I am trying to use Terraform to spin up a Cloud DNS managed zone Terraform Codefor my domain (popchop.org), however I keep getting this error enter image description herein the Terraform Apply command where it asks me to verify I own the domain. I click this link and do the steps to add the txt custom record to my domain in Square space like below:


However, even after 48 hours I am still unable to apparently verify I own this domain and get the following error: Ownership error in Google site verification

Also when I try and nslookup for my domain, I can't see anything which I think is unusual: enter image description here

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I've read around and watched some YouTube videos but still got no idea

  • 1
    You've uploaded 3 images of errors: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/285551/… without adding any of the error text to your question. You have also not included any of your Terraform code in your question.
    – Mark B
    Commented Aug 18 at 15:42
  • Hi Mark, See edit now for my terraform code. The error messages are already in the post as screenshots
    – Popchop3
    Commented Aug 18 at 19:00
  • Please read the link in my comment, for the reason StackOverflow does not accept screenshots of error messages.
    – Mark B
    Commented Aug 18 at 23:14


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