I am trying to get Java and Pi4j to work on my new Rasperry Pi 4 B.

I followed pi4j's instructions exactly. With jbang or maven I have same problem.

The pi4j-example-minimal ist compiled and packaged without errors. When I try to run it I get the error: [main] ERROR com.pi4j.library.gpiod.util.NativeLibraryLoader - unable to load [llibgpiod.so] using path [lib/aarch64/pi4j-gpiod/libgpiod.so]

There is actually no /lib/aarch64/ directory on the computer und nowhere I can find a file named libgpiod.so

I'm really disappointed that not even the Minimal-Example works. Can anyone help me and tell me, what is going wrong!

Thanks in advance! Andi

My system:

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev. 1.5

Pi4j-basic-os on the sd-card (new from today, updated)

java version openjdk version 17.0.13 64 Bit Server

jbang version 0.119.0

I did the following:

git clone https://github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-jbang

Downloaded the pi4j-example-minimal from github

sudo which jbang Pi4JMinimalExample.java

Same problem when I did it with maven

  • Is that library installed? sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep libgpiod
    – g00se
    Commented Oct 29 at 11:50
  • Apparently not - no output.
    – Andi Riese
    Commented Oct 29 at 17:02
  • 1
    Well it's not going to work without it. I suggest you look very carefully at the installation instructions
    – g00se
    Commented Oct 29 at 17:16
  • I'm working with Maven for the first time - I thought Maven takes care of all dependencies now ???
    – Andi Riese
    Commented Oct 29 at 21:04
  • Maven (usually) doesn't take care of native code. Only Java code
    – g00se
    Commented Oct 30 at 15:07


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