now I want to override that ...
user3496835's user avatar
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activeadmin carrierwave image hint not displayed

HI I am using active admin with carrier gem. I am unable to view preview on image upload in hint my image src is always empty i.e f.template.image_tag(f.object.image.url) is empty I can see image ...
Rigel's user avatar
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Duplicating Carrierwave images makes them darker?

I have an Event model that has many photographs. I have an image uploader mounted to the Photographs attribute, and regular uploads and everything is working fine. However, when I try and duplicate ...
RustComet's user avatar
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Rails 4 not displaying conditions when uploading images with carrierwave

I am doing a website for a PR agency, and they have multiple clients (called cliente). Each of these clients has an image gallery (called cliente_photos) of their own. I am using carrierwave and ...
jppag's user avatar
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Trouble downloading uploaded file carrierwave

I currently am using carrierwave to upload files to active admin. The way I have it now, I can successfully upload files. The problem now is that I cannot download the files once they are uploaded. ...
user2184718's user avatar
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Legacy Database CarrierWave Integration

I am having legacy database Rails 3.2 & ruby 1.9.3p448 I wanted to develop active_admin back-end application I wanted use CarrierWave File Uploads gem for uploading image Following is my code in ...
user3094168's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin deleting attached CarrierWave images on form submission

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. File uploads are working but if I submit the form without selecting a file to upload it deletes the previously attached image(s). Here's what the ActiveAdmin ...
Ryan Linton's user avatar
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Image's don't load when Heroku Dyno Restarts

I am having a strange issue that I haven't come across before and can't seem to find any additional information about it online. I am running an app on a free instance on Heroku. With Heroku free ...
Tom Pinchen's user avatar
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Carrierwave - show thumbnail in ActiveAdmin after upload with remove/delete link

I use ActiveAdmin to upload featured images to posts. It works but after I save the post, and click on edit, the image field is empty, although the image is still attached to it. What I want to ...
Allanon's user avatar
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active_admin and adding multiple images to gallery

I'm using active_admin and carrierwave gems. Have two simple models: class Image < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :gallery_id, :file belongs_to :gallery mount_uploader :file, ...
Marcin Doliwa's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin loses image when validation fails

I've just installed ActiveAdmin and created a form like: form do |f| f.inputs "Details" do f.input :title f.input :published_on, as: :datepicker end f.has_many :images do |images_f| ...
Klaus Turbo's user avatar
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ROR + ActiveAdmin + Carrierwave, editing after uploading multiple images

I have a ROR application running ActiveAdmin and using CarrierWave to upload images. I got a model: Product, which allows for multiple ProductImages. All seems to go quite fine when just adding a new ...
Kasper's user avatar
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ActiveAdmin and Carrierwave with :has_many

I'm getting totally crazy right now. I have 2 models: project and screenshot: create_table "projects", :force => true do |t| t.string "name" t.text "description" t.boolean "isactive" ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Rails 3 Carrierwave How to delete file which is an attribute of a model?

I followed the Railcast #253 and works great. But then I implemented it with ActiveAdmin and therefore Formtastic (ActiveAdmin uses ...
leonel's user avatar
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Use Carrierwave with Active Admin

Did any of you guys manage to get Active Admin with Carrierwave working? When I installed AA everything worked fine but the image file upload fields were plain text fields so added following: ...
Klaus Turbo's user avatar
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