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2 answers

System.Text.Json: Sort by key Hashtable?

I am serializing my object using a simple: var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true, IncludeFields = true}; string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj, options); File....
malat's user avatar
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Can't return multiple object on core web api

I can't return an integer and an IEnumerable from my Web API. IEnumerable has vm classes. This is Response.cs: using System.Collections.Generic; using TheMPDB_API.DataClasses; namespace TheMPDB_API....
TheKralGame's user avatar
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.Net 5 Web Api, default System.Text.Json serialization is replaced by Newtonsoft.Json without specifying in startup.cs

How to avoid System.Text.Json to be replaced by Newtonsoft.Json, when send response from controller. When i testing my application i found json serialized by Newtonsoft.Json without specifying any ...
Rahul Raj's user avatar
2 votes
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.NET 5 - Json Serialization with comma as decimal separator

Is there a way to serialize a JsonResult in a controller considering the current locale? In my case when the language is set to italian I wish separator for decimal values was ',' instead of '.'. ...
LNyarla's user avatar
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.net5 secrets.json not being used locally

I have a .net5 web app in which I am trying to add a secrets.json file so I have right clicked and created the file - in my project file I can see: <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>net5....
Pete's user avatar
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Deserializing to an object and an array of objects using RestSharp

I have an API, that either returns an object1 with Status code Ok or an array of object2 that contains error messages with Status code that is not Ok. For eg: Case of good response: { "...
Ash K's user avatar
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2 answers

How to modify value of a property in a json text in C#?

I have a service that receives some data with random structure in JSON format and persists these data in a document-based database. I have no control over sending services and there are some sensitive ...
Navid_pdp11's user avatar
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How to send large json data with Jquery Ajax Post in .NET 5

I have data in Razor page then i want to send data to MVC Action with jquery as this. $("#SaveData").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var _models = new Array(); ...
enderaric's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Exclude Fields from Navigation Property

I am trying to learn .NET 5 with using ASP.NET Core 5. These days I am working on a blog project that developing with ASP.NET Core 5 MVC & NLayer architecture. This project uses Entity Framework ...
ATK's user avatar
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How can prevent dotnet core SignalR json serilizer from generate invalid json format

I create web-app with .net 5 and use SignalR for real-time communicate. but when I send message to client with SendAsync() like this: await _hubContext .Clients .Group(...
Ali Qamsari's user avatar
3 votes
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Returning Large Object in .Net 5 Getting Error: The JSON value of length 204472564 is too large and not supported

I have a webservice that gets an SSRS report as a byte[] array and returns it as a class object with some other data (ids, sucess message etc...). It works fine for any report under 100 MB. However ...
J.Cart's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Serialisation of custom type inheriting Dictionary using System.Text.Json does not serialise other properties

I have the following type: public class Product : Dictionary<string, object> { [JsonInclude] public string ProductId { get; set; } public Product(string productId) : base() { ...
Develorem's user avatar
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Customise Json Serialisation of properties per class

The new System.Text.Json serialiser supports setting a naming policy as follows: var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = myPolicy } However these options are applied ...
Develorem's user avatar
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Problem returning Results in JSON from Web App .Net Core 5

Good afternoon colleagues, I have the following problem. I am developing a project in ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 5) And within it I have the call to an API, the APIs return the values ​​in JSON without ...
Daniel Lazarte's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I create a report on the fly by passing a Json string?

I have designed a report using the Community Designer, and, during design I used a JSON string as my data source. I understand I can point a different datasource when instantiating my report during ...
Artur S.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Function with HTTP trigger fails to bind model from JSON payload (.NET 5 out-of-proc )

I am running an isolated process function that is failing to bind the input model from the JSON payload. This is my function: [Function("AddChip")] public async Task<HttpResponseData> ...
Antonio Dlp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Bind a complex type property to a primary type

Suppose I have a ViewModel in .net core client, public class MyViewModel{ ... public List<MyClass> NamesList{get;set;} ... } where MyClass is defined as below, public class MyClass{ ...
Maddy89's user avatar
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4 answers

Custom error response for incorrect json. Dotnet Core Web API

Is there a mechanism for returning a custom error response if an invalid type is given to a WebApi in Dotnet Core? E.G. if I have a class that looks like this public class SomeApiClass { public ...
scottdavidwalker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Parse 24-char hex value in json string as BsonObjectId

I am trying to implement the following flow in a .NET5 Web API (rest endpoint). Receive mongodb query as json string Convert json string to BsonDocument Use BsonDocument to query MongoDb collection ...
atlan's user avatar
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1 answer

Throws an exception on a return while get another table data through foreign key in .NET 5 Web API

Doctor detail include into patient object in this method but it return a exception. [HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetPatient")] public IActionResult Get(string id) { ...
Aaqil Ahmed's user avatar
1 vote
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JSON Response Formatted Odd

I would appreciate help if possible with this. I've come to expect JSON payloads in a particular format and I do not yet know why it's not returning as such. The payload is including fields for $id ...
John Lee Hedge's user avatar
2 votes
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Change Blazor JS interop Serializer Settings

I am looking to see how to set the json serializor converter settings when you call _jsRuntime.InvokeAsync method. The method it self doesn't take in any json serialization settings. I believe you ...
Travis Pettry's user avatar
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3 answers

Asp.Net Core Keep default output formatter after adding custom

I'm using Net 5.0. I added custom Output formatter for ObjectResult. var result = new ObjectResult(list) { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK }; result.Formatters.Add(new ExcelOutputFormatter()); ...
Tundy's user avatar
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How to deserialize JSON text on the fly in C#

I am reading/receiving blocks of bytes from an async function which I buffer in a MemoryStream and then deserialize to a C# object. public async Task<Message> Read() { byte[] ...
Preli's user avatar
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C# .NET5 Single File Application Read and Parse Json / Txt or other file formats from directory

I am reading files on .NET Framework like this: string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"sources\settings.json"; string jsonResult = File.ReadAllText(path); return JsonConvert....
fatihyildizhan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

JsonConstructorAttribute in System.Text.Json (but not Newtonsoft.Json) results in exception when property and constructor argument types differ

Given a Base64 string, the following sample class will deserialize properly using Newtonsoft.Json, but not with System.Text.Json: using System; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; public class ...
Xorcist's user avatar
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.NET 5 + Custom appsettings.json - The SPA default page middleware could not return the default page

I have a C# .NET5 Project with ReactJS (VS Project Template for C# projects). If I do not change appsettings.json and launchSettings.json everything works fine (localhost DEV and also TEST server ...
Jan Sršeň's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

HttpRequestData wraps body in { "json" : "" }

I am trying to set up an .NET 5 Azure Http function that takes a request with a json body and outputs it to the logs. using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker; using ...
Kevin Brydon's user avatar
  • 13.1k
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1 answer

.Net5 backend receives empty JSON

I implemented a simple server with .Net5 and an Angular frontend. My api works with post man but only if I set Content-Type equal to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. When I use Content-Type equal to ...
Edo2610's user avatar
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.NET 5 WebApp can not load multiple configuration json files

I have these json configuration files: appsettings.json -> common configuration { "AllowedHosts": "*" } and appsettingsAmbiente.json -> specific environment ...
CyberGuerro's user avatar
1 vote
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Dynamically create JSON object using JSON Path in C#

I have a list of key-value pair of json property path and its value, Key: $.orderNumber Value: "100001" Key: $.orderedOn ...
Umair Anwaar's user avatar
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How to deserialize quoted nested object using System.Text.Json in .Net 5

I got this two classes public class RootObj { public int a { get; set; } public SubObj sub { get; set; } } public class SubObj { public int b { get; set; } } The JSON string to be ...
Jiruffe's user avatar
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Parse JSON with indexes in property name to list

Dealing with a JSON response similar to this, some of these responses can be up to 500+ items. { "name1": "Paul", "address1": "123 paul lane", "...
Coomanperson's user avatar
5 votes
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System.Text.Json.Serialization Does not appear to work for JSON with NESTED classes

How do I define a class that works using only System.Text.Json.Serialization? Using Microsoft's new alternative to Newtonsoft deserialization does not currently work for nested classes, as all the ...
ASAP's user avatar
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How would I create the data models for my JSON string in .NET Core 5.x

I am trying to follow along with this: This is my JSON string I need to ...
Brian's user avatar
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2 answers

System.Text.Json.Deserialize can still not handle TimeSpan in .NET Core 5?

I have the following TimeSpan JSON string genereated from JsonSerilizer.Serialize<TimeSpan>(MyTymeSpan); : jsonString= {"Ticks":1770400500000,"Days":2,"Hours":1,&...
Banshee's user avatar
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How to deserialize nested timespan property with System.Text.Json?

I am trying to deserialize json data with System.Text.Json utilizing converters. The raw content of the http response shows that the json contains valid data The converter to deserialize the content ...
Marcus Runge's user avatar
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Unable to Deserialize Json in WebApi with JsonSubTypes in .NET 5, although able to in Console App

I am trying to implement polymorphic deserialization in my project's web api. I have the following base and derived class. Base class [JsonConverter(typeof(JsonSubtypes), "PointType")] ...
EyreCraggs's user avatar
3 votes
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System.Text.Json - How to deserialize immutable objects with ReferenceHandler.Preserve?

I found out how to use System.Text.Json with immutable objects using the [JsonConstructor] attribute (see: How to use immutable types), and separately how to preserve references with .Net 5. ...
Xuntar's user avatar
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.NET5 JsonPatchDocument.ApplyTo throws when add or replace

I got a problem with my JsonPatchDocument object, which can Remove value from the field, but cannot add/replace it. My controller code is as following: [HttpPatch] [Route("{layersGroupId}")] ...
Genotypek's user avatar
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Deserialize json with data property to a list of objects to what is inside the json array

I try to deserealize it to return to javascript only the data property which is a list. My controller class which returns the json to javascript: public ActionResult<IEnumerable> GetCourseThemes(...
Misael Arreola's user avatar
-2 votes
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(De)serializing child JSON attributes into class properties

Let's say I have a controller which accepts the following JSON: { "propA": "val1", "propB": { "propC": "val2", "propD&...
metacubed's user avatar
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34 votes
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How to use default serialization in a custom System.Text.Json JsonConverter?

I am writing a custom System.Text.Json.JsonConverter<T> to upgrade an old data model to a new version. I have overridden Read() and implemented the necessary postprocessing. However, I don't ...
dbc's user avatar
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how do i pass a datatable from a .net core 5.0 web api to an angular front end as json?

My old .net core 2 web api project used newtonsoft to serialise a datatable to json which I then passed back to a front end (angular) site as json ie using something along the lines of: Create a ...
SteveR's user avatar
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Custom JSON Generic Type Serialization not working

I am using the new .NET serialization classes from System.Text.Json to deserialize a JSON response from a restful endpoint. The structure of the response is: public class RemoteCallResultDto { ...
arlvin's user avatar
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.NET 5 System.Text.Json configure [FromBody] to avoid deserialisation error with non-string dictionary key

I'm migrating a project from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson to System.Text.Json. I couldn't do this in .NET Core 3.1 due to dotnet/runtime#38056 as some of my models contain properties of ...
Keith's user avatar
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