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abap MM01 get class for material

I am working on an enhancement in transaction MM01. I need to perform different actions depending on a class assigned to created material. Does anybody know where can I find an information about the ...
Mikołaj Mrożewski's user avatar
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BAPI_RE_RO_CHANGE enhancement for custom authorization

I need to implement an authority check through an authorization object whenever calling the BAPI BAPI_RE_RO_CHANGE or changing the unit status from screen REBDRO. Please explain the steps if this ...
Mahmoud Farid's user avatar
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SAP ABAP Loop over internal table1 copying 1 column to a second internal table2 corresponding column on same index

I have a BAPI with importing parameters: Header line from Purchase order document and itemdata which is an internal table containing 1 or more Purchase Order (PO) positions. Those PO positions have 5 ...
MarcL's user avatar
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Using BAPI_OBJCL_DELETE sometimes delete equipment class, sometimes not

I am trying to delete an equipment class using BAPI_OBJCL_DELETE but when running in debug mode, the class gets deleted but it doesn't get deleted in normal mode. I am using below program to delete it....
Anjali Sinha's user avatar
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How to upload PM order confirmation : actual data using BAPI in SAP

How to upload PM order confirmation actual data and post goods movement using BAPI in SAP ? I tried to use a lot of BAPI but it didn't work like this: MAP2E_RIWOL_TO_ALM_ORDER_OLIST , ...
A-G's user avatar
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On an on-premise we have option to call BAPI for CRUD operations. How can we achieve the same in SAP cloud environment. For example I am trying to find solution to post FI documents from external API ...
AbapDesign4Future's user avatar
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Names of RFC parameters are unique?

I am working on an interface for communicating with SAP RFC functions. I have some questions regarding parameter hierarchy and uniqueness of parameter and table naming to which I can't seem to find an ...
SwissEngineer's user avatar
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Is there a way to fill BAPI X structure automatically?

I am trying to create an API allowing user to change certain fields of a notification. The changes will be written using a BAPI BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_MODIFY. I have ls_struc1 that contains all fields I ...
Fleich89's user avatar
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How to get employee transport and accommodation allowance?

I am working on one of our HR system which have integration with SAP, I am using SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.0 and it's working fine for getting basic employee data using BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETDATA ...
Naseer Ahmed's user avatar
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Behaviour of RETURN parameter of BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE?

I am using bapi_goodsmvt_create to post in migo transaction code. The parameter return is not returning any value when the postings are successful. Is return supposed to return only error messages? Or ...
Saronee Das's user avatar
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BAPI or FM for Promise to pay creation?

I'm working with Promises to pay in UDM_SUPERVISOR transaction and I need to upload Promise to pay data using BAPI/FM from an excel file. There is a data migration template which will include all the ...
Yash's user avatar
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Any workflow assigned to 531 and 261 movement types?

Follow-up question of BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE in parallel mode causes "plant data of the material XXX is locked" error. As I wrote in above question - I'm currently improving program by using ...
Park Chan Seul's user avatar
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BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE in parallel mode causes "plant data of the material XXX is locked" error

Currently, We're developing mass GI posting by parallelism, to reduce work time dramatically, because we have to post GI item about 300k+ at one day. Problem I know there is a restraint about ...
Park Chan Seul's user avatar
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BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE with multiple material numbers and same PP order?

As I know of, When you're using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE at the same time(by loop or just coincidence), Using same material number puts you an error about locked object (Material XXXX is locked by USER ...
Park Chan Seul's user avatar
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SYSTEM_FAILURE when updating PO through excel VBA

I am trying to update the date and quantity for a Purchase Order in SAP ERP (ME22N). The first line in the excel sheet gets updated, however, it does not work for the lines after that. I get the error ...
Mathew Jose's user avatar
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How to update custom fields in PLM project definition?

I am required to create a custom report that bulk uploads the PROJ table, that has around 8 custom fields that have been created by a Fiori app, the data to be updated would be provided as a CSV file ...
Bhanu's user avatar
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Update SD condition records using FM/BAPI

I am trying to update DATBI field of A* pricing condition tables using the data coming from excel file.I have tried below approaches but unable to update the entry as DATBI is key field. It creates ...
CoderW's user avatar
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Serialized calls to BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE and roll area

TL;DR: If you use BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to create multiple co-dependent movements and one of them is a transfer posting, then you need to use a wrapper - per SAP note 369518. If there's no transfer ...
Pilot's user avatar
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BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE error "Enter material number or account assignment category"

I am using the BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE to upload the contract orders in ME31K. For Testing purpose I maintained all the parameters which is relevant to above BAPI in SE37. But system is showing the error ...
Anouar Mhj's user avatar
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Which BAPI to use to update ADRC table?

Is there any way to write or insert data into ADRC table by using BAPI from outside the SAP?
Pradhuman Dhakad's user avatar
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BAPI to get customer company?

Customer company is stored in KNB1 table. I tried with BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2, seems it does not expose company code. Instead of it, company code is the bapi input. I am looking for a BAPI that can ...
swemon's user avatar
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How do I block storage bin for putaway in S4HANA?

I need to block a bin other than the bin determined during creation of the warehouse task - bin adjacent to the determined bin. I can manually block the storage bin for putaway via /SCWM/LS02 like ...
erik's user avatar
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How to remove batch number on delivery?

I need to remove the batch number (LIPS-CHARG) on the delivery item and tried with BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE without success. I can change the delivery quantity (LIPS-LFIMG) correctly with this BAPI ...
J. Montenegro's user avatar
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BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE throws type exception

I'm having trouble using the FM BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE. As soon as I execute my report, an exception is thrown by the FM. Following is the dump of the exception. An exception occurred that is ...
Diego's user avatar
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Mandatory parameters for BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE call?

After hours on hours of googling, I fail to find the solution to my problem. Goal Create a simple Excel application to post "return delivery" for multiple material documents in SAP. My ...
Havard Kleven's user avatar
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How can I get all the messages from the return table after calling BAPI_USER_CHANGE?

I'm having an issue with an ABAP task which wants me to do the following: Select all the active users from the system Use bapi_user_get_detail in order to get some personal information about those ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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How to get data from another system

I need to get some data from one system to another. So far, I used the function module (FM) RFC_READ_TABLE where I filled all required fields and got data that I needed from another system's table. ...
Shushi's user avatar
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SAP Credit note - Item data texts (language issue)

In credit note, in item data section, there is a tab with Texts. Those credit notes are created by report/application where you upload file, then hit simulation and release mode button. Those 2 ...
Shushi's user avatar
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How to build a call graph for a function module?

A while ago during documenting legacy code I found out there is a tool for displaying call graph (call stack) of any standard program. Absurdly I wasn't aware of this tool for years :D It gives fancy ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
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Create note in MB51 with GOS objects programmatically

Im working on creating a material document movement (MB51 report) and then creating a note to it. So far Im finished with creating the document and returning the document number. And now I need to ...
Jiri Zaloudek's user avatar
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Attach file in MB51 with GOS objects programmatically

Im working on creating a material document movement (MB51 report) and then attaching document to it. So far Im finished with creating the document and returning the document number. And now I need to ...
Jiri Zaloudek's user avatar
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How to fetch work order data using Pyrfc?

I'm using pyrfc to connect to SAP. I need to download work order data and sales order data. I've been using the 'RFC_READ_TABLE' function, but I don't seem to be able to get what I need. Can someone ...
Shend's user avatar
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Creating documentary batches programmatically with BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE?

Summary of the problem Automatic Documentary Batch handling through custom ABAP code My employer wishes to perform automatic documentary batch handling on some products from external vendors, and I'm ...
Halcyon's user avatar
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PM Order change status to TECO - BAPI - VB ABAP

My code ends with the MsgBox "TECO FuBa Call false!". The LogOn and Logout functions are working fine, and when I test the function module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN via SAP GUI transaction code SE37, ...
Bytecarousel's user avatar
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How to find the required tables of a BAPI function?

I'm new to SAP and studying calling some predefined BAPI function using JAVA. I have a question. I open the function BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA2 in SE37. In it, I found import and tables. The ...
kk luo's user avatar
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How to trigger user-exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_020 via BAPI or FM?

I'm creating and updating my PM notifications via BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE and BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_MODIFY respectively. BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE triggers user-exit EXIT_SAPLIQS0_017 (QQMA0025), but ...
Dorien De Wallen's user avatar
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Add new emails Customer at XD02 from CALL METHOD cmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi

I need to add a new email address on customers in XD02 from an xls. That's all ok, but, when I CALL METHOD cmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi this really change the email but delete all the emails on XD02, ...
Guilherme Monteiro's user avatar
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Create outbound delivery with different shipping address

I've searched for days and found nothing. My problem is, that I have to create a return delivery out of an QM-Report. Everything works fine. However, the customer wants to change the delivery address ...
SacrumDeus's user avatar
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How to update Z fields with BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE parameter EXTENSION2?

How to update Z fields with BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE using EXTENSION2? I tried to update some Z fields in LIKP table using the BAPI to update deliveries but after call it any changes wasn't made. ...
EdgarMorales's user avatar
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How to get MIGO data via FM or BAPI?

Is there a BAPI or FM to get the data on the MIGO screen? I'm talking about the data it retrieves when pressing the execute button. I tried debugging the code, but it doesn't seem to call a BAPI or ...
Dorien De Wallen's user avatar
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BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE does not make changes

I am call BAPI BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE to update sales order and need to changed the edatu at item level, the return of the BAPI is that the sales order is changed but no changes are made. i am ...
Umar Abdullah's user avatar
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Exception raised after posting gl account data to bapi_incominginvoice_create1

I get an exception raised after posting gl account data to bapi_incominginvoice_create1. This is my gl account data: DATA : it_glacnt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_incinv_create_gl_account, ...
Krishna Santara's user avatar
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Is BAPI an interface or a conversion tool as per RICEF?

I initially thought BAPIs were categorized as an interface, however, after reading about BDC on the scn wiki, I learned that BAPIs should be used over BDC when bringing in data whenever possible. "...
Bilal Saleem's user avatar
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Change Payment Block programmatically in MIRO tcode?

Is it possible to change the payment block via a BAPI, FM or code?
Eric S's user avatar
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BAPI for getting material and order BOM?

Is there a BAPI for getting material and order BOM? Function modules won't help as those can't be called remotely.
Sameer Kanikdale's user avatar
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Data creation via BAPI is intermittently inoperative despite committing updates

I have the following case: I'm creating transports documents in a LOOP (using BAPI_CREATE). After this loop, if everything is fine, I call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT (and wait = 'X'). After that, I ...
Saros Begh's user avatar
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BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN not working intermittently

We are facing one issue where the work order is not getting cancelled in production environment. This is happening intermittently. We have used BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN for cancelling the work orders. ...
Chiranjit Bhowmik's user avatar
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How to create work order and assign notification through BAPI?

I would like to use the BAPI BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN() in order to create a work order and assign an existing notification to it. The following does not work: ls_methods-refnumber = 1. ls_methods-...
paolo's user avatar
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SD_SCDS_CREATE cannot create with FKART

I need to create a document cost with shipment type Z003 (requested by client). Whenever I give the FM the FKART = Z003 does not work. If I remove the parameter it works but creates it with Z001 type. ...
Arvio Bjedi's user avatar
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How to assign notification to work order through BAPI?

I would like to assign a notification to a work order. The following does not work: * Fill method structure ls_methods-refnumber = 1. ls_methods-method = 'SAVE'. APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods....
paolo's user avatar
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