ActiveAdmin v4 supports importmaps.
How can I add custom JS to ActiveAdmin via importmaps?
The following solution is from:
It merges Rails and ActiveAdmin importmap config that was previously separate. Extending the ActiveAdmin config is also possible (see below) but it breaks some functionality.
config.importmap.paths << ActiveAdmin::Engine.root.join('config', 'importmap.rb')
pin 'chartkick', to: 'chartkick.js'
pin 'Chart.bundle', to: 'Chart.bundle.js'
import 'active_admin'
import "chartkick"
import "Chart.bundle"
Eject ActiveAdmin views via bin/rails g active_admin:views
Replace ActiveAdmin JS import tag in app/views/active_admin/_html_head.html.erb
<%= javascript_importmap_tags %>
The other views can be removed.
This works for adding packages, but when making changes to JS files the whole server would need to be restarted.
ActiveAdmin v4 has its own layout and importmap separate from the app's default config/importmap.rb
and app/javascript/application.js
Edit ActiveAdmin's importmap in config/initializers/active_admin.rb
ActiveAdmin.importmap.draw do
pin 'chartkick', to: 'chartkick.js'
pin 'Chart.bundle', to: 'Chart.bundle.js'
pin 'active_admin_custom', to: 'active_admin_custom.js'
Restart rails when AA's importmap is modified.
Create your own app/javascript/active_admin_custom.js
(which will function like a custom application.js
for ActiveAdmin):
import "chartkick"
import "Chart.bundle"
Eject ActiveAdmin views via bin/rails g active_admin:views
Add JS import tag to app/views/active_admin/_html_head.html.erb
<%= javascript_import_module_tag "active_admin_custom" %>
The other views can be removed.