I'm currently working on a Laravel project that uses Telescope, Horizon, and Socialite. I've implemented a strict Content Security Policy (CSP) that disallows inline scripts, and I want to secure these packages by adding a nonce to any inline scripts they generate.
Problem: It still show "Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive". I'm even try to staticly put the nonce like "private-nonce" but it still blocked
Environment: Laravel Version: 10.x Packages: Telescope, Horizon, Socialite CSP Implementation: Custom middleware for CSP header
What I've Tried: Adding Nonce in Blade Templates:
I’ve added a nonce to my own inline scripts and styles in Blade templates by generating a nonce in middleware and passing it to the views.
$nonce = base64_encode(random_bytes(16));
View::share('cspNonce', $nonce);
Then, im copying file from vendor to my resource folder , then I used the nonce in the templates like this: blade
nonce="{{ $cspNonce }}"
href="{{ asset(mix($cssFile, 'vendor/telescope')) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
// some html code
<script nonce="{{ $cspNonce }}">
window.Telescope = @json($telescopeScriptVariables);
Applying Nonce in CSP Header:
My CSP header includes the nonce:
$csp = "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-$nonce';";
im stuck here for two days, any guidance or examples on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!