For my plugin I want to get the users input from a custom anvil UI. When a player enters a command, it opens a custom anvil UI where they can enter a string by renaming a item. When they press the item in the output slot I want to get that name so I can process the entered string in my code.
I have tried to do this with the spigot-API, but when I click on the item in the output slot the event is triggered but the whole anvil inventory is reset before I can get the name of the clicked item.
public final class Test extends JavaPlugin implements Listener
public void onEnable()
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
getCommand("openGui").setExecutor(new Command(this));
public void OnInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e)
if(e.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof MenuHolder)
//gets input from user from the display name of the clicked item
String input = e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().toString();
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Users input: " + input);
//cancels and closes the custom anvil UI
public class Command implements CommandExecutor
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String s, String[] args)
if(sender instanceof Player)
Player player = (Player)sender;
//created a new Anvil Menu
Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(new MenuHolder(), InventoryType.ANVIL, "Custom menu");
//adds a custom item with no displayName to the input slot of the new anvil menu
ItemStack paper = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
ItemMeta paperMeta = paper.getItemMeta();
inv.setItem(0, paper);
//InventoryHolder class to easily identify custom Inventories
public class MenuHolder implements InventoryHolder
public Inventory getInventory()
return null;
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e)
if(e.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof MenuHolder)
//Test 1
if(e.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof MenuHolder)
if(e.getCurrentItem() != null)
ItemMeta input = e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta();
if(input != null)
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Users input1: " + input.getDisplayName());
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("CurrantItem ItemStack does not have a ItemMeta");
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("CurrentItem does not have a item");
//test 2
if(e.getView().getCursor() != null)
ItemMeta input2 = e.getView().getCursor().getItemMeta();
if(input2 != null)
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Users input: " + input2.getDisplayName());
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Curser ItemStack does not have a ItemMeta");
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Curser does not have a item");
when pressing the inputslot(slot 0):
test1 = Users input: (The default set string)
test2 = Curser ItemStack does not have a ItemMeta
when pressing the outputslot(slot 2):
test1 = CurrentItem does not have a item
test2 = Curser ItemStack does not have a ItemMeta
public class MenuHolder implements InventoryHolder
public MenuTypes menuType;
private final Player player;
public MenuHolder (MenuTypes menuType, Player player)
this.menuType = menuType;
this.player = player;
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
public Inventory getInventory()
return null;
public void onPrepareAnvilEvent(PrepareAnvilEvent e) {
AnvilInventory inv = e.getInventory();
if(e.getResult() == null)
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("result was null");
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("result does not have a item meta");
e.getView().getPlayer().sendMessage("Wrote: " + e.getResult().getItemMeta().getDisplayName());
from within a clickEvent. Probably not the cause of the problem though.e.getCursor()
would get the item that's currently in the cursor. If you call that, does it hold the data of the clicked item, or is it also blank?