You can find weighted shortest paths using one of the GDS path finding algorithms. The algorithms expect the costs to be a relationship property, so to include the properties from the nodes in the path, you would have to add them the relationship properties as part of the graph projection (it won't modify the relationships in the database, only in the projected graph).
Here is a trivial graph to illustrate, where the cost on the nodes are properties e
, and the costs on the relationships are properties d
CREATE (a:A)-[:R {d: 1}]->({e: 2})-[:R {d: 1.5}]->({e: 1.3})-[:R {d: 1}]->(b:B {e: 2}),
(a)-[:R {d: 1}]->({e: 11})-[:R {d: 1}]->(b)
First project a graph where the property cost
of the relationships is the sum of the d
of the original relationship and the property e
of their target nodes:
MATCH (source)-[rel]->(target)
RETURN gds.graph.project(
{ relationshipProperties: { cost: rel.d + target.e } }
) AS g
As an example, here is how get the shortest distance between nodes with label A
and nodes with label B
using Dijkstra:
MATCH (source:A), (target:B)
sourceNode: source,
targetNode: target,
relationshipWeightProperty: "cost"
YIELD path